Why Bush Should Resign
Mr. Bush please resign, because it is only a matter of time before you are impeached. One would think that you would be more considerate and compassionate toward African Americans, especially since your being President relied on an African American organization counseling you as troubled young man. Apparently they did not do such a good job since now you are a troubled grown man. This is troubling to me with the position you hold, and seem to becoming troubling to the Right Wing Radicals who put you in the position you are in to create “One World Order”, and to protect Haliburton and the world oil resources. For crimes you and your regime have committed against African Americans, Muslims, I and the World should ask that you immediately resign, upon your return from Asia. I and hope we will ask that upon your resignation we impeach Cheney the real ruler in your administration. You and your entire regime should be detained under the “PATRIOT ACT”, for treason and other high crimes committed against humanity by you and these criminals.
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