When will Blacks receive Justice in America?
Black soldiers today have less freedom and liberty than the colored soldiers of yesterday. Bush is using them in Iraq to confiscate the oil in Iraq again implementing his “reverse robinhood” policy in Iraq as his economic policies are implemented in the US. These policies benefit the right wing radicals, Haliburton, Bush and his cronies while these Black soldiers will return to join with the rest of the population with minimum wage jobs and put in their place,while being the last to be hired and the first to be fired or laid off. These Black soldiers who have died protecting the 100,000 dollar Haliburton employees who will return and reap the benefits of Iraq and the Black soldiers’ only benefit will be the same society they left behind, “No white child left behind”, “selective law enforcement”, (DWB), and the lack of economic parity for Blacks, (BWB), see http://www.bankwhileblack.blogspot.com , http://www.blackamericaweb.com/site.aspx/bawnews/jpmorgan
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