A Reply to an Article in USA Today (12-16-05) re; 1 in 20 Adults Lack Basic English Skills
A Reply to an Article in USA Today (12-16-05) re: 1 in 20 Adults Lack Basic English Skills
This article touched on blacks’ improving since 1992. Blacks skills overall will not improve until segregation ends in this country. When I began school in the early ‘40s, and being black, we were given books that the white kids had used, misused and besides outdated. We were taught by teachers to not to use ain’t because ain’t ain’t right. Historic Black Universities and Colleges (HBUC)’s have students graduating saying they are dumber now than when they enrolled. This is due to a system where many of these HBUC’s have Regent Boards who are predominately white who set standards derogatory to black students. They allow science students to get a degree in Biology with only 32 units, knowing that the minimum requirement is 60 plus to get into medical school. These and other racist procedures are cared out throughout our educational system geared to leave no white child behind. Black honor students in high school are counseled to go to junior college, in order to leave slots open for sub-standard white youths. We diminish the civil rights legislation and replace it with ‘Affirmative action’ in order to give the little rights obtained under the civil rights legislation to white’s. Affirmative Action mandates that fewer blacks are allowed to enroll in our major Universities, and more whites’ are allowed to enroll in HBUC medical and nursing schools, leaving blacks further behind as planned. If a black and their parents (my grandfather a Slave), are denied an education as my father, with a system as when I graduated from high school un-equal and un-fair, how can one expect my offspring to compete when little opportunities are available to an entire group in our society, economically, socially, or educationally. I conclude by saying something is wrong with this system and it just “ain’t” right. Thing may improve if we......
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