Bush the “Compassionate Conservative”
Who supports the likes of William “Bill” Bennett who wants to abort all Black babies, but want to reject Roe vs Wade? Who supports Pat Robinson who wants to assassinate those who support people of color? Who supports Israel who wants to extinguish all Muslins? Who supports affirmative action as long as it benefits whites more so than those it was intended? Who supports to keep all Black children behind as long as whites are not left behind? Who supports keeping the Katrina victims poor and powerless since his Ron Brown character failed to carry out his task fully as intended? Who supports un- educating Black youths, making them only qualified to fight his racist war? Who intended to use these Black troops to protect his white Haliburton civilians, making $100,000 being protected by African American troops, with armor and equipment that could be penetrated with a BB gun? To demand that these African Americans go on refueling patrols using broken equipment, with no protection, and to refuel helicopters flown by predominately white pilots, being in little danger to use chemicals, 500 lb bombs, etc. to kill innocent Iraqi civilians.
This compassion is being implemented while his dysfunctional family, who none committed any brave act or shed blood for this country. Bush’s compassionate conservatism is to “ask not what this country can do for you”, but what you are willing to give for Bush and protecting the world oil reserve. Our aim should be to rid the world of Bush and his lack of compassion for humanity. We need to come together, now and not later and out Bush so that the United States and the world can move on to make this a better planet to live and let live.
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