If Bush’s war is to continue any further, than this is how it should be manned by Americans. First of all those troops who do not believe in our purpose for being in Iraq and believe they should not risk life and limb for this illegal aggression, should be taken out of harms way immediately. There should be no problem in replacing them with “true blooded Americans”, Caucasian consercutives who believe this country is their, and all its resources. They must sacrifice their sons and daughters who will mainly receive the spoils of Bush’s War. We should allow the poor, deprived who are now suffering, to return to this racist society and at least live in poverty but yet have a “possible?” chance at the American dream. This may be possible if they can possibly survive the racism, discrimination supported by the news media, the Bush administration, industry, churches and the majority of this society. It is un-Christian (and certainly un-Christ like) for this administration to allow this illegal act of aggression to begin, must less proceed. Bush should be impeached, his daughters and the sons and daughters of Congress and Senators, to include all those who supported the U.S. invading a sovereign country to provide their love ones for Halliburton and the leading “oil junkies” to un-necessarily invade Iraq at the risk of our brave troops. We need to force Bush to resign, and charge Cheney for treason and other high crimes. Cheney should receive greater punishment because he is intelligent enough to know better. Congressman Murtha certainly speaks on my behalf.
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