RICO Charges
Mr. Ellis mentioned in a posting here that..."Recently charges were made that the Catholic Church should be charged or prosecuted under the “RICO” act. In my opinion so should the Bush Regime."....
I agree 100%. In fact, to the best of my knowledge, this has already happened. A New Hamshire woman, who is also a 9/11 widow, has been running an anti-administration campaign for years know. Part of that campaign was charges filed under the RICO act against Bush, Cheney and others in the administration. In fact, there have been quite a few legal actions taken against the Bush administration. The problem is they are bogged down in court. One of the problems that is going on is the use of the legal system by the Bush administration to further their cause. Using tools like "classified information", "National Security" or the very effective "gag order"; critics, whistle blowers and the opposition have been silenced.
Is anyone out there familiar with the "Able Danger" data mining program, it's whistleblower and what the Pentagon knew at the time? You have not heard much about that recently have you?
We need more agressive legal action here. In addition, someone strong enough to represent that aggressiveness. I'm thinking someone along the lines of William Kunster. Unfortunately, Bill is dead, but we need his kind of will to fight this kind of battle.
National security is definitely a big issue here. The problem has been (in terms of the 2 party system), is that the Democrats are looking at the wrong side of the issue. The Republicans are using the issue (and very effectively); while the Democrats (under fear of appearing "unpatriotic") are not able to "expose" the issue for what it really is. Crimes against humanity, killing of US citizens, a dismantling of the US labor system as we know it, electronic surveilance of U.S. citizens, and other grim events are part of these people's agenda. One of the consequences of this is that if we are not able to turn this around, things like electronic surveilance will be common and widespread. The custom will become part of the culture of americana. Example: Soon private companies and corporate structures will implement these tactics under the pretext that if the government can do it, than they can also. If you think the novel "1984" was scary, that is nothing compared to what's coming down the road.
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