Don't let this "son of a bush" appoint another racist
This administration’s actions are harmful to my son who serves with the 82nd Airborne in Iraq, harmful to all who serve, many being minorities who will never benefit from the spoils intended if successful. If this administration continues to doll out such benefits to its special interest, which are 99% Caucasian, such spoils will go to the upper l% of the rich.
Congress, the American People, and the world should insist that a resolution be negotiated immediately in the UN, allowing other nations to assist, and use Muslims to assist in resolving Muslim problems. This administration need to look at the discriminatory actions it implements and enacts on Blacks and others in this country prior to offering freedom to Iraqis.
A partial solution would be to ask the UN to take charge of Iraq immediately. After doing so they should take charge of the Blacks in the US Army, have them come to the homeland and protect Blacks Human Rights in this country from this Administration, Ashcroft, and a justice system that is so unjust.
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