Friday, January 27, 2006

We need to keep the Patriot Act until we can impeach the “son of a bush”

If we are to rid this country of terrorist, traitors, and unsavory characters that exist presently in this country, than we must keep this act as stated until the Justice Department can investigate all these characters, to include (Bush, Cheney, and Rove) for exposing a CIA Officer, detain them in Asia ( a part of the African Continent) hold them until an International Court can convene, treat them as any other criminal and implement all the provisions of the PATRIOT ACT before any further harm can be caused to this country and the World. The sooner we take above action, than the sooner we will be able to regain the freedom and liberty our Troops are fighting and dying for in Iraq. This Justice Department should not let our Brave Troops die in vain, and this Justice Department owes our Troops. Our Citizens, and the World freedom and justice for All. After the threat is past, we should get rid of this ACT. Meanwhile we need to filibuster Alito and impeach Bush.


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