Friday, June 09, 2006

The Fate of the Black Man in America. With “outbush” things may improve.

That fate is to be a victim of discrimination, unjustly imprisoned, and finally “terminated”. Blacks born in America will all receive this fate, if they survive Iraq and Bush’s War. Now he nominates racist Alito to promote a life of discrimination for African Americans. Arrest Cheney, impeach this ‘son of a bush’ and make the world a better place in which we all may live in peace and harmony.

“RICO” ACT violations of the Bush Regime
Recently charges were made that the Catholic Church should be charged or prosecuted under the “RICO” act. In my opinion so should the Bush Regime. We need Amnesty International to file charges against this administration, for committing terrorist acts against Iraq, killing innocent civilians, causing untold physical, mental and financial loss to a sovereign nation. This was done with a plan to replace a repressive regime with another repressive regime, with no benefits to the Iraq people or the world. For his crimes Bush should resign, and than be impeached, tried by an international body, locked up and treated as any other terrorist under the “Patriot Act

Why Bush’s “Reverse Robinhood” policy is failing in Iraq
It is strange that most consecutives are beginning to anger at the problems this administration is creating for this country, when there are lesser evils than those committed in Bush’s first appointment. They benefited from no white child being left behind. They benefited from the “Reverse Robin hood” tax cut. They praised the occupation of a sovereign country Iraq. Possibly are they angry at Bush because he screwed up, and it appears they are not going to rob Iraq and its people of the most valuable commodity oil? I hope these robber barons fare better in the after life.

Bring Black Troops home,
To serve in the US to protect the homeland and our human rights, being violated by the Bush Regime. I recently spoke to an African American Marine Officer, who was disturbed about how Black Marines are being treated prior and during Bush’s illegal occupation of Irag. He related to me that if it wasn’t for the low ranking Black Marines who were being discriminated against, and he felt they needed his help, he himself would resign. For this and other reasons Blacks serving in the armed services should not become solders of fortune, but instead should be assigned to protect the human rights of African Americans, and all people regardless of color or faith. This country should also realize why Blacks are not obligated to shed blood for this country. They will not be able to share in the spoils and benefits if any are derived from this invasion, and others. They nor their love ones in their life time will receive equal opportunities in this country. For Blacks to receive the discipline basically the military have to offer, and minorities are so much in need, I would suggest that they recruit Blacks, keep them in safe positions state side and not allow them a weapon, because they may use it against those they perceive to be their enemy.

Just say no! Ask what is in it for you or your family. Ask how will your family or love ones benefit if we win or lose in Iraq? Ask can you or your love ones gain fair employment, managerial positions or ownership in Halliburton and other industries who are beneficiaries of this illegal occupation? Then make a truthful statement to your commanding officer and the press as to how you are probably discriminated against by your superiors. I would suggest you then offer them your weapon, after realizing who your enemy maybe. Upon your return to America, ask bush how his appointing Alito a racist to the Supreme Court will improve Blacks freedom and opportunities in this country. Bush’s Justice Department enforces regulations when Caucasians are the victims, and refuse to do so when the victims are Black. See: Most Republicans are racist, which don’t mean that all racist are Republicans. Alito is a racist and a Republican which should mean he should not be a judge. America needs judges who are just and fair to All.

Mr. President, my name is Walter Ellis. I have written you on several occasions. I have asked why you don’t send your love ones to Iraq? Recently I received an appointment as Honorary Chairman of the Republican Business Council. As an African American businessman, being successful during Democratic administrations, and going bankrupt during Republican administrations, I yet agreed to serve due to my commitment to African Americans; many who you let perish in New Orleans. Since I have been invited to meet with you, but do not wish to be seen with you. I would like for you to understand that my son is scheduled to be deployed for the third time to Iraq. Before you send him this time we will discuss this matter. The end results will be he will deploy after your daughters serve their term in Iraq on the battle field. I served 4years in the Air Force with a honorable discharge, and never once went AWOL. I have since rejected war and especially illegal occupations. I await your written reply.
His daughters, nieces, nephews and the rest of his dysfunctional family to include, him and his wife to Iraq to fight the “bush war”.

Bring Our Troops Home
I keep thinking of the poor parents of a teenage boy who recently died trying to leap out of his car at 30 mph. He was trying to imitate the stunts like those on the movie "Jackass" while his friends filmed him. My heart goes out to his parents. My son was in Iraq driving a humvee on the most dangerous highway in Iraq---Rocket Propelled Grenade Alley--- for 11 months. Needless to say, I was worried sick and thought a lot about what it would mean if he died. Thank God he made it through---and it wasn't easy - four from his battalion didn't make it home. During the past year while working to support my son and his fellow soldiers by asking to bring them home and take care of them when they get here-I met many, many parents and spouses who did have the worst possible thing happen to them: they lost their son or daughter, husband or wife in Iraq. Cindy Sheehan was one of the mothers I met several times. I can tell you that she is a genuine and caring person. And I can tell you that she is really is trying to find the meaning in her son Casey's death. She wants to meet with the president and ask him why her son died. I know her: and it is that simple, though many on the right are trying to make her out as some crazy liberal with other motives. I also have met two Vermont parents of soldiers who are asking the same question publicly: Why did my son die? I cried yesterday when I heard the father talk about his son who died in Iraq, distraught over driving by Iraqi children begging for water on the side of the road. I know too well why he had to drive by them, my son had to do the same thing so that he could live. What are experiences like this costing my son and others like him? I am sure that the parents of the teenager who just died trying that stunt are also at this moment asking themselves why he died. And I ask myself: is their son's death any more senseless than Casey Sheehan's death when he was looking for nonexistent WMDs? I see the tear-streaked faces of parents on the left and on the right and know that they are trying to make sense of their children's deaths. Thank God my son made it home and I have not had to face that. I pray that he will not have to return to Iraq, like so many of them have had to. This weekend at the antiwar rally in DC I met several parents and spouses of soldiers who are on their second and third tour. I met a mother whose son has been in Iraq for over 500 days. How can any of them possibly bear it? I know that some of the parents say their loved ones died for a noble cause. Looking for WMDS. Getting rid of Saddam. Freedom. Bush keeps changing the noble causes that they are supposed to be dying for. But for me, it is too hard to ignore the realities on the ground in Iraq and what our own generals are telling us about this war. We are not creating freedom in Iraq. We are not gaining in Iraq, we are losing ground, and no amount of denial or wishful thinking will change that. The noble cause that I will work for is the one of not letting one more innocent Iraqi or American soldier die in a war based on lies. We need to withdraw from Iraq and our mission needs to be one of completing peace and justice. As Cindy Sheehan said last Saturday in DC: "We in the peace movement need to agree on one thing: yes we need an exit plan, but it is not a strategy, it is a command. The command should be: have all of our military personnel and paid killer mercenaries out of Iraq within 6 months, and the generals carry out the command. Simple, it's not brain surgery, and I think it is so easy even George Bush can sign the order. We can't give the homicidal maniacs any wiggle room or long-term strategy sessions. For one thing, when our leaders strategize, we are put in even more jeopardy - they have proven that they are not too bright or even a little compassionate. But the most important thing is that people die every day in Iraq for absolutely no reason and for lies. We have to say NOW because the people on the other side are saying NEVER. We can't compromise, we can't say please, and we can't retreat. If we do, our country is doomed. We have to honor the sacrifices of our loved ones by completing the mission of peace and justice. It is time. Bring our troops home, NOW!" The definition of insanity is to continue to do the same and expect different results. Hanging in there doing the same thing in Iraq will not win the war and make everything come out all right. To withdraw from Iraq is not "cutting and running" it is "coming to our senses" and realizing that our leaders lied to us and deserve to be impeached and fired. And saying we are "cutting and running" is really just calling us cowards--which may work on the playground, or in Bush's 'challenged' mind, but doesn't work with us or the rest of the world. As one sign read this weekend: the whole world can't be wrong. And as far as my actions helping terrorists: our president and his entourage have created more terrorists by their actions way faster than we can kill those terrorists. It is the acts of this administration that is at fault for ruining the United State's reputation and honor world-wide, not my actions or those of the other people brave enough to stand up and say"No more! Enough! Not one more American soldier or Iraqi death!" Over 25 families were at the Military Families Speak Out meeting last Sunday in DC. During introductions, we were asked talk about their loved ones, many of who died in Iraq. It went on for hours. There is no room big enough--nay, the whole world is not big enough--to hold their grief, and I am profoundly changed by hearing their stories. And from those I heard, those who have made that ultimate sacrifice ---I heard these words: "End the war: bring the troops home now. Not one more life." The time for action is now. Not one more life. NANCY See:

Contact: Walter Ellis, 866 276-2294 June 9, 2006


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