Saturday, October 28, 2006

MUSLIMS resent America's style of democracy…. and should.
What the HEZBOLLAH have to realize is that they don’t have to worry about the US invading and occupying LEBANON. The US military lack minorities to feed to the fodder, with African Americans leaving the military in droves, due to the illegal occupation of IRAQ. American JEWS refuse to serve in the US Military, so you don’t have to worry about them. Since LEBANON lack large deposits of oil you can be assured that these Conservatives Cowards will never risk life and limb of the Reserves and National Guard consisting of Caucasians and their loves ones to invade a country without oil reserves. I suggest that the HEZBOLLAH tell the US led TERRORIST to tend to their affairs, while HEZBOLLAH protect LEBANON in order to keep principles and morals lacking in America.
Deploy Israel’s Army who are “Solders of Fortune” for the US.BRING TROOPS HOME NOW! Deploy Israel’s Army who are “Solders of Fortune” for the US.
Who Should Serve in IRAQ?
Instead of Israel having an Army, American JEWS should make up the bulk of America’s Force. Blacks should not risk life and limb to support a “JEWISH STATE”, when the JEWS have denied African Americans a STATE and REPARATION. Blacks are dying for Halliburton and Bush’s oil junkies and causes. If Bush’s war is to continue any further, than this is how it should be manned by Americans. Those troops, who do not believe in our purpose for being in Iraq and believe they should not risk life and limb for this illegal aggression, should be taken out of harms way immediately. Conservatives must sacrifice their sons and daughters who will mainly receive the spoils of Bush’s War. When we attack Iran – use conservatives and American Jews. Leave Blacks behind.


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