Its high time Americans began a dialogue over the long nightmare of human rights violations and abuse committed in our name. It doesn’t take a genius to discern that unqualified US support of Israel is undoubtedly one of the leading causes of anti-American sentiment around the world and one of the main reasons why America is targeted by the Islamic Jihadists. 9/11, to paraphrase Malcom X, was “the proverbial chickens coming home to roost.” - Frank, Student of Life (July 21, 2006; Los Angeles, CA)
Why should African Americans risk life or limb to gain freedom for the Israelites? It is apparent that Jewish Americans owned Slaves. African Americans were promised reparation. Instead of paying reparation to the descendants of Slaves, this country instead allocate billions of dollars in foreign aid to the descendants of Slave Owners. Bush should keep African Americans who are Muslim by birth out of this Holy War.
This president denies affirmative treatment of minorities at the same time asking them to risk their lives to protect the oil fields of Iraq, in order that he, Cheney, Bush Sr. and Halliburton can reap the spoils of Iraq’s natural resources. A country where this appointed president by the ruling Supreme Court uses the resources of his regime to deny voting rights to minorities and the disadvantaged, while asking these same individuals to give their life for what? The false statements and lies put out by this administration and Congress should be investigated regarding invading Iraq now, not later before any more innocent lives are lost both Americans and Iraqis. Bush should be held responsible for his criminal acts against a sovereign country. Bush should be treated as any other criminal if found guilty.This administration has gone too far, too long “with” the support of Congress for his illegal acts.Congress must act; the United Nations must act and act now before this president continue to lead this country down a path of certain destruction. is shameful and embarrassing that any soldier should have to risk life or limb for such a worthless cause that this administration has created in Iraq. Many of these solders, most being minority, risk life and limb prior to given citizenship. This is certainly “shameful”.
PUTIN: "We certainly would not want to have the same kind of democracy as they have in Iraq, I will tell you quite honestly".
Mr. President, This time please leave Blacks behind
When we attack Iran – use conservatives and their love ones. This time please continue to leave “blacks behind”. Those who will benefit from Iraq’s and Iran’s oil should join the military fighting force in order to protect their interest. Blacks and other people of color should remain free of this fight, unless they can see some future benefits for themselves. Blacks who serve in Afghanistan and Iraq, return to the USA and are yet denied equal opportunities in the work place. No Black soldier should risk life or limb for this world’s oil reserves. Upon returning after serving they will come back to conditions worse than when they left, with the conservatives eliminating educational funds, and any benefits that will benefit Blacks. This administration’s main goal is to reverse all benefits gained by the civil rights legislation and replace it with the type of affirmative action that will leave no white behind. If this “son of a bush” is to continue as an oil junkie he had better prepare his daughters and love ones for battle. Blacks are fools to follow this commander in chief.
1. democracy begins at home
1. US needs to end the "diopoly" of the Plutocrat and Hypocrat parties. Real democracy demands that there be effective representation of a far wider range of views, and their inclusion in the horsetrading and messy compromise process necessary to give all citizens a fair voice and a stake in the outcomes. A minimum of four significant parties would be required, probably more, but the key is to be sure that the operant mode is "inclusion", not "winner take all."
2. The next time that an honest president is elected, he or she needs to initiate the process of dismantling the imperial presidency, removing from the office, by statute or constituitional amendment, if necessary, most of the excessive power that has accreted to this position over several centuries. Step number one would be removal of the title, "Commander-in-Chief" of the armed forces, and the attached power that has been so thoroughly abused for several generations.
- livinginBushland, psychologist (July 09, 2006; Chicago, IL)
Comment Regarding "African Americans Not Allowed To Choose Leader"
Let me remind you that one individual's opinion on one skin color does not extend to the rest of his colleagues.
Take into account the fact that the majority of opinions against black men and women are sparked by black men and women who pull what my mother refers to as the "race card" when things do not exactly go their way.
Take Omarosa from The Apprentice. Enough said.
And a word to the individuals who point a finger at the government for newspaper articles that point a finger at black men and women and call them "looting", then point a finger at white men and women and call them "finding": Grow up and go after your local newspapers. In no way is our government going to stand up and say that calling a black man a "nigger" is a violation of his consitutional rights; they have to take into consideration that alot of black men call white people "crackers", and that we have such a thing as First Ammendment Rights, regardless of whether that free speech offends or degrades another human being. - Joshua Peterson, Non-Partisan (July 11, 2006; Tucson, AZ)
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