Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Why Bush Should Be Impeached

The United States’ Army cannot and will not be successful in bringing peace or democracy to Iraq and its people. Our success would first require that our agencies and Army be prepared for occupying this or any foreign country, especially one that we are not familiar with their language or customs. It is obvious that the United Nations (UN) is the only agency that is equipped to take on the task of rebuilding Iraq.
Our neglect and ignoring the African and Muslim world has created a vacuum that cannot be overcome over night. This neglect is an extension of the neglect of Blacks in America. This administration ignores the plight and customs of Blacks and minorities in America. This and previous administrations have discriminated against minorities in its security agencies to such an extent that past and present practices have caused the lack of the ability to investigate this quagmire being created in Iraq. Minority groups in this country have sued the FBI/CIA and every intelligence agency in this land of the free for discrimination. These agencies and their practices supported by the present administration in particular, need to be investigated by the UN for its violations of human rights and equal opportunities. How could anyone expect the Iraqi people to welcome administrators from the Bush regime and believe they will be treated fairly, when the present and past practices of this administration to discriminate against all people of color throughout the world. With the U. S. in charge the Iraqi people can only look forward to being lead by an occupying force which is as bad or worse in how they treat their citizens, particularly those of color. Those Iraqis who are not Caucasian must beware of the rights awarded them based on treatment that Blacks and minorities receive in America.
The denial of equal opportunities by the U.S. in its security and intelligence agencies of people of color, no matter of religious beliefs, has led to the problems we face in the Muslim world. This problem alone is so grave and insurmountable that each day, hour and minute we continue this illegal occupation of Iraq, puts my son and so many others in harms way for reasons and causes not worthy of lives lost and will continue to be lost.
I demand that for the safety and protection of my son and all our troops that Congress demand that the UN is petitioned to immediately take over the occupation and rebuilding of Iraq with full support of the U.S. Bush should be impeached for his criminal acts, and for putting our troops and others in harms way.
I ask that the UN investigate and bring appropriate charges against Bush and this administration. I demand that Congress and the UN fully investigate this administration and not allow another invasion to occur without UN sanction. This occupation must end now. The UN must take control now not later. Congress must act now before it is too late. The UN must perform its duties now before dictators such as Bush achieve his goal of Caucasians ruling the world. If help is not received from Congress and the UN, I ask that the Civil Rights Organization, Black and Muslim religious organizations, join with me in asking all Black and Muslim soldiers and civilians to refuse to support this illegal occupation of Iraq.

What will it take for this administration to discontinue the risk of life and limb of our precious young men and women?
It is obvious that we are fighting a losing battle. The Iraqi people object to our occupation of their country. The Muslim population objects to the US and England occupying their country. The majority of Black soldiers resent risking their lives for freedom which is denied here in the United States of America, where Caucasians are forever free, and Blacks are yet enslaved. A country where Caucasians reap the benefits of slave labor. A country where Blacks suffer the highest percentage of unemployment, other than representing 34% of our fighting force, while yet being discriminated in advancement in the military and in all phases of the work force. A country where 20 % of the population is Black; a country where 60 % of the prison population is Black. A country where this uncompassionate president condemns other regimes for civil rights violations, while he himself allows our citizens, who many of us love and care for, to be unjustly imprisoned and put to death in a system that is so unjust to minorities.
A country where this president denies affirmative treatment of minorities while at the same time asking them to risk their lives to protect the oil fields of Iraq, so that he, Cheney, Bush Sr. and Halliburton can reap the spoils of Iraq’s natural resources. A country where this appointed president by the ruling Supreme Court uses the resources of his regime to deny voting rights to minorities and the disadvantaged, while asking these same individuals to give their life for what? The false statements and lies put out by this administration and Congress should be investigated regarding invading Iraq now, not later before any more innocent lives are lost both Americans and Iraqis. At the same time the United Nations should take over the occupation of Iraq, hold Bush responsible for his criminal acts against a sovereign country and treat him as any other criminal if found guilty.
This administration has gone too far, too long “with” the support of Congress for his illegal acts. Congress must act; the United Nations must act and act now before this president continue to lead this country down a path of certain destruction.
It is shameful and embarrassing that my son or any soldier should have to risk life or limb for such a worthless cause that this administration has caused to be put in place in Iraq.

President Bush’s intent to not seek a role for the UN in the reconstruction of Iraq is a grave mistake. All Americans and the world should seek to impeach Bush for his flagrant disregard for human life in this mission of conquest and his quest for oil. My son serves with the 82nd Airborne in Iraq. This administration has put his life and the lives of all who serve in jeopardy for fraudulent reasons. They used lies to sell this war to the public so that super-rich corporations could get even richer by securing multi-billion dollar contracts in Iraq even while our soldiers were engaged in active combat. A disproportionate number of our soldiers are minorities. They and their families will never benefit from the profits of war. If this administration continues to doll out contracts to special interests, 99% of the spoils will go to the upper 1% in corporate America at the expense of the American taxpayer.

Congress, the American People, and the world should insist that a resolution be negotiated immediately at the UN allowing other nations to assist in the rebuilding of Iraq. In particular, Muslims should be at the forefront in helping to resolve problems in Muslim nations. UN oversight of the reconstruction would be a positive first step towards the goal of Iraqi freedom and self-determination.

Prior to attempting to liberate Iraq, the administration needs to look at its own discriminatory policies enacted in the United States. Perhaps once the UN helps resolve the situation in Iraq, they should take charge of the Blacks in the US Army and have them come home to the United States to safeguard Human Rights for Blacks and minorities in this country and protect them from this Administration, From Mr. Ashcroft, and from a justice system that is so unjust.


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