Cindy Sheehan,
If you have an audience with Bush ask him in addition to the precious loss of life of your son, will he address my and millions of others concern regarding his anti-Black policies. Also ask how he as a deserter went in the reserves because he wasn’t willing to shed blood for this country. (The same reason I joined the Air Force because I didn’t want to shed my blood for this country)That he takes privileges and equal rights opportunities from minorities while simultaneously asking these same individuals to give their life for oil in order that this administration can continue to oppress, in the name of creating a democracy in Iraq. A country that doesn’t want and should not want the type of Democracy the Bush regime intend to provide.
As of today, we should demand that each and every African American, Hispanic and any other soldier that doesn’t support the war in Iraq, be sent immediately home for other assignments. Rumsfield states that most of the troops support what we are doing in Iraq. That being the case we should have sufficient bodies left to die for a cause they believe justifies and allows the innocent to attempt to fulfill their aspirations which is limited in this country for minorities in particular. This is a manner in which Bush and Rumsfield can truthfully say our troops support his occupation of Iraq. Those who support remain; those who do not support come home now. In order to protect those brave troops who remain, we should ask Congress to give the necessary financial and all other support to include protective equipment in order that many others will not die in vain. These actions should take place immediately, prior to the impeachment of this regime.
January 4,2004
"The world is better off with - "
Saddam Hussein is no longer ruling Iraq. This administration's occupation of Iraq, after being supported by previous Republican administrations, indicate how far oil junkies will go to achieve their goals. Many brave soldiers and innocent Iraqis have and are continuing to lose their lives daily due to this administration's quest for oil and "One World Order". An administration that spent billions of dollars years before attacking Iraq with intent to attack at a given time; an administration: that did not have the foresight to educate their intelligence agencies and armed services the language, and culture of the country to be occupied. A president and commander of our armed forces, whose main goal was to avenge his father and a person who would like to appear as a Texas cowboy, rather than the diplomat that this country need as a leader. A war on foreign soil "cannot" be won without proper preparation and tools for such an adventure.
This president never was and never will be qualified to lead this country. This president represent only a small segment of this country, the radical right, and will never be allowed to represent the mass of Americans and certainly not the world as a whole with its diverse population which includes, Muslins, Asians, Africans, all of which this administration treat as the enemy.
These faults in Bush would make one think that the world would be better off without Bush.
For my son and others sake, bring the troops home. It is already too late for too many.
January 4,2004
What are the goals of this Administration?
If defeating terrorism could be achieved by cutting off the funds from the terrorist than why wasn't this used long ago, rather than war? If diplomacy is the best practice, than why did we not use such before Iraq in particular? My opinion is that both tactics were not used due to this administration's pre-planning to occupy Iraq, believing they could first threaten the military and later buy them out, using the capitalist approach that works in this country to achieve political power, including buying re-elections. The bribery approach will not be successful where the masses of the people live by principals and morals that don't exist in this country to a great degree.
There is a great problem in offering a country democracy and freedom, modeled on the United States who's majority population (minorities) cannot realize freedom in the year 2004.
If Bush intended to sell human rights to the Iraqis, he should not have allowed those brave committed Black soldiers, who are in favor of "freedom and justice for all" to explain the rights not given Blacks in this country.
This administration received support winning the election, supported by religious radicals, radical conservatives, and those such as Ashcroft who do not believe in interracial marriages, is against gays and violate the laws and regulations instituted by civil rights regulations and affirmative action. This administration's take on affirmative action is if it doesn't benefit Caucasians more than Blacks then it should not be enforced. Then they send my son and many other Blacks in harms way to protect this system for freedom and justice for white people.
Because of Ashcroft's and this administration's stance on interracial dating and marriage, has allowed the predominately Caucasian law enforcement to profile interracial couples more than before. Their method of harassment is to cite and arrest on site. My position as a truck driver on the nation's highways will soon
come to an end due to such treatment when I travel the highway with my wife of 38 years, who has the appearance of being white. These law enforcement officers are allowed to act out their prejudice, knowing they have the full support of the judicial system, the Supreme Court and this administration in particular.
How can we continue to allow our soldiers, Black or white, to die for what? It is obvious we are not going to be accepted by the Iraqi population in our attempt to occupy.
We should pull out, ask the United Nation to take control, and realize that the Iraqi people have and will be better off without this administration, and its occupying force.
Before we attempt another Iraq or Afghanistan, Congress should make a resolution that we must prepare our intelligent agencies, by hiring and training Arabic speaking personnel that can speak and understand the culture of the people they are attempting to assist. The racist attitude of our intelligence
agencies won’t allow the United States government to investigate criminals in this country. We are still supplementing those deficiencies by prosecuting and harassing sports figures, and pop artists who are Black in order to show that law enforcement, supported by the Bush regime intend to keep Blacks in their place. These acts are successful due to media support, who themselves are instrumental in the conspiracy.
Congress must take action to force this president with such narrow views to curtail the occupation of Iraq. We need a policy where our concern should be that this country's military should only go to war for moral and righteous purposes. Now that we know, as we knew before the occupation that there was no immediate threat to this country, we are obligated to withdraw immediately, and implement diplomacy, rather than allowing our soldiers to continue to be killed: and maimed for a blunder made by this Texas cowboy that doesn’t have any idea how to right this gross mistake and crime against humanity.
Now is the time to decide whether we are going to support chaos as we now have or peace and prosperity for not only Iraq, but the world, and this can only be achieved "without Bush" and this administration. We need to get rid of this entire administration, the sooner the better for "most" in the United States and the entire world.
Walter Ellis
A truck driver who is suffering from this racist system, who needs his son who is in Iraq after serving in Afghanistan, to come home safely and assist in fighting for equal rights and opportunities for Blacks in this country that this administration is against.
October 24, 2003
President Bush’s intent to not seek a role for the UN in the reconstruction of Iraq is a grave mistake. All Americans and the world should seek to impeach Bush for his flagrant disregard for human life in this mission of conquest and his quest for oil. My son serves with the 82nd Airborne in Iraq. This administration has put his life and the lives of all who serve in jeopardy for fraudulent reasons. They used lies to sell this war to the public so that super-rich corporations could get even richer by securing multi-billion dollar contracts in Iraq even while our soldiers were engaged in active combat. A disproportionate number of our soldiers are minorities. They and their families will never benefit from the profits of war. If this administration continues to doll out contracts to special interests, 99% of the spoils will go to the upper 1% in corporate America at the expense of the American taxpayer.
Congress, the American People, and the world should insist that a resolution be negotiated immediately at the UN allowing other nations to assist in the rebuilding of Iraq. In particular, Muslims should be at the forefront in helping to resolve problems in Muslim nations. UN oversight of the reconstruction would be a positive first step towards the goal of Iraqi freedom and self-determination.
Prior to attempting to liberate Iraq, the administration needs to look at its own discriminatory policies enacted in the United States. Perhaps once the UN helps resolve the situation in Iraq, they should take charge of the Blacks in the US Army and have them come home to the United States to safeguard Human Rights for Blacks and minorities in this country and protect them from this Administration, From Mr. Ashcroft, and from a justice system that is so unjust.
U. S. Congress/United Nations
November 4, 2003
What will it take for this administration to discontinue the risk of life and limb of our precious young men and women?
It is obvious that we are fighting a losing battle. The Iraqi people object to our occupation of their country. The Muslim population objects to the US and England occupying their country. The majority of Black soldiers resent risking their lives for freedom which is denied here in the United States of America, where Caucasians are forever free, and Blacks are yet enslave. A country where Caucasians reap the benefits of slave labor. A country where Blacks suffer the highest percentage of unemployment, other than representing 34% of our fighting force, while yet being discriminated in advancement in the military and in all phases of the work force. A country where 20 % of the population is Black; a country where 60 % of the prison population is Black. A country where this uncompassionate president condemns other regimes for civil rights violations, while he himself allows our citizens, who many of us love and care for, to be unjustly imprisoned and put to death in a system that is so unjust to minorities.
A country where this president denies affirmative treatment of minorities while at the same time asking them to risk their lives to protect the oil fields of Iraq, so that he, Cheney, Bush Sr. and Halliburton can reap the spoils of Iraq’s natural resources. A country where this appointed president by the ruling Supreme Court uses the resources of his regime to deny voting rights to minorities and the disadvantaged, while asking these same individuals to give their life for what? The false statements and lies put out by this administration and Congress should be investigated regarding invading Iraq now, not later before any more innocent lives are lost both Americans and Iraqis. At the same time the United Nations should take over the occupation of Iraq, hold Bush responsible for his criminal acts against a sovereign country and treat him as any other criminal if found guilty.
This administration has gone too far, too long “with” the support of Congress for his illegal acts. Congress must act; the United Nations must act and act now before this president continue to lead this country down a path of certain destruction.
It is shameful and embarrassing that my son or any soldier should have to risk life or limb for such a worthless cause that this administration has caused to be put in place in Iraq.
November 5, 2003
Why We Cannot Win In Iraq Using Our Troops And Administrators
The United States’ Army cannot and will not be successful in bringing peace or democracy to Iraq and its people. Our success would first require that our agencies and Army be prepared for occupying this or any foreign country, especially one that we are not familiar with their language or customs. It is obvious that the United Nations (UN) is the only agency that is equipped to take on the task of rebuilding Iraq.
Our neglect and ignoring the African and Muslim world has created a vacuum that cannot be overcome over night. This neglect is an extension of the neglect of Blacks in America. This administration ignores the plight and customs of Blacks and minorities in America. This and previous administrations have discriminated against minorities in its security agencies to such an extent that past and present practices have caused the lack of the ability to investigate this quagmire being created in Iraq. Minority groups in this country have sued the FBI/CIA and every intelligence agency in this land of the free for discrimination. These agencies and their practices supported by the present administration in particular, need to be investigated by the UN for its violations of human rights and equal opportunities. How could anyone expect the Iraqi people to welcome administrators from the Bush regime and believe they will be treated fairly, when the present and past practices of this administration to discriminate against all people of color throughout the world. With the U. S. in charge the Iraqi people can only look forward to being lead by an occupying force which is as bad or worse in how they treat their citizens, particularly those of color. Those Iraqis who are not Caucasian must beware of the rights awarded them based on treatment that Blacks and minorities receive in America.
The denial of equal opportunities by the U.S. in its security and intelligence agencies of people of color, no matter of religious beliefs, has led to the problems we face in the Muslim world. This problem alone is so grave and insurmountable that each day, hour and minute we continue this illegal occupation of Iraq, puts my son and so many others in harms way for reasons and causes not worthy of lives lost and will continue to be lost.
I demand that for the safety and protection of my son and all our troops that Congress demand that the UN is petitioned to immediately take over the occupation and rebuilding of Iraq with full support of the U.S. Bush should be impeached for his criminal acts, and for putting our troops and others in harms way.
I ask that the UN investigate and bring appropriate charges against Bush and this administration. I demand that Congress and the UN fully investigate this administration and not allow another invasion to occur without UN sanction. This occupation must end now. The UN must take control now not later. Congress must act now before it is too late. The UN must perform its duties now before dictators such as Bush achieve his goal of Caucasians ruling the world. If help is not received from Congress and the UN, I ask that the Civil Rights Organization, Black and Muslim religious organizations, join with me in asking all Black and Muslim soldiers and civilians to refuse to support this illegal occupation of Iraq.
To: President George Bush
Blacks in America are on their way to extinction if this administration continues on its present path. We are loosing more troops in larger percentages than the population as a whole. We suffer from the drugs Herbert Walker Bush allowed to enter this Country, with the assistance of the Herbert Hoover’s trained CIA. Oliver North I'm sure is proud of the harm he was able to add to this project.
We are suffering from an education vacuum; being expanded by a President who I doubt can spell nor pronounce the word education. This and prior administrations have taken the civil rights legislation, turned it around under what is called Affirmative Action, and allowed the majority of those privileges to benefit whites who utilize such benefits to get the education slots, even in the Historic Black Colleges. Now, while "Aids" is on the rampage in the Black community in particular and in Africa, this administration supported by Congress is spending billions on the occupation and rebuilding Afghanistan and Iraq, leaving no or little funds for medical or education. Blacks suffer the highest unemployment. Blacks are imprisoned at an alarming rate. Blacks serve in the armed forces at an unfair rate. This voluntary commitment is largely due to the extent of discrimination that exist where most of the good paying jobs are only available to those in control, and Blacks are forced to enter the military in order to survive.
Those who reap these benefits should fight this war. Those who support the war in Iraq should volunteer for service. Those in the war zone who support what we are doing in Iraq should volunteer to stay and fight. Those who do not believe in this un-just occupation should be shipped stateside immediately, and not be put in harms way for a war created by radical Christians, against radical Muslims.
I'm a truck driver, and hear continuously the support of Bush and his war effort. Rather than or in addition to Bush going to Iraq and giving the troops a boast, he should in his radio announcement recruit these gong-ho cowboy type truckers as he himself so well portray.
Taxation without representation should not be allowed, especially in a democracy. Blacks are being unfairly taxed in this country, giving life and limb, with the recipients of their efforts benefiting the Bush’s regime and those he love and support.
Bush, if you have any love for this country, and believe it when you say God Bless America, knowing that you are speaking only of white America, than you should immediately resign the Presidency, and allow anyone except Cheney to replace you. As I have stated before, you should utilize more volunteers, to include your daughters to prove your commitment to whatever you are attempting to achieve. We all are aware that your main interest is to protect the oil interest and investment protection of your father and Cheney. This is more reason for you to convince your daughters to serve in Iraq, and show the world that you are willing to sacrifice your love ones for what you consider such a worthy cause. Convince Rush Limbaugh, Pat O'Reilly, Hanity, and Jerry Falwell, to recruit those brave compatriots they love and support to volunteer and help
this country defeat radical Islam. It would appear that radical Christians would be better suited to fight and defeat radical Islamic.
In my opinion the manner that your administration have handled this war effort, utilizing an administration staff that is so pro-white and anti-Black, and anti-Muslim, that it is now doubtful if the United Nation can correct the mess this President has made.
We need to get out of Iraq before it is too late, innocent Blacks, and all our troops, including those who support your unworthy cause, need not further risk life or limb for such reasons you invaded Iraq.
Again I would like to emphasize your need to first resign, and if not immediately replace all troops who do not support the war in Iraq in particular, with your love ones, those in Congress, the media, right wing religious (radical Christians) using their family members and love ones to serve in the Army, and Marines in particular.
Please consider this request a priority, and not allow any more innocent troops risk their lives for such a worthless cause.
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