Thursday, February 16, 2006

'outbush' in order that the world may 'move-on'

This administration received support winning the election, supported by radical conservatives, and those who violate the laws and regulations instituted by civil rights regulations and affirmative action. This administration's take on affirmative action is if it doesn't benefit Caucasians more than Blacks then it should not be enforced. Then they send my son and many other Blacks in harms way to protect this system for freedom and justice for white people. This administrations position on affirmative action, has allowed the predominately Caucasian law enforcement to profile Blacks more than before. Their method of harassment is to cite and arrest on site. These law enforcement officers are allowed to act out their prejudice, knowing they have the full support of the judicial system, the Supreme Court and this administration in particular.

Wednesday, February 15, 2006

An article USA Today (12/16/05) re: 1 in 20 adults lack Basic English skills.

This article touched on blacks’ improving since 1992. Blacks skills overall will not improve until segregation ends in this country. When I began school in the early ‘40s, and being black, we were given books that the white kids had used, misused and besides outdated. We were taught by teachers to not to use ain’t because ain’t ain’t right. Historic Black Universities and Colleges (HBUC)’s have students graduating saying they are dumber now than when they enrolled. This is due to a system where many of these HBUC’s have Regent Boards who are predominately white who set standards derogatory to black students. They allow science students to get a degree in Biology with only 32 units, knowing that the minimum requirement is 60 plus to get into medical school. These and other racist procedures are cared out throughout our educational system geared to leave no white child behind. Black honor students in high school are counseled to go to junior college, in order to leave slots open for sub-standard white youths. We diminish the civil rights legislation and replace it with ‘Affirmative action’ in order to give the little rights obtained under the civil rights legislation to white’s. Affirmative Action mandates that fewer blacks are allowed to enroll in our major Universities, and more whites’ are allowed to enroll in HBUC medical and nursing schools, leaving blacks further behind as planned. I conclude by saying something is wrong with this system and it just “ain’t” right. Thing may improve if we "out bush".

When this regime is impeached.......................

I will pledge allegiance to America when it become the land of the free. Freedom can only be derived when all are treated equally. Equality will not be obtained until we rid our government of those who oppress, disallow freedom and opportunity for certain segments of our society, while asking of this segment to die and further suffer in order others may be suppressed. In order to defeat an enemy, the moral values of the occupier must be above that of the enemy. We must follow the leadership of those who say withdraw now from Iraq! We can no longer listen to cheating; deceiving war mongering “oil junkies” set to ruin the world, and making America worst than before Bush. After Bush I will pledge allegiance to America when there is liberty and justice for ‘All’.

What are the goals of this Administration?

If defeating terrorism could be achieved by cutting off the funds from the terrorist than why wasn't this used long ago, rather than war? If diplomacy is the best practice, than why did we not use such before Iraq in particular? My opinion is that both tactics were not used due to this administration's pre-planning to occupy Iraq, believing they could first threaten the military and later buy them out. The bribery approach will not be successful where the masses of the people live by principals and morals that don't exist in this country to a great degree. There is a problem in offering a country democracy and freedom, modeled on the United States who's majority population (minorities) cannot realize freedom in the year 2006. If Bush intended to sell human rights to the Iraqis, he should not have allowed those brave committed Black soldiers, who are in favor of "freedom and justice for all" to explain the rights not given Blacks in this country.

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Out Law Cheney

As a truck driver with a Commercial Drivers License (CDL) I’m required to maintain a log book to show officials that I haven’t driven or worked beyond regulated hours. There have been cases where CDL drivers who were involved in accidents were imprisoned when the accident wasn’t their fault. Officials have determined that due to the driver not being in compliance, they would not have been at the location of the accident. One might say had Cheney purchased the proper stamp in order to legally hunt, he probably would not have been at the scene of the injury. You would think that the purpose of the stamp would involve notifications of recent rules and regulations that Cheney apparently did not obey, or care to obey. Cheney should be arrested for the many crimes he has committed against humanity, and also for this crime.

Why we are not welcome in Iraq

How could anyone expect the Iraqi people to welcome administrators from the Bush regime and believe they will be treated fairly, when the present and past practices of this administration to discriminate against all people of color. With the U. S. in charge the Iraqi people can only look forward to being lead by an occupying force which is as bad or worse in how they treat their citizens, particularly those of color. Those Iraqis who are not Caucasian must beware of the rights awarded them based on treatment that Blacks and minorities receive in America.

Why We Cannot Win In Iraq

(Preveously posted:11/05/03) The United States’ Army cannot and will not be successful in bringing peace or democracy to Iraq and its people. Our success would first require that our agencies and Army be prepared for occupying this or any foreign country, especially one that we are not familiar with their language or customs. Our neglect and ignoring the African and Muslim world has created a vacuum that cannot be overcome over night. This neglect is an extension of the neglect of Blacks in America This and previous administrations have discriminated against minorities in its security agencies to such an extent that past and present practices have caused the lack of the ability to investigate this quagmire being created in Iraq. Minority groups in this country have sued the FBI/CIA and every intelligence agency for discrimination. These agencies and their practices supported by the present administration in particular, need to be investigated by the UN for its violations of human rights and lack of equal opportunities.

Blacks may gain freedom after bush’s reign

“Of all the forms of murder, none is more monstrous than that committed by a state against its own citizens. And of all murder victims, those of the state are the most helpless and vulnerable since the very entity to which they have entrusted their lives and safety becomes their killer. Thus, it is especially important that states be called to account for their deeds.” POSSIBLY AFRICAN AMERICANS CAN PLEA TO THE UN, TO SEND PEACE KEEPING PERSONNEL TO MONITOR THE MURDERING,AND DEDEGRATION OF AFRICAN AMERICANS IN AMERICA CONTROLLED BY THE "RADICAL RIGHT WING" WITH AIMS TO DEMINISH THE BLACK MAN.

Monday, February 13, 2006

Stop this ‘son of a bush’s’ Reverse Robinhood policy, by beginning impeachment now!

Congress, do not vote for bills to make the rich richer and the poor poorer. I as an African American cannot bear any more burdens from the Republicans. This administration’s neglect of Africans Americans, in particular those who are the first to die in Iraq, New Orleans, the last to receive equity, while being unfairly imprisoned for crimes, less serious than those committed by the president and his band of thugs. Those who support and have supported these thugs are as bad as those committing these crimes against humanity. These crimes are worse than those Sadam is accused of committing, and is probably as guilty as Bush and associates. So please with a heart for humanity vote against all republican supported bills, and be sure to vote “Yes” for impeachment.

Sunday, February 12, 2006

Impeach George W. Bush

How many laws does George W. Bush have to break before he is impeached? FISA is the "exclusive" way to wiretap in this country, and the Authorization for Use of Military Force makes no reference to wiretapping or FISA, so it cannot usurp FISA. Therefore, FISA is the law, and Bush has intentionally broken the law 30 times, and intends to keep breaking it. End of story. Bush lied to Congress to get us into Iraq. Bush has ordered the use of torture on prisoners. Bush has unlawfully detained U.S. citizens without legal counsel. What does he have to do? Rob a bank? - Joshua Becker, filmmaker (February 10, 2006; Bloomfield Hills, MI)

Bush the “Compassionate Conservative”

Who supports the likes of William “Bill” Bennett who wants to abort all Black babies, but want to reject Roe vs Wade? Who supports Pat Robinson who wants to assassinate those who support people of color? Who supports Israel who wants to extinguish all Muslins? Who supports affirmative action as long as it benefits whites more so than those it was intended? Who supports to keep all Black children behind as long as whites are not left behind? Who supports keeping the Katrina victims poor and powerless since his Ron Brown character failed to carry out his task fully as intended? Who supports un- educating Black youths, making them only qualified to fight his racist war? Who intended to use these Black troops to protect his white Haliburton civilians, making $100,000 being protected by African American troops, with armor and equipment that could be penetrated with a BB gun? To demand that these African Americans go on refueling patrols using broken equipment, with no protection, and to refuel helicopters flown by predominately white pilots, being in little danger to use chemicals, 500 lb bombs, etc. to kill innocent Iraqi civilians. This compassion is being implemented while his dysfunctional family, who none committed any brave act or shed blood for this country. Bush’s compassionate conservatism is to “ask not what this country can do for you”, but what you are willing to give for Bush and protecting the world oil reserve. Our aim should be to rid the world of Bush and his lack of compassion for humanity. We need to come together, now and not later and ‘out bush’ so that the United States and the world can ‘move on’ to make this a better planet to live and let live.

Out Bush for ‘people of color’ and the World’s sake

I will pledge allegiance to America when it become the land of the free. Freedom can only be derived when all are treated equally. Equality will not be obtained until we rid our government of those who oppress, disallow freedom and opportunity for certain segments of our society, while asking of this segment to die and further suffer in order others may be suppressed. In order to defeat an enemy, the moral values of the occupier must be above that of the enemy. We must follow the leadership of those who say withdraw now from Iraq! We can no longer listen to cheating; deceiving war mongering “oil junkies” set to ruin the world, and making America worst than before Bush. After Bush I will pledge allegiance to America when there is liberty and justice for ‘All’.

Mr. President, now is the time to leave Blacks behind

When we attack Iran – use conservatives and their love ones. This time please continue to leave “blacks behind”. Those who will benefit from Iraq’s and Iran’s oil should join the military fighting force in order to protect their interest. Blacks and other people of color should remain free of this fight, unless they can see some future benefits for themselves. My son who is Black served in Afghanistan and Iraq, returned to the good old USA recently and is yet denied equal opportunities in the work place. After graduating from college, working toward his master degree and serving as a paratrooper, he recently felt that his best place of employment would be to continue as what I call one of Bush’s mercenary soldiers of fortune for oil. His best job offer was one paying $7 an hour. No Black soldier should risk life or limb for this world’s oil reserves. Upon returning after serving they will come back to conditions worse than when they left, with the conservatives eliminating educational funds, and any benefits that will benefit Blacks. This administration’s main goal is to reverse all benefits gained by the civil rights legislation and replace it with the type of affirmative action that will leave no white behind. If this “son of a bush” is to continue as an oil junkie he had better prepare his daughters and love ones for battle. Blacks are fools to follow this commander in chief that is by far the worse “son of a bush” and should be impeached.

Bush should leave Blacks solders behind in case of another disaster

Blacks are left behind to be incarcerated. Blacks are left behind in poverty. Blacks are left behind in advancement throughout our society. Blacks are left behind in education why not leave them behind and not fight for Halliburton, the right wing radicals and this “son of a bush’s” conservatives causes that will only provide freedom and justice for most white people. Once the Black soldier refuses to serve in an illegal combat zone, this occupation of Iraq will soon come to an end. Once the Black soldier refuses to serve in Iran, it is doubtful that the right wing radicals will put their love ones in harms way to confiscate the world’s oil reserves. Once Chavez and others join forces we will began to note a change in attitudes toward people of color. While this “son of a bush” and his cronies are disrespecting leaders in South America and the Caribbean and other countries with people of color, Blacks should make inroads with these countries. It is time for Blacks to stand up for their freedom and liberty, before fighting and dying for Halliburton and Bush’s oil junkies. Bush, as a plea from a Black man, I ask that you continue your past practices and procedures and please leave my son and all Black soldiers “behind” in this and future wars. Besides, Blacks by birth are Muslim and Muslims should not kill other Muslims especially for oil.

Friday, February 03, 2006

IMPEACH the ‘son of a bush’

Bush should be impeached for selecting Cheney as VP, knowing he would be a liability due to his conflict of interest regarding Halliburton, and the fact that Halliburton had violated the embargo against Iraq while Cheney was the Chairman of Halliburton. Now we are risking our troops, invading a country illegally, punishing France and Russia, indicating they violated the embargo, and now asking these and other countries to risk their soldiers, but only under terms where we believe we are the only regime that can democratize Iraq and make them what? Do we want to make them what America stands for? Does America stand for freedom and justice for all? If it does it must be freedom and justice for all white people. Those being the case are we seeking the same for the Iraqis? Bush should be impeached for continuing to pursue the Cheney doctrine of controlling the world’s oil reserve. Everyone I speak to around the country as why Cheney seem so invisible. My belief is that he cannot and the administration cannot afford for him to make a public appearance and be scrutinized by the press. It is known that the majority of the press and citizens’ concern would be Halliburton. It is shameful and sinful that Congress has let these criminal acts reach the extent that they have. Congress and the media went after the Clinton administration for “Whitegate” and Bill having sex in the White House, as though it is a holy place. How could it have ever been considered Holy when it’s original occupants were slave owners, a crime against humanity? How could it have ever been considered holy or respectful when the occupants of this house made false treaties with Native Americans, and promised “reparation” to the so called Negroes which were never honored and yet to be honored? How could it have ever been considered honorable if we continue to elect fools like Bush who run as a compassionate Republican and select a racist as Attorney General, a crook as VP, a Negro, and misuse the intelligence of Condoleezza Rice who should be utilized to resolve the Israel/Palestine conflict, rather than further the Cheney, Rumsfeld doctrine of conflict rather than peace. How could it have ever been considered honorable when we have cowboy Bush whose vocabulary consist of little wisdom, have never said that he believed in “justice for all” in all his campaign speeches, and have yet to this day make such a commitment. But yet a president elected by a minority he intended to truly serve and that is conservatives who in general are white supremacists (which includes most Negro Republicans) that are out of touch with Black Americans and the world. I conclude that we are at a crossroads where the sins of America will continue to ring out throughout the world. It is apparent that the past and present conditions of people of color have to have a grave impact on the image of what others think of America. Having met and talked to many Arabic people in my travels as a truck driver, they sometime sympathize with our plight. Some believe that we should be able to succeed financially as they do, and don’t understand our system where the white man is master and Blacks are servants. The past and present system that exists for Blacks, Native Americans and most people of color in the United States of White America is despicable. Bush, his regime, using the Reserves, National Guard, and Special Forces (who are predominantly white) were meant to be safe guarded from harm. It wasn’t meant for them to be put in harms way. Now we have the National Guard, Reservists crying the blues because they are losing monies and lives because of serving in Iraq in particular. Most Whites support Bush’s war, believing they are going to benefit from the results. Most Whites don’t want to die for their beliefs. Blacks don’t support Bush’s war and have good reasons for lack of support. When this occupation is over the only thing Blacks can come home to, if they survive is unemployment, under-employment, selective law enforcement, illegal incarceration, the devastation of New Orleans supported by the Bush Regime, their children left behind, a justice system ruled by racist justices, and financial institutions who are predatory lenders including SBA, and racist landlords who will not rent or sell to Blacks. Welcome to America which is worse than when you risked your life for freedom for White People. As Solders of fortune you were willing to risk life and limb to occupy Muslims for freedom you yourself cannot obtain in this country. I feel deep sorrow for the troops especially the Special Forces due to their being duped into risking their lives possibly killing innocent human beings for Bush’s illegal occupation of Iraq. I feel sorrow for the innocent soldiers such as my son who enlisted for some of the same reasons that many disadvantaged individuals enlist and that is to make a decent living, getting an education in a country where there is no such thing as freedom and justice for all. I feel sorrow for soldiers who were lied to by Bush and the Department of Defense and were told that if they completed a tour in Afghanistan and survived, they would not have to serve in Iraq. This White House did not only lie to them, but to all America. This administration’s mistakes are causing too many innocent lives. This administration should be taken before the UN as war criminals and prosecuted by a world court. First and immediately we must impeach Bush before he is allowed to further risk the life of any more human beings. If we allow this regime to continue, America is on the road to damnation. If George W. Bush is elected for another term he will accomplish that which his father pursued and that is “one world order”. Controlling the world’s oil reserve is part of that plan. Once successful, the Caucasian race will forever rule the world. Cheney and Halliburton will probably own and control all the cloning procedures throughout the world with the Justice Department protecting such rights. Most likely this regime will nuke all people of color and continue what Hilter could not complete with his master race theory. It is my fear that this regime will succeed, and my reason for fear is that the media in general are so pro-white themselves that they contribute to the racial problems and religious problems that exist in this country. How can you stand by and be aware of the plight that Blacks in this country face and allow Bush in particular to put our troops in harms way, when a large percentage of these troops are on the front line fighting for freedom that they themselves have been denied and probably will never achieve in their lifetime. Freedom for what: To be the last to be hired, and the first fired or lay off? To receive a degree and be regimented to manager of the #1 McDonald’s in your community? To seek an education and desire to be a teacher to improve society as my son desires, but instead have to serve two tours in war zones such as Afghanistan and Iraq, exposing life and limb for a country that will more than likely treat you as the present descendants of slaves are treated. To be treated as servitudes to the master race. What do you, white America, expect of these patriots, who are being fed to the fodder and for what? Most Americans consider themselves Christians. Very few Americans are righteous, if so they would not support the aims and purposes of this administration. I ask only that we all speak out, tell it as it should be told, save my son, save our troops, and make America what it should be. Impeach this ‘son of s bush’.

Bush send your daughters, not my Son

My son is not much different than your daughters. He wishes to live in a country that is admired and respected by all, not just a few governmental insiders who relish our role as global bully, determining, unilaterally, who is out of line and subject to our discipline. We daily do more to recruit for Ben Laden with your actions, than they could ever do for themselves. Now you want to send my child and those of tens of thousands of others into the morass you have created. So many of them will become nothing more than fodder for the continued advance of the hegemony of corporate cronies and consummate insiders. This should not continue. “This cannot stand!” Please exempt my son from this travesty of blood on our hands and our souls.

Blacks should not support this racist --Bush War

I ask that the UN investigate and bring appropriate charges against Bush and this administration. I demand that Congress and the UN fully investigate this administration and not allow another invasion to occur without UN sanction. This occupation must end now. The UN must take control now not later. Congress must act now. The UN must perform its duties now before dictators such as Bush achieve his goal of Caucasians ruling the world. If help is not received from Congress and the UN, I ask that the Civil Rights Organizations, Black and Muslim religious organizations, join with me in asking all Black and Muslim soldiers and civilians to refuse to support this illegal occupation of Iraq by this 'son of a bush'.