Bush should be impeached for selecting Cheney as VP, knowing he would be a liability due to his conflict of interest regarding Halliburton, and the fact that Halliburton had violated the embargo against Iraq while Cheney was the Chairman of Halliburton. Now we are risking our troops, invading a country illegally, punishing France and Russia, indicating they violated the embargo, and now asking these and other countries to risk their soldiers, but only under terms where we believe we are the only regime that can democratize Iraq and make them what? Do we want to make them what America stands for? Does America stand for freedom and justice for all? If it does it must be freedom and justice for all white people. Those being the case are we seeking the same for the Iraqis? Bush should be impeached for continuing to pursue the Cheney doctrine of controlling the world’s oil reserve. Everyone I speak to around the country as why Cheney seem so invisible. My belief is that he cannot and the administration cannot afford for him to make a public appearance and be scrutinized by the press. It is known that the majority of the press and citizens’ concern would be Halliburton. It is shameful and sinful that Congress has let these criminal acts reach the extent that they have. Congress and the media went after the Clinton administration for “Whitegate” and Bill having sex in the White House, as though it is a holy place. How could it have ever been considered Holy when it’s original occupants were slave owners, a crime against humanity? How could it have ever been considered holy or respectful when the occupants of this house made false treaties with Native Americans, and promised “reparation” to the so called Negroes which were never honored and yet to be honored? How could it have ever been considered honorable if we continue to elect fools like Bush who run as a compassionate Republican and select a racist as Attorney General, a crook as VP, a Negro, and misuse the intelligence of Condoleezza Rice who should be utilized to resolve the Israel/Palestine conflict, rather than further the Cheney, Rumsfeld doctrine of conflict rather than peace. How could it have ever been considered honorable when we have cowboy Bush whose vocabulary consist of little wisdom, have never said that he believed in “justice for all” in all his campaign speeches, and have yet to this day make such a commitment. But yet a president elected by a minority he intended to truly serve and that is conservatives who in general are white supremacists (which includes most Negro Republicans) that are out of touch with Black Americans and the world. I conclude that we are at a crossroads where the sins of America will continue to ring out throughout the world. It is apparent that the past and present conditions of people of color have to have a grave impact on the image of what others think of America. Having met and talked to many Arabic people in my travels as a truck driver, they sometime sympathize with our plight. Some believe that we should be able to succeed financially as they do, and don’t understand our system where the white man is master and Blacks are servants. The past and present system that exists for Blacks, Native Americans and most people of color in the United States of White America is despicable. Bush, his regime, using the Reserves, National Guard, and Special Forces (who are predominantly white) were meant to be safe guarded from harm. It wasn’t meant for them to be put in harms way. Now we have the National Guard, Reservists crying the blues because they are losing monies and lives because of serving in Iraq in particular. Most Whites support Bush’s war, believing they are going to benefit from the results. Most Whites don’t want to die for their beliefs. Blacks don’t support Bush’s war and have good reasons for lack of support. When this occupation is over the only thing Blacks can come home to, if they survive is unemployment, under-employment, selective law enforcement, illegal incarceration, the devastation of New Orleans supported by the Bush Regime, their children left behind, a justice system ruled by racist justices, and financial institutions who are predatory lenders including SBA, and racist landlords who will not rent or sell to Blacks. Welcome to America which is worse than when you risked your life for freedom for White People. As Solders of fortune you were willing to risk life and limb to occupy Muslims for freedom you yourself cannot obtain in this country. I feel deep sorrow for the troops especially the Special Forces due to their being duped into risking their lives possibly killing innocent human beings for Bush’s illegal occupation of Iraq. I feel sorrow for the innocent soldiers such as my son who enlisted for some of the same reasons that many disadvantaged individuals enlist and that is to make a decent living, getting an education in a country where there is no such thing as freedom and justice for all. I feel sorrow for soldiers who were lied to by Bush and the Department of Defense and were told that if they completed a tour in Afghanistan and survived, they would not have to serve in Iraq. This White House did not only lie to them, but to all America. This administration’s mistakes are causing too many innocent lives. This administration should be taken before the UN as war criminals and prosecuted by a world court. First and immediately we must impeach Bush before he is allowed to further risk the life of any more human beings. If we allow this regime to continue, America is on the road to damnation. If George W. Bush is elected for another term he will accomplish that which his father pursued and that is “one world order”. Controlling the world’s oil reserve is part of that plan. Once successful, the Caucasian race will forever rule the world. Cheney and Halliburton will probably own and control all the cloning procedures throughout the world with the Justice Department protecting such rights. Most likely this regime will nuke all people of color and continue what Hilter could not complete with his master race theory. It is my fear that this regime will succeed, and my reason for fear is that the media in general are so pro-white themselves that they contribute to the racial problems and religious problems that exist in this country. How can you stand by and be aware of the plight that Blacks in this country face and allow Bush in particular to put our troops in harms way, when a large percentage of these troops are on the front line fighting for freedom that they themselves have been denied and probably will never achieve in their lifetime. Freedom for what: To be the last to be hired, and the first fired or lay off? To receive a degree and be regimented to manager of the #1 McDonald’s in your community? To seek an education and desire to be a teacher to improve society as my son desires, but instead have to serve two tours in war zones such as Afghanistan and Iraq, exposing life and limb for a country that will more than likely treat you as the present descendants of slaves are treated. To be treated as servitudes to the master race. What do you, white America, expect of these patriots, who are being fed to the fodder and for what? Most Americans consider themselves Christians. Very few Americans are righteous, if so they would not support the aims and purposes of this administration. I ask only that we all speak out, tell it as it should be told, save my son, save our troops, and make America what it should be. Impeach this ‘son of s bush’.