Saturday, October 28, 2006

Before bush Iraqis’, Foreigners, and some others felt relatively safe most places in Iraq. Since bush his administration, news reporters, the United Nation Peace Keepers, nor the United States Marines feel safe in Iraq. Solution: Impeach bush, try Cheney for his criminal acts, bring the troops home, and Iraq and the world will be better off without bush

A worthless cause this administration has created in Iraq
This president denies affirmative treatment of minorities at the same time asking them to risk their lives to protect conservative’s special interests, and an unbalanced support of ISRAEL. The conservative’s goals are to control Iraq’s natural resources. The false statements and lies put out by this administration and Congress should be investigated regarding invading Iraq now, not later. Action should be taken before more innocent lives are lost both Americans and Iraqis. Bush should be held responsible for his criminal acts against a sovereign country. Bush should be treated as any other criminal if found guilty.
This administration has gone too far, too long “with” the support of Congress for their illegal acts.
Congress must act; the United Nations must act and act now before this president continue to lead this country down a path of certain destruction.
It is shameful and embarrassing that any soldier should have to risk life or limb for such a worthless cause that this administration has created in Iraq.


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