Sunday, July 23, 2006

Who Should Serve in IRAQ, and why not send Cong. Murtha to resolve the problem?

If Bush’s war is to continue any further, than this is how it should be manned by Americans. First of all those troops who do not believe in our purpose for being in Iraq and believe they should not risk life and limb for this illegal aggression, should be taken out of harms way immediately. There should be no problem in replacing them with Caucasian conservatives who believe this country is theirs, and all its resources. They must sacrifice their sons and daughters who will mainly receive the spoils of Bush’s War. We should allow the poor, deprived who are now suffering, to return to this society and at least live in poverty but yet have a “possible?” chance at the American dream. This may be possible if they can possibly survive the racism, discrimination supported by the Bush administration and the majority of this society. It is un-Christian (and certainly un-Christ like) for this administration to allow this illegal act of aggression in IRAQ. Bush should be impeached, his daughters and the sons and daughters of Congress and Senators, who supported the U.S. invading a sovereign country should provide their love ones for this un-necessary invasion. We need to force Bush to resign, and charge Cheney for treason and other high crimes. Cheney should receive greater punishment because he is intelligent enough to know better. Congressman Murtha certainly speaks on my behalf.

A letter to Bush
I will pledge allegiance to America when it becomes the land of the free. Freedom can only be derived when all are treated equally. Equality will not be obtained until we rid our government of those who oppress, disallow freedom and opportunity for certain segments of our society, while asking of this segment to die and further suffer in order that others may be suppressed. To defeat an enemy, the moral values of the occupier must be above that of the enemy. We must follow the leadership of those who say withdraw now from Iraq! We can no longer listen to cheating, deceiving war mongering “oil junkies” set to ruin the world, while making America worst than before bush". Russia's President told him correctly, when he stated his country did not want Iraq style democracy. All people of color should resent America's style of democracy. - walter l. ellis, CEO/non-profit (July 15, 2006; Charleston, WV)

Blacks in America are on their way to extinction if this administration continues on its present path. We are loosing more troops in larger percentages than the population as a whole. We are suffering from an education vacuum; being expanded by a President who I doubt can spell nor pronounce the word education. This and prior administrations have taken the civil rights legislation, turned it around under what is called Affirmative Action, and allowed the majority of those privileges to benefit Caucasians. Blacks suffer the highest unemployment. Blacks are imprisoned at an alarming rate. Blacks serve in the armed forces at an unfair rate. This voluntary commitment is largely due to the extent of discrimination that exists where the majority of the good paying jobs are only available to those in control. Blacks and other minorities are forced to enter the military in order to survive. Many die and are maimed prior to obtaining citizenship status. Another shameful act by this administration.
Bring Black Troops Home now, IMPEACH this ‘son of a bush’, bring all our Troops home……

African Americans need to serve in the US to protect the homeland and our human rights, being violated by the bush Regime
Blacks serving in the armed services should not become solders of fortune, but instead should be assigned to protect the human rights of African Americans, and all people regardless of color or faith. This country should also realize why Blacks are not obligated to shed blood for this country. They will not be able to share in the spoils and benefits if any are derived from this invasion, and others. They nor their love ones in their life time will receive equal opportunities in this country. For Blacks to receive the discipline basically the military have to offer, and minorities are so much in need, I would suggest that they recruit Blacks, keep them in safe positions state side and not allow them a weapon, because they may use it against those they perceive to be their enemy. .
Bush is against “Human Rights” violations in China, but what about minorities in America?
While the Governor of Texas, Bush allowed at least one African American to be executed for a crime he did not commit. Recently a Hispanic has suffered a similar fate. Due to Bush’s remarks at the beginning of the war in Afghanistan, and the negative remarks he and his supporters were making against Islam and Muslims in general, make it apparent this administration’s war efforts were based more on violating the “Human Rights” of Muslims, and its hunger for oil, than finding the so called terrorist. While protecting white “White Collar” criminals, guilty of treason etc. and imprisoning, convicting, and executing Blacks and Mexicans, giving these citizens sub-standard legal representation with the mentality and compassion that is shameful, and despicable. Let’s work together and see justice served for all Americans, to include Hispanic and Blacks. Let’s try Bush and his regime under the Patriot Act, allow them to spend their time in an undisclosed prison, and remain there until at least this administration can be replaced, with compassionate representation for “ALL” the people of this country. After the human rights violations is investigated, and resolved, this and any administration need to look at the violation this country hourly and daily perpetrate on minorities before they demand that China or any other nation correct their “Human Rights” violations.

Bush the “Compassionate Conservative” Who supports Israel and who wants to extinguish Muslins and Blacks?
Who supports the likes of William “Bill” Bennett who wants to abort all Black babies, but want to reject Roe vs Wade? Who supports Pat Robinson who wants to assassinate those who support people of color? Who supports Israel who wants to extinguish all Muslins? Who supports affirmative action as long as it benefits whites more so than those it was intended? Who supports to keep all Black children behind as long as whites are not left behind? Who supports keeping the Katrina victims poor and powerless since his Ron Brown character failed to carry out his task fully as intended? Who supports un- educating Black youths, making them only qualified to fight his racist war? Who intended to use these Black troops to protect his white Haliburton civilians, making $100,000 being protected by African American troops, with armor and equipment that could be penetrated with a BB gun? To demand that these African Americans go on refueling patrols using broken equipment, with no protection, and to refuel helicopters flown by predominately white pilots, being in little danger to use chemicals, 500 lb bombs, etc. to kill innocent Iraqi civilians. This compassion is being implemented while his dysfunctional family, who none committed any brave act or shed blood for this country. Bush’s compassionate conservatism is to “ask not what this country can do for you”, but what you are willing to give for Bush and protecting the world oil reserve. Our aim should be to rid the world of Bush and his lack of compassion for humanity. We need to come together, now and not later and out Bush so that the United States and the world can move on to make this a better planet to live and let live.
The Wife of a Compassionate Conservative
This first lady? Criminal Background: vehicular manslaughter, avoided paying duty taxes, etc., should be visiting correction facilities seeking amnesty for minorities who have committed crimes less serious then she is guilty of through her youth and adult life. Listening to her speech she certainly is no educator, which is also obvious in observing her husband, I would imagine when we impeach Bush, it will also end her reign.
“The Smoking Gun .com blog” should retrieve Laura’s mug shot(s) and ask her to apologize to the American public and the world. All these years she has been portraying herself as a compassionate librarian and is as deceitful as the deceits of Frey’s “A Million Little Pieces”.

Charity and Democracy should begin at home, and than spread abroad
This White House lied to all America when bush attached IRAQ. I conclude that we are at a crossroads where the sins of America will continue to ring out throughout the world. It is apparent that the past and present conditions of people of color will have a grave impact on the image of what others think of America. Bush’s have never said that he believed in “justice for all” in any of his campaign speeches, and have yet to this day to make such a commitment. “Cowboy Bush” was elected by a minority he intended to truly serve. That is conservatives who in general are Caucasian and are out of touch with Blacks and Muslims through out the world. This White House did not only lie to Blacks, but to all America. This administration’s mistakes are causing too many innocent lives. Blacks and other Minorities are dying and being maimed and offered citizenship after the fact. Our army is certainly considered that of “Solders of Fortune”. African Americans are there primarily due to the unfair discriminatory treatment created primarily by bush and his racist conservatives. Other Minorities immigrants in particular basically serve as solders of fortune, not so much for love of country, but due to necessity for survival. It wouldn’t surprise me if those solders that died prior to being granted citizenship family members are being deported if they are found to be illegal. Democracy and Charity should begin at home, and than spread abroad.
This administration should be taken before the UN as war criminals and prosecuted by a world court.


For an ILLEGAL INVASION, bush should be Impeached!!!
In my opinion the manner that this administration have handled this war effort, utilizing an administration staff that is so pro-white and anti-Black, and Muslim, that it is now doubtful if the United Nation can correct the mess this President has made.
We need to get out of Iraq before it is too late, innocent Blacks, and all our troops, including those who support this unworthy cause, need not to further risk life or limb for reasons Iraq was invaded.



The United States has to be the worst violator of human rights in the world because of their treatment of AFRICAN AMERICANS in this Country!!


The World is better off without Bush
Saddam Hussein is no longer ruling Iraq. This administration’s occupation of Iraq, after being supported by previous Republican administrations, indicate how far oil junkies will go to achieve their goals. Many brave soldiers and innocent Iraqis have and are continuing to lose their lives daily due to this administration’s quest for oil and “One World Order”. An administration that spent billions of dollars, years before attacking Iraq, with the intent to attack at a given time. An administration that did not have the foresight to educate their intelligence agencies and armed services the language, and culture of the country to be occupied. A president and commander of our armed forces, whose main goal was to avenge his father. A person who would like to appear as a Texas cowboy, rather than the diplomat that this country need as a leader. A war on foreign soil “cannot” be won without proper preparation and tools for such an adventure.
This president never was and never will be qualified to lead this country. This president represent only a small segment of this country, the radical right, and will never represent the mass of Americans and certainly not the world as a whole with its diverse population which includes, Muslins, Asians, Africans, all of which this administration treat as the enemy.
These faults in Bush would make one think that the world would be better off without Bush.

Why this “son of a bush” should never have been selected……
and certainly not elected the second term. After illegally invading Iraq, taking from the poor and giving to the rich, supporting “dick Cheney” and his illegal acts in creating in security by outing a CIA agent, increasing fuel cost to support Halliburton and his cronies, weakening affirmative action, while asking African Americans to affirmatively die for freedom this administration is not willing to provide for Blacks and others in this country, and now attempting to investigate and arrest these individuals for protesting his criminal acts. Anyone who believe themselves to be victim of this “son of a bush”s violation of their privacy should apply for a copy of their info; at . After, and if I receive info from this act, I intend to post it on Move-On.

How about Human Rights for African Americans???
Prior to attempting to liberate Iraq, the administration needs to look at its own discriminatory policies enacted in the United States. Perhaps once the UN helps resolve the situation in Iraq, they should take charge of the Blacks in the US Army have them come home to the United States to safeguard Human Rights for Blacks and minorities in this country. They need protection from this Administration, and from a justice system that is so unjust.
What will it take for this administration to discontinue the risk of life and limb of our precious young men and women? It is obvious that we are fighting a losing battle. The Iraqi people object to our occupation of their country. The Muslim population objects to the US and England occupying their countries. The majority of Black soldiers resent risking their lives for freedom which is denied here in the United States of America, where Caucasians are forever free, and Blacks are yet enslaved. A country where Caucasians reap the benefits of slave labor. A country where Blacks suffer the highest percentage of unemployment, other than representing 34% of our fighting force, while yet being discriminated in the military and work force. A country where 20 % of the population is Black; a country where 60 % of the prison population is Black. A country where this uncompassionate president condemns other regimes for civil rights violations, while he himself allows our citizens to be unjustly imprisoned and put to death in a system that is so unjust to minorities.
If Powell had not lied for this 'son of a bush', and listened to others, the needless deaths of our Troops and thousands and thousands of innocent IRAQ's would have been saved. Powell knew all along that CHENEY, RUMSFELD and bush were the "WEAPONS of MASS DETRUCTION".

If we don’t IPEACH this ‘son of a bush’ then…………..
(To: President Bush 12/1/03)
Blacks in America are on their way to extinction if this administration continues on its present path. We are loosing more troops in larger percentages than the population as a whole. We are suffering from an education vacuum; being expanded by a President who I doubt can spell nor pronounce the word education. This and prior administrations have taken the civil rights legislation, turned it around under what is called Affirmative Action, and allowed the majority of those privileges to benefit whites. Blacks suffer the highest unemployment. Blacks are imprisoned at an alarming rate. Blacks serve in the armed forces at an unfair rate. This voluntary commitment is largely due to the extent of discrimination that exist where most of the good paying jobs are only available to those in control, and Blacks are forced to enter the military in order to survive.

Those who reap these benefits should fight this war. Those who support the war in Iraq should volunteer for service. Those in the war zone who support what we are doing in Iraq should volunteer to stay and fight. Those who do not believe in this un-just occupation should be shipped stateside immediately, and not be put in harms way for a war created by radical Christians, against radical Muslims.
Taxation without representation should not be allowed, especially in a democracy. Blacks are being unfairly taxed in this country, giving life and limb, with the recipients of their efforts benefiting the Bush’s regime and those he love and support.
As I have stated before, you should utilize more volunteers, to include your daughters to prove your commitment to whatever you are attempting to achieve. We all are aware that your main interest is to protect the oil interest and investment protection of your father and Cheney. This is more reason for you to convince your daughters to serve in Iraq, and show the world that you are willing to sacrifice your love ones for what you consider such a worthy cause. Convince Rush Limbaugh, Pat O'Reilly, Hanity, and Jerry Falwell, to recruit those brave compatriots they love and support to volunteer and help this country defeat radical Islam. It would appear that radical Christians would be better suited to fight and defeat radical Muslims.
Again I would like to emphasize your need to first resign, and if not immediately replace all troops who do not support the war in Iraq in particular, with your love ones, those in Congress, the media, right wing religious (radical Christians) using their family members and love ones to serve in the Army, and Marines in particular.
Please consider this request a priority, and not allow any more innocent troops risk their lives for such a worthless cause.
December 25, 2005
Mr. President, This time please leave Blacks behind
When we attack Iran – use conservatives and their love ones. This time please continue to leave “blacks behind”. Those who will benefit from Iraq’s and Iran’s oil should join the military fighting force in order to protect their interest. Blacks and other people of color should remain free of this fight, unless they can see some future benefits for themselves. Blacks who serve in Afghanistan and Iraq, return to the USA and are yet denied equal opportunities in the work place. No Black soldier should risk life or limb for this world’s oil reserves. Upon returning after serving they will come back to conditions worse than when they left, with the conservatives eliminating educational funds, and any benefits that will benefit Blacks. This administration’s main goal is to reverse all benefits gained by the civil rights legislation and replace it with the type of affirmative action that will leave no white behind. If this “son of a bush” is to continue as an oil junkie he had better prepare his daughters and love ones for battle. Blacks are fools to follow this commander in chief that is by far the worse “son of a bush” and should be impeached.
Blacks are left behind to be incarcerated. Blacks are left behind in poverty. Blacks are left behind in advancement throughout our society. Blacks are left behind in education why not leave them behind and not fight for Halliburton, the right wing radicals and this “son of a bush’s” conservatives causes that will only provide freedom and justice for most white people. Once the Black soldier refuses to serve in an illegal combat zone, this occupation of Iraq will soon come to an end. Once the Black soldier refuses to serve in Iran, it is doubtful that the right wing radicals will put their love ones in harms way to confiscate the world’s oil reserves. Once Chavez and others join forces we will began to note a change in attitudes toward people of color. While this “son of a bush” and his cronies are disrespecting leaders in South America and the Caribbean and other countries with people of color, Blacks should make inroads with these countries. It is time for Blacks to stand up for their freedom and liberty, before fighting and dying for Halliburton and Bush’s oil junkies. Bush, as a plea from a Black man, I ask that you continue your past practices and procedures and please leave my son and all Black soldiers “behind” in this and future wars. Besides, Blacks by birth are Muslim and Muslims should not kill other Muslims especially for oil.
May 20, 2006
The Legacy and Morals of the ‘bush’ Family!!!

‘bush’s’ ancestors were SLAVE Owners. See:
“Intimate Strangers: Slavery and Freedom in Fairfield County”

An AWOL Solder, who’s Father should be considered a Coward, rather than a Hero, who bailed from his airplane during World War II, while leaving his CREW.

A Brother who robbed the savings and loans, taking from the POOR and giving to the RICH. (“reverse Robinhood”)

A Wife in her reckless youth killed a human being. A Wife while campaigning for her husband’s first term as President, attempted to smuggle goods into this country “without paying taxes”. (The bush’s never believe they or the rich should pay taxes)!!

A Mother who believe that African Americans are better off in shelters rather than their homes.

This is a prime example of what my Father who’s Father was a Slave used to say that “nothing from nothing leaves nothing”.

IMPEACH this ‘son of a bush’ in order that the world can-----
Walter Ellis, who’s Grandfather was born in SLAVERY.
Why Bush’s “Reverse Robinhood” policy is failing in Iraq
It is strange that most consecutives are beginning to anger at the problems this administration is creating for this country, when there are lesser evils than those committed in Bush’s first appointment. They benefited from no white child being left behind. They benefited from the “Reverse Robin hood” tax cut. They praised the occupation of a sovereign country Iraq. Possibly are they angry at Bush because he screwed up, and it appears they are not going to rob Iraq and its people of the most valuable commodity oil? I hope these robber barons fare better in the after life.

On possibility for peace and shared religious principles
"If billions of dollars spent on security, military campaigns and troop movement were instead spent on investment and assistance for poor countries, promotion of health, combating different diseases, education and improvement of mental and physical fitness, assistance to the victims of natural disasters, creation of employment opportunities and production, development projects and poverty alleviation, establishment of peace, mediation between disputing states, and extinguishing the flames of racial, ethnic and other conflicts, where would the world be today? Would not your government and people be justifiably proud? Would not your administration’s political and economic standing have been stronger? And I am most sorry to say, would there have been an ever increasing global hatred of the American government?
My basic question is this: Is there no better way to interact with the rest of the world? Today there are hundreds of millions of Christians, hundreds of millions of Muslims and millions of people who follow the teachings of Moses (PBUH). All divine religions share and respect one word and that is “monotheism” or belief in a single God and no other in the world. All prophets, speak of peace and tranquility for man -- based on monotheism, justice and respect for human dignity.
Do you not think that if all of us come to believe in and abide by these principles, that is, monotheism, worship of God, justice, respect for the dignity of man, belief in the Last Day, we can overcome the present problems of the world -- that are the result of disobedience to the Almighty and the teachings of prophets – and improve our performance?" Iranian President Mahmood Ahmadi-Nejad's complete letter is available at:

Of all the forms of murder, none is more monstrous than that committed by a state against its own citizens. And of all murder victims, those of the state are the most helpless and vulnerable since the very entity to which they have entrusted their lives and safety becomes their killer. Thus, it is especially important that states be called to account for their deeds.”


Bush is the leader of the “radical Christians”, oil junkies supported by radical “right wing consercutives”, who are leading America to damnation. This group has chosen to fight “radical Muslims” who are not solders of fortune, but who have principles and beliefs that they are willing to die for. God do not like ugly, neither do I, nor should you. In order for the world to “move-on” we must “out bush”. :

Quote by Forensic Anthropologist Clyde C. Snow
Regarding Abuse of Police Powers:
“Of all the forms of murder, none is more monstrous than that committed by a state against its own citizens. And of all murder victims, those of the state are the most helpless and vulnerable since the very entity to which they have entrusted their lives and safety becomes their killer. Thus, it is especially important that states be called to account for their deeds”.

We might also say that crimes of any type committed by states, enforcement agencies, courts, this administration serving a large segment of the population, receiving and being benefited by tax dollars, should be held equally accountable. IMPEACH THE ‘son of a bush’!

Why bush’s daughters should serve in Iraq
If Bush’s war is to continue any further, than this is how it should be manned by Americans. First of all those troops who do not believe in our purpose for being in Iraq and believe they should not risk life and limb for this illegal aggression, should be taken out of harms way immediately. There should be no problem in replacing them with “true blooded Americans”, Caucasian consercutives who believe this country is theirs, and all its resources. They must sacrifice their sons and daughters who will mainly receive the spoils of Bush’s War. We should allow the poor, deprived who are now suffering, to return to this racist society and at least live in poverty but yet have a “possible?” chance at the American dream. This may be possible if they can possibly survive the racism, discrimination supported by the news media, the Bush administration, industry, churches and the majority of this society. It is un-Christian (and certainly un-Christ like) for this administration to allow this illegal act of aggression. Bush should be impeached, his daughters and the sons and daughters of Congress and Senators, who supported the U.S. invading a sovereign country should provide their love ones to un-necessarily invade Iraq at the risk of our brave troops. We need to force Bush to resign, and charge Cheney for treason and other high crimes. Cheney should receive greater punishment because he is intelligent enough to know better. Congressman Murtha certainly speaks on my behalf.
Since bush do not believe in “justice for all”, he should at least believe that…………
Q. How dare you turn this war into a racial issue!!!!!
A. It is a war of radical Christians against radical Muslims, and People of color.
Q. Have you ever served in the US Military? I have, in fact I come from a long history of Military service back to the American Revolution.
A. Four years in US Air Force, three years as Police Officer, (both with honors).
I along with my forefathers and son have VOLUNTEERED to protect this country from many enemies and am extremely proud to have done so, but for some gutless spineless racist such as you it just burns me alive to know that if not for people such as me and my family you would not have the right to make the statement you made.
A. My Grandfather was a Slave, your’s were probably Slave Owners as bush’s Family. See:
`Tell me how many of these African Americans that are going to be sent into this "morass" were DRAFTED?
A. It is doubtful if any were drafted. It is clear that if Minorties do not enter the military, they will join the HOMELESS due the lack of equal opportunities that is provided for Caucasians only.
My opinion is that there are many talented, intelligent young men and women regardless of race that are going into this "morass", why does it always have to become a racial issue?
A. Hurricane Katrina has presented a defining moment for President Bush. So far, it's defined him as indecisive, uninterested in poverty and critically unprepared. His nationally televised address was an attempt by the White House to mark a turning point. But President Bush failed to deeply address either of the core vulnerabilities Katrina exposed—the federal government's inability to respond to disaster, and the poverty and racism that still remains in America. With the media jury out on the speech, we can help draw focus to Bush's failure to deliver on his core promise—to protect America from disaster. Despite all the money, reports and restructuring, America isn't any more prepared for a disaster now than it was four years ago, and President Bush doesn't have a clue as how to make us safe. Since September 11th, we have been told repeatedly by the president that America is safer. That message—that he would protect America—is the central reason why he won re-election. Those claims turned out to be false.2We need to Move-On and;
Don't turn this into a racial situation, it's bad enough people are continually trying to turn this into a Republican/Democrat issue. There is no room for dividing our military into races. This is an AMERICAN issue, not African American, not European American, not Asian American, not Russian American, not Mexican American, not "whatever" American, this is an AMERICAN issue leave race out of it! By the way, if you were born in America you are American, the only REAL African American I know immigrated here from Ethiopia making him a true African American.
- Scott Smith, Independent ideas (June 02, 2006; Lemoore, CA)

Blacks in America are on their way to extinction if this administration continues on its present path. We are loosing more troops in larger percentages than the population as a whole. We are suffering from an education vacuum; being expanded by a President who I doubt can spell nor pronounce the word education. This and prior administrations have taken the civil rights legislation, turned it around under what is called Affirmative Action, and allowed the majority of those privileges to benefit whites. Blacks suffer the highest unemployment. Blacks are imprisoned at an alarming rate. Blacks serve in the armed forces at an unfair rate. This voluntary commitment is largely due to the extent of discrimination that exist where most of the good paying jobs are only available to those in control, and Blacks are forced to enter the military in order to survive.
“The Colored Soldiers If the muse were mine to tempt it And my feeble voice were strong, If my tongue were trained to measures, I would sing a stirring song. I would sing a song heroic Of those noble sons of Ham, Of the gallant colored soldiers Who fought for Uncle Sam! In the early days you scorned them, And with many a flip and flout Said “these battles are the white man’s And the whites will fight them out.” Up the hills you fought and faltered, In the vales you strove and bled, While your ears still heard the thunder Of the foes’ advancing tread. Then distress fell on the nation, And the flag was drooping low; Should the dust pollute your banner? No! the nation shouted, No! So when War, in savage triumph, Spread abroad his funeral pall- Then you called the colored soldiers, And they answered to your call. And like hounds unleashed and eager For the life blood of the prey, Spring they forth and bore them bravely In the thickest of the fray. And where’er the fight was hottest, Where the bullets fastest fell, There they pressed unblanched and fearless At the very mouth of hell. Ah, they rallied to the standard To uphold it by their might; None were stronger in the labors, None were braver in the fight. From the blazing breach of Wagner To the plains of Olustee, They were foremost in the fight Of the battles of the free. And at Pillow! God have mercy On the deeds committed there, And the souls of those poor victims Sent to Thee without a prayer. Let the fullness of Thy pity O’er the hot wrought spirits sway Of the gallant colored soldiers Who fell fighting on that day! Yes, the Blacks enjoy their freedom, And they won it dearly, too; For the life blood of their thousands Did the southern fields bedew. In the darkness of their bondage, In the depths of slaver’s night, Their muskets flashed the dawning, And they fought their way to light. They were comrades then and brothers, Are they more or less to-day? They were good to stop a bullet And to front the fearful fray. They were citizens and soldiers, When rebellion raised its head; And the traits that made them worthy, Ah! Those virtues are not dead. They have shared your nightly vigils They have shared your daily toil’ And their blood with you commingling Has enriched the Southern soil. They have slept and marched and suffered ‘Neath the same dark skies as you, They have met as fierce a foeman, And have been as brave and true. And their deeds shall find a record In the registry of Fame; For their blood has cleansed completely Every blot of Slavery’s shame. So honor and all glory To those noble sons of Ham- The gallant colored soldiers Who fought for Uncle Sam! “
-Paul Laurence Dunbar, 1895
Black soldiers today have less freedom and liberty than the colored soldiers of yesterday. Bush is using them in Iraq to confiscate the oil in Iraq again implementing his “reverse robinhood” policy in Iraq as his economic policies are implemented in the US. These policies benefit the right wing radicals, Haliburton, Bush and his cronies while these Black soldiers will return to join with the rest of the population with minimum wage jobs and put in their place,while being the last to be hired and the first to be fired or laid off. These Black soldiers who have died protecting the 100,000 dollar Haliburton employees who will return and reap the benefits of Iraq and the Black soldiers’ only benefit will be the same society they left behind, “No white child left behind”, “selective law enforcement”, (DWB), and the lack of economic parity for Blacks, (BWB), see
- walter l. ellis, CEO/non-profit (May 31, 2006; Charleston, WV)

The 3 Axis of Evil? Vs. One World Order
These three countries are considered such due to their refusal to relinquish their natural resources in a quest for one world order. Any country, organization or group consisting of people of color are generally treated as enemies of this administration and the right wing radical conservatives led by Cheney with Bush on his chain. This empire led administration intends to assure any and all Caucasian countries that the US’s intent is to continue its quest for the world oil reserves and continue to pursue its racist practices by whatever means possible. It intends to appoint racist justices create unfair employment opportunities and illegally occupy a sovereign country with the ultimate intent to control under “one world order”. The sooner we rid the world of Cheney, this administration to include this “son of a bush”, the sooner the world will be able to moveOn, and make this a better world for all to live in peace and harmony.

The apparent goals of this “son of a bush”
Why would a world leader want to appoint a known racist to the Supreme Court? Why would Bush allow African Americans to die in his wars, knowing he is attempting to do everything he can to diminish the little freedom they have gained prior to this racist administration?
Alito joined “CAP” a racist organization, applied for a position with Reagan a racist. . Now he is joining with an administration that refuses to appoint anyone to any important position if they are not a racist. An administration that is supported by Radical Conservatives who admit they are racist, and call Liberals worst than a racist.
This “son of a bush” yet ask African Americans and other minorities to serve and die for his sense of democracy for White People, and his feeble attempt to fulfill his father’s radical dream of “one world order” whereby the White Man will soon rule the world and control all its resources.
America needs judges who are fair, unbiased and intelligent. America don’t need so called Liberal and certainty not Radical Conservative Judges. America’s past and present racial problems stem from the present judicial system that reeks of racist Judges, Prosecutors, FBI, CIA, State and Federal Justices Departments that reek of discrimination and injustice for minorities.
People of color can no longer support this “son of a bush” and this administration. Congress and the world should stop the inhumane treatment toward people of color to include Muslims for this administrations quest for “one world order”. The world will be better without Sadam Hussein, this administration and this “son of a bush”.
Because Bush continues to appoint racist in his administration all African Americans should immediately refuse to fight or die for this country as long as this “son of a bush” is Commander-in-Chief.
Law enforcement officers throughout the country should refuse to cite or arrest African Americans for crimes other than those causing bodily harm. Such protest should continue until Congress can create a system that is just for ALL, to include people of color.

The Fate of the Black Man in America. With “outbush” things may improve.
That fate is to be a victim of discrimination, unjustly imprisoned, and finally “terminated”. Blacks born in America will all receive this fate, if they survive Iraq and Bush’s War. Now he nominates racist Alito to promote a life of discrimination for African Americans. Arrest Cheney, impeach this ‘son of a bush’ and make the world a better place in which we all may live in peace and harmony.

“RICO” ACT violations of the Bush Regime
Recently charges were made that the Catholic Church should be charged or prosecuted under the “RICO” act. In my opinion so should the Bush Regime. We need Amnesty International to file charges against this administration, for committing terrorist acts against Iraq, killing innocent civilians, causing untold physical, mental and financial loss to a sovereign nation. This was done with a plan to replace a repressive regime with another repressive regime, with no benefits to the Iraq people or the world. For his crimes Bush should resign, and than be impeached, tried by an international body, locked up and treated as any other terrorist under the “Patriot Act

Why Bush’s “Reverse Robinhood” policy is failing in Iraq
It is strange that most consecutives are beginning to anger at the problems this administration is creating for this country, when there are lesser evils than those committed in Bush’s first appointment. They benefited from no white child being left behind. They benefited from the “Reverse Robin hood” tax cut. They praised the occupation of a sovereign country Iraq. Possibly are they angry at Bush because he screwed up, and it appears they are not going to rob Iraq and its people of the most valuable commodity oil? I hope these robber barons fare better in the after life.
Bring Black Troops home
To serve in the US to protect the homeland and our human rights, being violated by the Bush Regime. I recently spoke to an African American Marine Officer, who was disturbed about how Black Marines are being treated prior and during Bush’s illegal occupation of Irag. He related to me that if it wasn’t for the low ranking Black Marines who were being discriminated against, and he felt they needed his help, he himself would resign. For this and other reasons Blacks serving in the armed services should not become solders of fortune, but instead should be assigned to protect the human rights of African Americans, and all people regardless of color or faith. This country should also realize why Blacks are not obligated to shed blood for this country. They will not be able to share in the spoils and benefits if any are derived from this invasion, and others. They nor their love ones in their life time will receive equal opportunities in this country. For Blacks to receive the discipline basically the military have to offer, and minorities are so much in need, I would suggest that they recruit Blacks, keep them in safe positions state side and not allow them a weapon, because they may use it against those they perceive to be their enemy.

Bring Our Troops Home
I keep thinking of the poor parents of a teenage boy who recently died trying to leap out of his car at 30 mph. He was trying to imitate the stunts like those on the movie "Jackass" while his friends filmed him. My heart goes out to his parents. My son was in Iraq driving a humvee on the most dangerous highway in Iraq---Rocket Propelled Grenade Alley--- for 11 months. Needless to say, I was worried sick and thought a lot about what it would mean if he died. Thank God he made it through---and it wasn't easy - four from his battalion didn't make it home. During the past year while working to support my son and his fellow soldiers by asking to bring them home and take care of them when they get here-I met many, many parents and spouses who did have the worst possible thing happen to them: they lost their son or daughter, husband or wife in Iraq. Cindy Sheehan was one of the mothers I met several times. I can tell you that she is a genuine and caring person. And I can tell you that she is really is trying to find the meaning in her son Casey's death. She wants to meet with the president and ask him why her son died. I know her: and it is that simple, though many on the right are trying to make her out as some crazy liberal with other motives. I also have met two Vermont parents of soldiers who are asking the same question publicly: Why did my son die? I cried yesterday when I heard the father talk about his son who died in Iraq, distraught over driving by Iraqi children begging for water on the side of the road. I know too well why he had to drive by them, my son had to do the same thing so that he could live. What are experiences like this costing my son and others like him? I am sure that the parents of the teenager who just died trying that stunt are also at this moment asking themselves why he died. And I ask myself: is their son's death any more senseless than Casey Sheehan's death when he was looking for nonexistent WMDs? I see the tear-streaked faces of parents on the left and on the right and know that they are trying to make sense of their children's deaths. Thank God my son made it home and I have not had to face that. I pray that he will not have to return to Iraq, like so many of them have had to. This weekend at the antiwar rally in DC I met several parents and spouses of soldiers who are on their second and third tour. I met a mother whose son has been in Iraq for over 500 days. How can any of them possibly bear it? I know that some of the parents say their loved ones died for a noble cause. Looking for WMDS. Getting rid of Saddam. Freedom. Bush keeps changing the noble causes that they are supposed to be dying for. But for me, it is too hard to ignore the realities on the ground in Iraq and what our own generals are telling us about this war. We are not creating freedom in Iraq. We are not gaining in Iraq, we are losing ground, and no amount of denial or wishful thinking will change that. The noble cause that I will work for is the one of not letting one more innocent Iraqi or American soldier die in a war based on lies. We need to withdraw from Iraq and our mission needs to be one of completing peace and justice. As Cindy Sheehan said last Saturday in DC: "We in the peace movement need to agree on one thing: yes we need an exit plan, but it is not a strategy, it is a command. The command should be: have all of our military personnel and paid killer mercenaries out of Iraq within 6 months, and the generals carry out the command. Simple, it's not brain surgery, and I think it is so easy even George Bush can sign the order. We can't give the homicidal maniacs any wiggle room or long-term strategy sessions. For one thing, when our leaders strategize, we are put in even more jeopardy - they have proven that they are not too bright or even a little compassionate. But the most important thing is that people die every day in Iraq for absolutely no reason and for lies. We have to say NOW because the people on the other side are saying NEVER. We can't compromise, we can't say please, and we can't retreat. If we do, our country is doomed. We have to honor the sacrifices of our loved ones by completing the mission of peace and justice. It is time. Bring our troops home, NOW!" The definition of insanity is to continue to do the same and expect different results. Hanging in there doing the same thing in Iraq will not win the war and make everything come out all right. To withdraw from Iraq is not "cutting and running" it is "coming to our senses" and realizing that our leaders lied to us and deserve to be impeached and fired. And saying we are "cutting and running" is really just calling us cowards--which may work on the playground, or in Bush's 'challenged' mind, but doesn't work with us or the rest of the world. As one sign read this weekend: the whole world can't be wrong. And as far as my actions helping terrorists: our president and his entourage have created more terrorists by their actions way faster than we can kill those terrorists. It is the acts of this administration that is at fault for ruining the United State's reputation and honor world-wide, not my actions or those of the other people brave enough to stand up and say"No more! Enough! Not one more American soldier or Iraqi death!" Over 25 families were at the Military Families Speak Out meeting last Sunday in DC. During introductions, we were asked talk about their loved ones, many of who died in Iraq. It went on for hours. There is no room big enough--nay, the whole world is not big enough--to hold their grief, and I am profoundly changed by hearing their stories. And from those I heard, those who have made that ultimate sacrifice ---I heard these words: "End the war: bring the troops home now. Not one more life." The time for action is now. Not one more life. NANCY

Just say no! Ask what is in it for you or your family. Ask how will your family or love ones benefit if we win or lose in Iraq? Ask can you or your love ones gain fair employment, managerial positions or ownership in Halliburton and other industries who are beneficiaries of this illegal occupation? Then make a truthful statement to your commanding officer and the press as to how you are probably discriminated against by your superiors. I would suggest you then offer them your weapon, after realizing who your enemy maybe. Upon your return to America, ask bush how his appointing Alito a racist to the Supreme Court will improve Blacks freedom and opportunities in this country. Bush’s Justice Department enforces regulations when Caucasians are the victims, and refuse to do so when the victims are Black. See: Most Republicans are racist, which don’t mean that all racist are Republicans. Alito is a racist and a Republican which should mean he should not be a judge. America needs judges who are just and fair to All.

The Supreme Court and what it should represent
If we are going to have a democracy we would not be appointing conservative nor liberal judges to any of our courts. Our efforts should be to appoint judges who will protect the liberties and right of all in this country regardless of race, creed or color.

Then I will pledge allegiance to America. Freedom can only be derived when all are treated equally. Equality will not be obtained until we rid our government of those who oppress, disallow freedom and opportunity for certain segments of our society, while asking of this segment to die and further suffer in order that others may be suppressed. To defeat an enemy, the moral values of the occupier must be above that of the enemy. We must follow the leadership of those who say withdraw now from Iraq! We can no longer listen to cheating, deceiving war mongering “oil junkies” set to ruin the world, while making America worst than before this “son of a bush".

Why Congress should keep the Patriot Act intact until….
we are able to rid this country of terrorist, traitors, and unsavory characters that exist presently. It should be kept until the Justice Department investigates all these characters, to include (Bush, Cheney, and Rove) for exposing a CIA Officer, illegally invading Iraq and other crimes. They should be detained in Asia (a part of the African Continent), held until an International Court can convene. They should be treated as any other criminal, (except torture, Bush confessed 12/14/05) and all the provisions of this act implemented before any further harm can be caused to this country and the world. The sooner we take above action, than the sooner we will be able to regain the freedom and liberty our troops are fighting and dying for in order to occupy Iraq. This Justice Department should not let our brave troops die in vain. We owe our troops, our Citizens, and the world freedom and justice for ‘All’. After this threat is past, we should get rid of this despicable act, which is so un-patriotic, and so un-American.

Bush did not state at the NAACP Convention that his family owned SLAVES!!!
Now we are risking our troops, invading a country illegally, punishing France and Russia, indicating they violated the embargo, and now asking these and other countries to risk their soldiers, but only under terms where we supposing are the only regime that can democratize Iraq and make them what? Do we want to make them what America stands for? Does America stand for freedom and justice for all? If it does it must be freedom and justice for all white people. This being the case, are we seeking the same for the Iraqis? It is shameful and sinful that Congress has let these criminal acts manifest as they have in this administration when Congress and the media previously went after the Clinton administration for “Whitegate” and Bill having sex in the White House. We need a president for “all” the people and not for just “all white people” as Bush presides. What more would you expect from Bush whose family was involvement in Slavery. Bush recently stated before the NAACP Convention that his family always supported African Americans??????.
WHY NOT USE “RADICAL CHRISTIANS” TO FIGHT “RADICAL MUSLIMS”?Those who will reap the benefits should fight this war. Those who support the war in Iraq should volunteer and serve. Those in the war zone who support what we are doing in Iraq should volunteer to stay and fight. Those who do not believe in this un-just occupation should be shipped stateside immediately, and not be put in harms way for a war created by radical Christians, against radical Muslims. Blacks are being unfairly treated in this country, now giving life and limb, with the recipients of their efforts benefiting the Bush regime and those he support. Bush should use more volunteers, to include his daughters to accomplish whatever he is attempting to achieve. We are aware that his main interest is to protect the oil interest and investment of his father and Cheney. This is more reason for him to convince his daughters to serve in Iraq, and show the world that he is willing to sacrifice love ones for what he consider such a worthy cause. Bush should convince Rush Limbaugh, Bill O'Reilly, Hanity, and Jerry Falwell, to recruit those brave compatriots they support to volunteer and help this country defeat radical Islam. It would appear that radical Christians would be better suited to fight and defeat radical Muslims.


Its high time Americans began a dialogue over the long nightmare of human rights violations and abuse committed in our name. It doesn’t take a genius to discern that unqualified US support of Israel is undoubtedly one of the leading causes of anti-American sentiment around the world and one of the main reasons why America is targeted by the Islamic Jihadists. 9/11, to paraphrase Malcom X, was “the proverbial chickens coming home to roost.” - Frank, Student of Life (July 21, 2006; Los Angeles, CA)

Why should African Americans risk life or limb to gain freedom for the Israelites? It is apparent that Jewish Americans owned Slaves. African Americans were promised reparation. Instead of paying reparation to the descendants of Slaves, this country instead allocate billions of dollars in foreign aid to the descendants of Slave Owners. Bush should keep African Americans who are Muslim by birth out of this Holy War.

This president denies affirmative treatment of minorities at the same time asking them to risk their lives to protect the oil fields of Iraq, in order that he, Cheney, Bush Sr. and Halliburton can reap the spoils of Iraq’s natural resources. A country where this appointed president by the ruling Supreme Court uses the resources of his regime to deny voting rights to minorities and the disadvantaged, while asking these same individuals to give their life for what? The false statements and lies put out by this administration and Congress should be investigated regarding invading Iraq now, not later before any more innocent lives are lost both Americans and Iraqis. Bush should be held responsible for his criminal acts against a sovereign country. Bush should be treated as any other criminal if found guilty.This administration has gone too far, too long “with” the support of Congress for his illegal acts.Congress must act; the United Nations must act and act now before this president continue to lead this country down a path of certain destruction. is shameful and embarrassing that any soldier should have to risk life or limb for such a worthless cause that this administration has created in Iraq. Many of these solders, most being minority, risk life and limb prior to given citizenship. This is certainly “shameful”.

PUTIN: "We certainly would not want to have the same kind of democracy as they have in Iraq, I will tell you quite honestly".

Mr. President, This time please leave Blacks behind
When we attack Iran – use conservatives and their love ones. This time please continue to leave “blacks behind”. Those who will benefit from Iraq’s and Iran’s oil should join the military fighting force in order to protect their interest. Blacks and other people of color should remain free of this fight, unless they can see some future benefits for themselves. Blacks who serve in Afghanistan and Iraq, return to the USA and are yet denied equal opportunities in the work place. No Black soldier should risk life or limb for this world’s oil reserves. Upon returning after serving they will come back to conditions worse than when they left, with the conservatives eliminating educational funds, and any benefits that will benefit Blacks. This administration’s main goal is to reverse all benefits gained by the civil rights legislation and replace it with the type of affirmative action that will leave no white behind. If this “son of a bush” is to continue as an oil junkie he had better prepare his daughters and love ones for battle. Blacks are fools to follow this commander in chief.

1. democracy begins at home
1. US needs to end the "diopoly" of the Plutocrat and Hypocrat parties. Real democracy demands that there be effective representation of a far wider range of views, and their inclusion in the horsetrading and messy compromise process necessary to give all citizens a fair voice and a stake in the outcomes. A minimum of four significant parties would be required, probably more, but the key is to be sure that the operant mode is "inclusion", not "winner take all."
2. The next time that an honest president is elected, he or she needs to initiate the process of dismantling the imperial presidency, removing from the office, by statute or constituitional amendment, if necessary, most of the excessive power that has accreted to this position over several centuries. Step number one would be removal of the title, "Commander-in-Chief" of the armed forces, and the attached power that has been so thoroughly abused for several generations.
- livinginBushland, psychologist (July 09, 2006; Chicago, IL)

Comment Regarding "African Americans Not Allowed To Choose Leader"
Let me remind you that one individual's opinion on one skin color does not extend to the rest of his colleagues.
Take into account the fact that the majority of opinions against black men and women are sparked by black men and women who pull what my mother refers to as the "race card" when things do not exactly go their way.
Take Omarosa from The Apprentice. Enough said.
And a word to the individuals who point a finger at the government for newspaper articles that point a finger at black men and women and call them "looting", then point a finger at white men and women and call them "finding": Grow up and go after your local newspapers. In no way is our government going to stand up and say that calling a black man a "nigger" is a violation of his consitutional rights; they have to take into consideration that alot of black men call white people "crackers", and that we have such a thing as First Ammendment Rights, regardless of whether that free speech offends or degrades another human being. - Joshua Peterson, Non-Partisan (July 11, 2006; Tucson, AZ)

Sunday, July 02, 2006


The manner in which we treat Blacks in this country, it is amazing that they and other minorities would volunteer to die for bush’s war. See:
There is no equality for African Americans in this country, see:
African Americans are denied “Economic Parity”, see:
Our governments agencies refuse to enforce laws and regulations when Blacks are concerned, see:
This is true especially when it involves our nations banks, regulated by this administration, see:
As long as this country is controlled by families such as the Bush Family, whose ancestors were “Slave Owners”, see:, it is apparent that Blacks have many reasons for not shedding blood for this country.

This president denies affirmative treatment of minorities at the same time asking them to risk their lives to protect the oil fields of Iraq, in order that he, Cheney, Bush Sr. and Halliburton can reap the spoils of Iraq’s natural resources. A country where this appointed president by the ruling Supreme Court uses the resources of his regime to deny voting rights to minorities and the disadvantaged, while asking these same individuals to give their life for what? The false statements and lies put out by this administration and Congress should be investigated regarding invading Iraq now, not later before any more innocent lives are lost both Americans and Iraqis. Bush should be held responsible for his criminal acts against a sovereign country. Bush should be treated as any other criminal if found guilty.
This administration has gone too far, too long “with” the support of Congress for his illegal acts.
Congress must act; the United Nations must act and act now before this president continue to lead this country down a path of certain destruction.
It is shameful and embarrassing that any soldier should have to risk life or limb for such a worthless cause that this administration has created in Iraq. Many of these solders, most being minority, risk life and limb prior to given citizenship. This is certainly “shameful”.
A letter to Bush I will pledge allegiance to America when it becomes the land of the free. Freedom can only be derived when all are treated equally. Equality will not be obtained until we rid our government of those who oppress, disallow freedom and opportunity for certain segments of our society, while asking of this segment to die and further suffer in order that others may be suppressed. To defeat an enemy, the moral values of the occupier must be above that of the enemy. We must follow the leadership of those who say withdraw now from Iraq! We can no longer listen to cheating, deceiving war mongering “oil junkies” set to ruin the world, while making America worst than before bush".
For an ILLEGAL INVASION, bush should be Impeached!!!
In my opinion the manner that this administration have handled this war effort, utilizing an administration staff that is so pro-white and anti-Black, and Muslim, that it is now doubtful if the United Nation can correct the mess this President has made.
We need to get out of Iraq before it is too late, innocent Blacks, and all our troops, including those who support this unworthy cause, need not to further risk life or limb for

If we don’t IPEACH this ‘son of a bush’ then..
Those who will reap the benefits should fight this war. Those who support the war in Iraq should volunteer for service. Those in the war zone who support what we are doing in Iraq should volunteer to stay and fight. Those who do not believe in this un-just occupation should be shipped stateside immediately, and not be put in harms way for a war created by radical Christians, against radical Muslims. Blacks are being unfairly treated in this country, giving life and limb, with the recipients of their efforts benefiting the Bush regime and those he support. Bush should use more volunteers, to include his daughters to accomplish whatever he is attempting to achieve. We are aware that his main interest is to protect the oil interest and investment of his father and Cheney. This is more reason for him to convince his daughters to serve in Iraq, and show the world that he willing to sacrifice love ones for what he consider such a worthy cause. Bush should convince Rush Limbaugh, Pat O'Reilly, Hanity, and Jerry Falwell, to recruit those brave compatriots they support to volunteer and help this country defeat radical Islam. It would appear that radical Christians would be better suited to fight and defeat radical Muslims.

IMPEACH bush in order that the world can Move-On
I wish Cindy could tell Bush what I have written and wish I could tell him face to face. I believe him to be an unethical liar who never should had been put in the position he is so unqualified for, and he is an embarrassment to most people in the US, and most all people in the World. He should be impeached as I have said in the past, he should have sent his daughters to war instead of my son, he should never ask a Black to risk his or her life to offer democracy to Iraq's that Blacks will never achieve during his regime in this country. He should be tried for war crimes as he is advocating for Sadam Hussen. The same treatment Sadam receives should be the same he should get for his past and present crimes against humanity prior to the unlawful invasion of Iraq. I would ask Cindy to tell Bush that he and his regime would be doing the world a favor if they leave office immediately.

This president denies affirmative treatment of minorities at the same time asking them to risk their lives to protect the oil fields of Iraq, in order that he, Cheney, Bush Sr. and Halliburton can reap the spoils of Iraq’s natural resources. A country where this appointed president by the ruling Supreme Court uses the resources of his regime to deny voting rights to minorities and the disadvantaged, while asking these same individuals to give their life for what? The false statements and lies put out by this administration and Congress should be investigated regarding invading Iraq now, not later before any more innocent lives are lost both Americans and Iraqis. Bush should be held responsible for his criminal acts against a sovereign country. Bush should be treated as any other criminal if found guilty.
This administration has gone too far, too long “with” the support of Congress for his illegal acts.
Congress must act; the United Nations must act and act now before this president continue to lead this country down a path of certain destruction.
It is shameful and embarrassing that any soldier should have to risk life or limb for such a worthless cause that this administration has created in Iraq. Many of these solders, most being minority, risk life and limb prior to given citizenship. This is certainly “shameful”.

The Supreme Court and what it should represent
If we are going to have a democracy we would not be appointing conservative nor liberal judges to any of our courts. Our efforts should be to appoint judges who will protect the liberties and right of all in this country regardless of race, creed or color.
Iranian President Mahmood Ahmadi-Nejad's letter to Bush On possibility for peace and shared religious principles:”If billions of dollars spent on security, military campaigns and troop movement were instead spent on investment and assistance for poor countries, promotion of health, combating different diseases, education and improvement of mental and physical fitness, assistance to the victims of natural disasters, creation of employment opportunities and production, development projects and poverty alleviation, establishment of peace, mediation between disputing states, and extinguishing the flames of racial, ethnic and other conflicts, where would the world be today? Would not your government and people be justifiably proud? Would not your administration’s political and economic standing have been stronger? And I am most sorry to say, would there have been an ever increasing global hatred of the American government?
My basic question is this: Is there no better way to interact with the rest of the world? Today there are hundreds of millions of Christians, hundreds of millions of Muslims and millions of people who follow the teachings of Moses (PBUH). All divine religions share and respect one word and that is “monotheism” or belief in a single God and no other in the world. All prophets, speak of peace and tranquility for man -- based on monotheism, justice and respect for human dignity. Do you not think that if all of us come to believe in and abide by these principles, that is, monotheism, worship of God, justice, respect for the dignity of man, belief in the Last Day, we can overcome the present problems of the world -- that are the result of disobedience to the Almighty and the teachings of prophets – and improve our performance?”

The 3 Axis of Evil? Vs. One World Order
These three countries are considered such due to their refusal to relinquish their natural resources in a quest for one world order. Any country, organization or group consisting of people of color are generally treated as enemies of this administration and the right wing radical conservatives led by Cheney with Bush on his chain. This empire led administration intends to assure any and all Caucasian countries that the US’s intent is to continue its quest for the world oil reserves and continue to pursue its racist practices by whatever means possible. It intends to appoint racist justices create unfair employment opportunities and illegally occupy a sovereign country with the ultimate intent to control under “one world order”. The sooner we rid the world of Cheney, this administration to include this “son of a bush”, the sooner the world will be able to moveOn. Lets and make this a better world for all to live in peace and harmony.

The World is better off without Bush
Saddam Hussein is no longer ruling Iraq. This administration’s occupation of Iraq, after being supported by previous Republican administrations, indicate how far oil junkies will go to achieve their goals. Many brave soldiers and innocent Iraqis have and are continuing to lose their lives daily due to this administration’s quest for oil and “One World Order”. An administration that spent billions of dollars, years before attacking Iraq, with the intent to attack at a given time. An administration that did not have the foresight to educate their intelligence agencies and armed services the language, and culture of the country to be occupied. A president and commander of our armed forces, whose main goal was to avenge his father. A person who would like to appear as a Texas cowboy, rather than the diplomat that this country need as a leader. A war on foreign soil “cannot” be won without proper preparation and tools for such an adventure.
This president never was and never will be qualified to lead this country. This president represent only a small segment of this country, the radical right, and will never represent the mass of Americans and certainly not the world as a whole with its diverse population which includes, Muslins, Asians, Africans, all of which this administration treat as the enemy.
These faults in Bush would make one think that the world would be better off without Bush.

Bush is the leader of the “radical Christians”, oil junkies supported by radical “right wing consecutives”, who are leading America to damnation. This group has chosen to fight “radical Muslims” who are not solders of fortune, but who have principles and beliefs that they are willing to die for. God do not like ugly, neither do I, nor should you. In order for the world to “move-on” we must “out bush”.
Those who will reap the benefits should fight this war. Those who support the war in Iraq should volunteer and serve. Those in the war zone who support what we are doing in Iraq should volunteer to stay and fight. Those who do not believe in this un-just occupation should be shipped stateside immediately, and not be put in harms way for a war created by radical Christians, against radical Muslims. Blacks are being unfairly treated in this country, now giving life and limb, with the recipients of their efforts benefiting the Bush regime and those he support. Bush should use more volunteers, to include his daughters to accomplish whatever he is attempting to achieve. We are aware that his main interest is to protect the oil interest and investment of his father and Cheney. This is more reason for him to convince his daughters to serve in Iraq, and show the world that he is willing to sacrifice love ones for what he consider such a worthy cause. Bush should convince Rush Limbaugh, Pat O'Reilly, Hanity, and Jerry Falwell, to recruit those brave compatriots they support to volunteer and help this country defeat radical Islam. It would appear that radical Christians would be better suited to fight and defeat radical Muslims.

Since bush does not believe in “justice for all”, he should at least believe that…………
African Americans are not much different than your daughters. They wish to live in a country that is admired and respected by all, not just a few governmental insiders who relish our role as global bully, determining, unilaterally, who is out of line and subject to our discipline. We daily do more to recruit for Ben Laden and his ilk than they could ever do for themselves. Now you want to send Blacks and tens of thousands of others into the morass you have created. So many of them will become nothing more than fodder for the continued advance of the hegemony of corporate cronies and consummate insiders. This should not continue. “This cannot stand!” Please exempt those who will not benefit from this travesty of blood on our hands and our souls.

Why this “son of a bush” should never have been selected……
and certainly not elected the second term. After illegally invading Iraq, taking from the poor and giving to the rich, supporting “dick Cheney” and his illegal acts in creating in security by outing a CIA agent, increasing fuel cost to support Halliburton and his cronies, weakening affirmative action, while asking African Americans to affirmatively die for freedom this administration is not willing to provide for Blacks and others in this country, and now attempting to investigate and arrest these individuals for protesting his criminal acts. Anyone who believe themselves to be victim of this “son of a bush”s violation of their privacy should apply for a copy of their info; at . After, and if I receive info from this act, I intend to post it on and Move-On.
Since bush do not believe in “justice for all”, he should at least believe that…………
Q. How dare you turn this war into a racial issue!!!!!
A. It is a war of radical Christians against radical Muslims, and People of color.
Q. Have you ever served in the US Military? I have, in fact I come from a long history of Military service back to the American Revolution.
A. Four years in US Air Force, three years as Police Officer, (both with honors).
I along with my forefathers and son have VOLUNTEERED to protect this country from many enemies and am extremely proud to have done so, but for some gutless spineless racist such as you it just burns me alive to know that if not for people such as me and my family you would not have the right to make the statement you made.
A. My Grandfather was a Slave, yours was probably a Slave Owners as bush’s Family. See:
`Tell me how many of these African Americans that are going to be sent into this "morass" were DRAFTED?
A. It is doubtful if any were drafted. It is clear that if Minorties do not enter the military, they will join the HOMELESS due the lack of equal opportunities that is provided for Caucasians only.
My opinion is that there are many talented, intelligent young men and women regardless of race that are going into this "morass", why does it always have to become a racial issue?
A. Hurricane Katrina has presented a defining moment for President Bush. So far, it's defined him as indecisive, uninterested in poverty and critically unprepared. His nationally televised address was an attempt by the White House to mark a turning point. But President Bush failed to deeply address either of the core vulnerabilities Katrina exposed—the federal government's inability to respond to disaster, and the poverty and racism that still remains in America. With the media jury out on the speech, we can help draw focus to Bush's failure to deliver on his core promise—to protect America from disaster. Despite all the money, reports and restructuring, America isn't any more prepared for a disaster now than it was four years ago, and President Bush doesn't have a clue as how to make us safe. Since September 11th, we have been told repeatedly by the president that America is safer. That message—that he would protect America—is the central reason why he won re-election. Those claims turned out to be false.2We need to Move-On and;
Don't turn this into a racial situation, it's bad enough people are continually trying to turn this into a Republican/Democrat issue. There is no room for dividing our military into races. This is an AMERICAN issue, not African American, not European American, not Asian American, not Russian American, not Mexican American, not "whatever" American, this is an AMERICAN issue leave race out of it! By the way, if you were born in America you are American, the only REAL African American I know immigrated here from Ethiopia making him a true African American.
- Scott Smith, Independent ideas (June 02, 2006; Lemoore, CA)

Blacks in America are on their way to extinction if this administration continues on its present path. We are loosing more troops in larger percentages than the population as a whole. We are suffering from an education vacuum; being expanded by a President who I doubt can spell nor pronounce the word education. This and prior administrations have taken the civil rights legislation, turned it around under what is called Affirmative Action, and allowed the majority of those privileges to benefit whites. Blacks suffer the highest unemployment. Blacks are imprisoned at an alarming rate. Blacks serve in the armed forces at an unfair rate. This voluntary commitment is largely due to the extent of discrimination that exist where most of the good paying jobs are only available to those in control, and Blacks are forced to enter the military in order to survive. See:
“The Colored Soldiers If the muse were mine to tempt it And my feeble voice were strong, If my tongue were trained to measures, I would sing a stirring song. I would sing a song heroic Of those noble sons of Ham, Of the gallant colored soldiers Who fought for Uncle Sam! In the early days you scorned them, And with many a flip and flout Said “these battles are the white man’s And the whites will fight them out.” Up the hills you fought and faltered, In the vales you strove and bled, While your ears still heard the thunder Of the foes’ advancing tread. Then distress fell on the nation, And the flag was drooping low; Should the dust pollute your banner? No! the nation shouted, No! So when War, in savage triumph, Spread abroad his funeral pall- Then you called the colored soldiers, And they answered to your call. And like hounds unleashed and eager For the life blood of the prey, Spring they forth and bore them bravely In the thickest of the fray. And where’er the fight was hottest, Where the bullets fastest fell, There they pressed unblanched and fearless At the very mouth of hell. Ah, they rallied to the standard To uphold it by their might; None were stronger in the labors, None were braver in the fight. From the blazing breach of Wagner To the plains of Olustee, They were foremost in the fight Of the battles of the free. And at Pillow! God have mercy On the deeds committed there, And the souls of those poor victims Sent to Thee without a prayer. Let the fullness of Thy pity O’er the hot wrought spirits sway Of the gallant colored soldiers Who fell fighting on that day! Yes, the Blacks enjoy their freedom, And they won it dearly, too; For the life blood of their thousands Did the southern fields bedew. In the darkness of their bondage, In the depths of slaver’s night, Their muskets flashed the dawning, And they fought their way to light. They were comrades then and brothers, Are they more or less to-day? They were good to stop a bullet And to front the fearful fray. They were citizens and soldiers, When rebellion raised its head; And the traits that made them worthy, Ah! Those virtues are not dead. They have shared your nightly vigils They have shared your daily toil’ And their blood with you commingling Has enriched the Southern soil. They have slept and marched and suffered ‘Neath the same dark skies as you, They have met as fierce a foeman, And have been as brave and true. And their deeds shall find a record In the registry of Fame; For their blood has cleansed completely Every blot of Slavery’s shame. So honor and all glory To those noble sons of Ham- The gallant colored soldiers Who fought for Uncle Sam! “
-Paul Laurence Dunbar, 1895
Black soldiers today have less freedom and liberty than the colored soldiers of yesterday. Bush is using them in Iraq to confiscate the oil in Iraq again implementing his “reverse robinhood” policy in Iraq as his economic policies are implemented in the US. These policies benefit the right wing radicals, Haliburton, Bush and his cronies while these Black soldiers will return to join with the rest of the population with minimum wage jobs and put in their place,while being the last to be hired and the first to be fired or laid off. These Black soldiers who have died protecting the 100,000 dollar Haliburton employees who will return and reap the benefits of Iraq and the Black soldiers’ only benefit will be the same society they left behind, “No white child left behind”, “selective law enforcement”, (DWB), and the lack of economic parity for Blacks, (BWB), see ,

Why bush’s daughters should serve in Iraq
If Bush’s war is to continue any further, than this is how it should be manned by Americans. First of all those troops who do not believe in our purpose for being in Iraq and believe they should not risk life and limb for this illegal aggression, should be taken out of harms way immediately. There should be no problem in replacing them with “true blooded Americans”, Caucasian consecutives who believe this country is theirs, and all its resources. They must sacrifice their sons and daughters who will mainly receive the spoils of Bush’s War. We should allow the poor, deprived who are now suffering, to return to this racist society and at least live in poverty but yet have a “possible?” chance at the American dream. This may be possible if they can possibly survive the racism, discrimination supported by the news media, the Bush administration, industry, churches and the majority of this society. It is un-Christian (and certainly un-Christ like) for this administration to allow this illegal act of aggression. Bush should be impeached, his daughters and the sons and daughters of Congress and Senators, who supported the U.S. invading a sovereign country should provide their love ones to un-necessarily invade Iraq at the risk of our brave troops. We need to force Bush to resign, and charge Cheney for treason and other high crimes. Cheney should receive greater punishment because he is intelligent enough to know better. Congressman Murtha certainly speaks on my behalf.

Yes...when the Bush girls go to Iraq, maybe someone will believe that their father had a "noble cause" in Iraq. They should be the first ones fighting for "freedom."
Myra Bieri,Social Worker Almond, WI - Myra Bieri, social worker (April 27, 2006; Almond, WI)

A letter to Bush
I will pledge allegiance to America when it becomes the land of the free. Freedom can only be derived when all are treated equally. Equality will not be obtained until we rid our government of those who oppress, disallow freedom and opportunity for certain segments of our society, while asking of this segment to die and further suffer in order that others may be suppressed. To defeat an enemy, the moral values of the occupier must be above that of the enemy. We must follow the leadership of those who say withdraw now from Iraq! We can no longer listen to cheating, deceiving war mongering “oil junkies” set to ruin the world, while making America worst than before bush".


Quote by Forensic Anthropologist Clyde C. Snow: Regarding Abuse of Police Powers:
“Of all the forms of murder, none is more monstrous than that committed by a state against its own citizens. And of all murder victims, those of the state are the most helpless and vulnerable since the very entity to which they have entrusted their lives and safety becomes their killer. Thus, it is especially important that states be called to account for their deeds”.
We might also say that crimes of any type committed by states, enforcement agencies, courts, this administration serving a large segment of the population, receiving and being benefited by tax dollars, should be held equally accountable. IMPEACH THE ‘son of a bush’!
The United States has to be the worst violator of human rights in the world because of their treatment of AFRICAN AMERICANS in this Country!!