Sunday, December 25, 2005

Mr. President, This time please leave Blacks behind

When we attack Iran – use conservatives and their love ones. This time please continue to leave “blacks behind”. Those who will benefit from Iraq’s and Iran’s oil should join the military fighting force in order to protect their interest. Blacks and other people of color should remain free of this fight, unless they can see some future benefits for themselves. My son who is Black served in Afghanistan and Iraq, returned to the good old USA recently and is yet denied equal opportunities in the work place. After graduating from college, working toward his master degree and serving as a paratrooper, he recently felt that his best place of employment would be to continue as what I call one of Bush’s mercenary soldiers of fortune for oil. His best job offer was one paying $7 an hour. No Black soldier should risk life or limb for this world’s oil reserves. Upon returning after serving they will come back to conditions worse than when they left, with the conservatives eliminating educational funds, and any benefits that will benefit Blacks. This administration’s main goal is to reverse all benefits gained by the civil rights legislation and replace it with the type of affirmative action that will leave no white behind. If this “son of a bush” is to continue as an oil junkie he had better prepare his daughters and love ones for battle. Blacks are fools to follow this commander in chief that is by far the worse “son of a bush” and should be impeached.
Blacks are left behind to be incarcerated. Blacks are left behind in poverty. Blacks are left behind in advancement throughout our society. Blacks are left behind in education why not leave them behind and not fight for Halliburton, the right wing radicals and this “son of a bush’s” conservatives causes that will only provide freedom and justice for most white people. Once the Black soldier refuses to serve in an illegal combat zone, this occupation of Iraq will soon come to an end. Once the Black soldier refuses to serve in Iran, it is doubtful that the right wing radicals will put their love ones in harms way to confiscate the world’s oil reserves. Once Chavez and others join forces we will began to note a change in attitudes toward people of color. While this “son of a bush” and his cronies are disrespecting leaders in South America and the Caribbean and other countries with people of color, Blacks should make inroads with these countries. It is time for Blacks to stand up for their freedom and liberty, before fighting and dying for Halliburton and Bush’s oil junkies. Bush, as a plea from a Black man, I ask that you continue your past practices and procedures and please leave my son and all Black soldiers “behind” in this and future wars. Besides, Blacks by birth are Muslim and Muslims should not kill other Muslims especially for oil.

Thursday, December 22, 2005

Why Our Black Soldiers Should Come Home

The Colored Soldiers
If the muse were mine to tempt it
And my feeble voice were strong,
If my tongue were trained to measures,
I would sing a stirring song.
I would sing a song heroic
Of those noble sons of Ham,
Of the gallant colored soldiers
Who fought for Uncle Sam!
In the early days you scorned them,
And with many a flip and flout
Said “these battles are the white man’s
And the whites will fight them out.”
Up the hills you fought and faltered,
In the vales you strove and bled,
While your ears still heard the thunder
Of the foes’ advancing tread.
Then distress fell on the nation,
And the flag was drooping low;
Should the dust pollute your banner?
No! the nation shouted, No!
So when War, in savage triumph,
Spread abroad his funeral pall-
Then you called the colored soldiers,
And they answered to your call.
And like hounds unleashed and eager
For the life blood of the prey,
Spring they forth and bore them bravely
In the thickest of the fray.
And where’er the fight was hottest,
Where the bullets fastest fell,
There they pressed unblanched and fearless
At the very mouth of hell.
Ah, they rallied to the standard
To uphold it by their might;
None were stronger in the labors,
None were braver in the fight.
From the blazing breach of Wagner
To the plains of Olustee,
They were foremost in the fight
Of the battles of the free.
And at Pillow! God have mercy
On the deeds committed there,
And the souls of those poor victims
Sent to Thee without a prayer.
Let the fullness of Thy pity
O’er the hot wrought spirits sway
Of the gallant colored soldiers
Who fell fighting on that day!
Yes, the Blacks enjoy their freedom,
And they won it dearly, too;
For the life blood of their thousands
Did the southern fields bedew.
In the darkness of their bondage,
In the depths of slaver’s night,
Their muskets flashed the dawning,
And they fought their way to light.
They were comrades then and brothers,
Are they more or less to-day?
They were good to stop a bullet
And to front the fearful fray.
They were citizens and soldiers,
When rebellion raised its head;
And the traits that made them worthy,
Ah! Those virtues are not dead.
They have shared your nightly vigils
They have shared your daily toil’
And their blood with you commingling
Has enriched the Southern soil.
They have slept and marched and suffered
‘Neath the same dark skies as you,
They have met as fierce a foeman,
And have been as brave and true.
And their deeds shall find a record
In the registry of Fame;
For their blood has cleansed completely
Every blot of Slavery’s shame.
So honor and all glory
To those noble sons of Ham-
The gallant colored soldiers
Who fought for Uncle Sam!

-Paul Laurence Dunbar, 1895

Bring Black Troops home,

To serve in the US to protect the homeland and our human rights, being violated by the Bush Regime. I recently spoke to an African American Marine Officer, who was disturbed about how Black Marines are being treated prior and during Bush’s illegal occupation of Irag. He related to me that if it wasn’t for the low ranking Black Marines who were being discriminated against, and he felt they needed his help, he himself would resign. For this and other reasons Blacks serving in the armed services should not become solders of fortune, but instead should be assigned to protect the human rights of African Americans, and all people regardless of color or faith. This country should also realize why Blacks are not obligated to shed blood for this country. They will not be able to share in the spoils and benefits if any are derived from this invasion, and others. They nor their love ones in their life time will receive equal opportunities in this country. For Blacks to receive the discipline basically the military have to offer, and minorities are so much in need, I would suggest that they recruit Blacks, keep them in safe positions state side and not allow them a weapon, because they may use it against those they perceive to be their enemy.

See web site;

Enough is enough from this “son of a bush”

This “son of a bush” is worse than the previous “son of a bush”, whose father was a “son of a bush”. We need to move-on in order that no more suffering will derive from this “son of a bush”.

This “son of a bush” should have never been selected……

and certainly not elected the second term. After illegally invading Iraq, taking from the poor and giving to the rich, supporting “dick Cheney” and his illegal acts in creating in security by outing a CIA agent, increasing fuel cost to support Halliburton and his cronies, weakening affirmative action, while asking African Americans to die for freedom this administration is not willing to provide for Blacks and others in this country, and now attempting to investigate and arrest these individuals for protesting his criminal acts. Anyone who believe themselves to be victim of this “son of a bush”s violation of their privacy should apply for a copy of their info; at . After, and if I receive info from this act, I intend to post it on

Tuesday, December 20, 2005

U.S. Department of Justice/Freedom of Information Act Request

In order to get information on your privacy, the wait maybe long. The last request I received was only granted after an agent visited my home and asked why I was requesting my information under “The Freedom of Information Act”. Weeks or months later I received information some bogus and some true. Your success may be faster than mine was in the past. I’m again requesting this information and am in the hopes of receiving it very soon due to my age of 67 years since the life expectancy of a black man is 63 years. Too long a delay may not serve my needs. Those who believe they may be illegally wired tapped or investigated by this regime should request their information by going to

A Reply to an Article in USA Today (12-16-05) re; 1 in 20 Adults Lack Basic English Skills

A Reply to an Article in USA Today (12-16-05) re: 1 in 20 Adults Lack Basic English Skills
This article touched on blacks’ improving since 1992. Blacks skills overall will not improve until segregation ends in this country. When I began school in the early ‘40s, and being black, we were given books that the white kids had used, misused and besides outdated. We were taught by teachers to not to use ain’t because ain’t ain’t right. Historic Black Universities and Colleges (HBUC)’s have students graduating saying they are dumber now than when they enrolled. This is due to a system where many of these HBUC’s have Regent Boards who are predominately white who set standards derogatory to black students. They allow science students to get a degree in Biology with only 32 units, knowing that the minimum requirement is 60 plus to get into medical school. These and other racist procedures are cared out throughout our educational system geared to leave no white child behind. Black honor students in high school are counseled to go to junior college, in order to leave slots open for sub-standard white youths. We diminish the civil rights legislation and replace it with ‘Affirmative action’ in order to give the little rights obtained under the civil rights legislation to white’s. Affirmative Action mandates that fewer blacks are allowed to enroll in our major Universities, and more whites’ are allowed to enroll in HBUC medical and nursing schools, leaving blacks further behind as planned. If a black and their parents (my grandfather a Slave), are denied an education as my father, with a system as when I graduated from high school un-equal and un-fair, how can one expect my offspring to compete when little opportunities are available to an entire group in our society, economically, socially, or educationally. I conclude by saying something is wrong with this system and it just “ain’t” right. Thing may improve if we......

Bennett’s remarks re: aborting Black Babies, and his “right wing radical supporters” (Consecutive Republicans)

The world would be better off if he and his supporters Mothers would have realized their endangerment to society prior to their birth. It would be a benefit if they could all crawl back into the hole in which they cometh, and be extracted with a coat hanger. Roe v Wade is more humane and more reasons it should not be over turned by the right wing, radical Supreme Court. Without Roe v Wade there would have been many more of these radicals destroying our country, with liberty and justice for only a segment of white people. We need to be reminded that these radicals came from parents who engrained them with such beliefs, and understand that nothing from nothing leaves nothing.

Wednesday, December 14, 2005

Why Congress should keep the Patriot Act intact.

If we are to rid this country of terrorist, traitors, and unsavory characters that exist presently in this country, than we must keep this act as stated until the Justice Department can investigate all these characters, to include (Bush, Cheney, and Rove) for exposing a CIA Officer, detain them in Asia ( a part of the African Continent) hold them until an International Court can convene, treat them as any other criminal and implement all the provisions of the PATRIOT ACT before any further harm can be caused to this country and the World. The sooner we take above action, than the sooner we will be able to regain the freedom and liberty our Troops are fighting and dying for in Iraq. This Justice Department should not let our Brave Troops dye in vain, and this Justice Department owes our Troops. Our Citizens, and the World freedom and justice for All. After the threat is past, we should get rid of this act ASAP.

Tuesday, December 13, 2005

The Fate of the Black Man in America. With “outbush” things may improve.

That fate is to be “aborted”, a victim of discrimination, unjustly imprisoned, and finally “terminated”. Blacks born in America will all receive this fate, if they survive Iraq and Bush’s War.

A Plea to the UN On Behave of African Americans

Of all the forms of murder, none is more monstrous than that committed by a state against its own citizens. And of all murder victims, those of the state are the most helpless and vulnerable since the very entity to which they have entrusted their lives and safety becomes their killer. Thus, it is especially important that states be called to account for their deeds.”


Monday, December 12, 2005

Why “Tookie” shouldn’t be “Swartzed” by the Terminator

Don’t think about killing or not killing Mr. Williams, “just don’t do it”. As a former police officer in Riverside, CA, I can attest that an African American cannot receive a fair trial, or due process in the United States of America, including California. Without an investigation, with one court appearance, anywhere in this country one cannot come away knowing the system is corrupt and biased toward people of color. Predominantly white judges, prosecutors, police officers, being supported by illiterate public defenders and lawyers who barely passed the exam. The death penalty is another means to eliminate Blacks from this country. It replaces the past lynching of Negroes, where any Black who dare rape or kill a white will be lynched or put to death. If you are not willing to perform an execution yourself, then to demand that others do so is a cowardly act. If you are a compassionate Republican and not a cowardly right wing radical Republican, you will allow Mr. Williams to live as the judicial system allowed the two radical Republican KKK white boys who chopped off the Black man’s head and their excuse was that they were all drunk. They apparently avoided the death penalty after convincing the court that all three were “friends”. To my knowledge no white has ever in the US received the death penalty for killing or raping a Black. Possibly you being a foreigner and living a protective life may or may not know of a case. If true then the more reason that you should just not kill this Black man or anyone in the future. We all should be against killing anyone, whether in Iraq or the streets of our cities. Guns should not have been made so available to Blacks in particular in the manner they were in the past. With the racial discriminatory practices of the judicial system, law enforcement, industry, media, and the military in particular, we when enlisting Blacks should not give them weapons because it is difficult for them to determine who the enemy is especially with Bush’s war. The execution, discrimination, the lack of opportunities for Blacks in this country due to the color of their skin is more detrimental than what the Nazis did to the Jews. Don’t be a party to this process. If Johnny Cochran was alive he would better explain how corrupt and racist what “white people” call a system of justice. Please hear my plea, “just don’t do it”. Walter L. Ellis, a former officer RPD (Riverside, CA)

Sunday, December 11, 2005

Bush the “Compassionate Conservative”

Who supports the likes of William “Bill” Bennett who wants to abort all Black babies, but want to reject Roe vs Wade? Who supports Pat Robinson who wants to assassinate those who support people of color? Who supports Israel who wants to extinguish all Muslins? Who supports affirmative action as long as it benefits whites more so than those it was intended? Who supports to keep all Black children behind as long as whites are not left behind? Who supports keeping the Katrina victims poor and powerless since his Ron Brown character failed to carry out his task fully as intended? Who supports un- educating Black youths, making them only qualified to fight his racist war? Who intended to use these Black troops to protect his white Haliburton civilians, making $100,000 being protected by African American troops, with armor and equipment that could be penetrated with a BB gun? To demand that these African Americans go on refueling patrols using broken equipment, with no protection, and to refuel helicopters flown by predominately white pilots, being in little danger to use chemicals, 500 lb bombs, etc. to kill innocent Iraqi civilians.
This compassion is being implemented while his dysfunctional family, who none committed any brave act or shed blood for this country. Bush’s compassionate conservatism is to “ask not what this country can do for you”, but what you are willing to give for Bush and protecting the world oil reserve. Our aim should be to rid the world of Bush and his lack of compassion for humanity. We need to come together, now and not later and out Bush so that the United States and the world can move on to make this a better planet to live and let live.

A Plea to Governor Schwarzenegger

Thank goodness that Stanley “Tookie” Williams, the founder of the “CRIPS”, is in the hands of Schwarzenegger and not that of Bush, who have allowed innocent minorities to be executed. Maybe the governor whose father was a Nazi will be more compassionate, and understand the lack of justice for Blacks in this country. It is obvious, except to an idiot like Bush, that an African American cannot get a fair trial in this country. How can this happen when we still have all white juries, arrested by predominately white sometime racist police officers, receiving substandard legal aid from public defenders who mostly finish law school at the bottom of the class, tried by prosecutors who are normally pro-white and basically anti-black, their case being heard by mostly white judges who themselves don’t uphold the regulations and laws of the land, in particular when it comes to equal justice for all. If a Black would appeal their case they would have to appeal to judges who are generally racist in their views and actions. Any appeal or investigation to the FBI or Justice Department is a waste of time. They will tell you as they have told me on more than one occasion that they don’t investigate racial matters. The Justice Department also have problems of their own, having been sued on several occasions for racial discrimination by African American and Hispanic officers after they finally began to hire a few. An African American would have a better chance of getting justice from a Nazi/KKK stacked jury than they would get from the present U.S. Supreme Court, especially when Alito is appointed by the Consercutive Radicals who are in charge of this racist society.
“Regarding Abuse of Police Powers” by Clyde C. Snow
Of all the forms of murder, none is more monstrous than that committed by a state against its own citizens. And of all murder victims, those of the state are the most helpless and vulnerable since the very entity to which they have entrusted their lives and safety becomes their killer. Thus, it is especially important that states be called to account for their deeds.”
I challenge the accusations that the majority of Blacks are criminals as our prison system indicates. For instance it would be hard to believe that the state of Iowa with a Black population of less than two percent that has an overall prison population exceeding fifty percent of the population. This disparity is nationwide, with federal authorities unable to investigate due to their lack of minorities and their past and present discriminatory practices. This Administration’s and past administrations racist hiring practices in law enforcement and in general, have caused the mess in Iraq and the world. Had the U.S. practiced human rights as they insist other countries should, we would have Native Americans, African Americans, Hispanics, Asian Americans, and Muslims intelligence officers in order to invade a country legally or illegally with possibly some success. The reason that we should leave Iraq now not later is clear to anyone but a criminal or idiot. We soon will be run out of Iraq, and I pray that it take place now rather than later, before they again send my Son and others for their quest for oil, with no chance that Bush’s daughter’s will be sober enough to serve, nor his nieces or nephews will be able to pass a drug test. Their condition may make them more dangerous than George Sr. who left his flight crew to fend for themselves, while he as the pilot bailed out of the airplane. We all know about the present appointed president, who went AWOL, refused to complete his military obligation, but yet felt obligated to defend his father and protect his and his fathers’ interest in Kuwait, using our brave soldiers to die and be maimed committing acts that should be considered transgressions against humanity.
Before we execute any more “Black Gang Bangers”, we should take a look at the “White Gang Banger Thugs”, lead by Bush who is guilty of killing more people of color, and our brave solders many who are White, than Sadam Hussein and all the Black Gangs in this country combined have murdered. White murders should receive the same punishment as Blacks, provided both are guilty. I would ask the governor of California to delay the execution of “Tookie” until the Bush regime can be tried under the Patriotic Act and their fate is determined. The NAACP should insist that the United Nations/Amnesty International investigate this country’s inhumane death penalty and treatment of African Americans in this country. Together we can “terminate” Bush in order that we all can “Move-On” and make this a better world for all.
Walter L. Ellis / former officer RPD (Riverside, CA) 12/11/05

Thursday, December 08, 2005

Bush wrong then, Bush wrong now

August 12, 2003 Mr. President,
I have written to you on two (2) previous occasions regarding why you and your administration should have the right to send my son or any soldier in harms way under present conditions and circumstances. In your news conference of July 30, 2003, you refused, failed or were unable to explain how you decided to go to war in Iraq with the faulty intelligence at hand, and furthermore have not explained why any of us should believe that your decision to invade Iraq was nothing more than a naked grab of that nation’s oil resources.
Furthermore, you tell the nation that affirmative action is not beneficial and should be opposed, particularly in higher education. You stated this as the reason for opposing the admissions program at the University of Michigan and the University Of Michigan School Of Law. Yet you don’t seem to have a problem with affirmative action when it results in African Americans and Latinos being disproportionately placed in harms way in support of your adventure in Iraq.
Our domestic policy in the wake of the tragic events of September 11, 2001 has introduced more terror into the lives of many simply because they worship a different god or because they are from a less favored part of the world. Civil rights are being assaulted and liberties diminished in the name of “anti-terror”. I remember, not so very long ago, when George Herbert Walker Bush called the economic policies you now espouse “voodoo economics.” Our foreign policy is simply a mirror of our domestic policy. We have advanced policies that punish the innocent and prop up the guilty in ways that reduce our claims “in support of democracy” the rantings of a hypocrite. We cannot continue to play the role of the emperor who has no clothes. The whole world is watching and we should be ashamed.
My son is not much different than your daughters. He wishes to live in a country that is admired and respected by all, not just a few governmental insiders who relish our role as global bully, determining, unilaterally, who is out of line and subject to our discipline. We daily do more to recruit for Ben Laden and his ilk than they could ever do for themselves. Now you want to send my child and those of tens of thousands of others into the morass you have created. So many of them will become nothing more than fodder for the continued advance of the hegemony of corporate cronies and consummate insiders. This should not continue. “This cannot stand!” Please exempt my son from this travesty of blood on our hands and our souls.

“RICO” ACT violations of the Bush Regime

Recently charges were made that the Catholic Church should be charged or prosecuted under the “RICO” act. In my opinion so should the Bush Regime. We need Amnesty International to file charges against this administration, for committing terrorist acts against Iraq, killing innocent civilians, causing untold physical, mental and financial loss to a sovereign nation. This was done with a plan to replace a repressive regime with another repressive regime, with no benefits to the Iraq people or the world. For his crimes Bush should resign, and than be impeached, tried by an international body, locked up and treated as any other terrorist under the “Patriot Act”.
Walter Ellis, a concerned citizen

Out Bush for ‘people of color’ and the World’s sake

I will pledge allegiance to America when it become the land of the free. Freedom can only be derived when all are treated equally. Equality will not be obtained until we rid our government of those who oppress, disallow freedom and opportunity for certain segments of our society, while asking of this segment to die and further suffer in order others may be suppressed. In order to defeat an enemy, the moral values of the occupier must be above that of the enemy. We must follow the leadership of those who say withdraw now from Iraq! We can no longer listen to cheating; deceiving war mongering “oil junkies” set to ruin the world, and making America worst than before Bush. After Bush I will pledge allegiance to America when there is liberty and justice for ‘All’.

Walter Ellis, a concerned citizen

Mizell Scott VP CRA JPMorgan/Chase Bank

After meeting you in ’98 or ’99, I have always felt the same about you as I believe about Bush. See:

You may not be a racist, but you certainly support racism and discrimination.
Chase bank should increase your salary if you are receiving at least a $billion dollars a year. Chase is saving over $800 billion due your actions and others in similar positions as yours as CRA officers. Your position since being hired to keep African Americans out of the main stream of the banking industry, has saved the bank billions of dollars, that was meant to be distributed to African Americans through “The Community Re-Investment Act of 1977”. This act which is stated to be the most important of the civil rights regulation was meant to alleviate the red-lining and discrimination practiced by our nation’s banks. This act required banks to join, link, and affiliate with community organizations in order to assist these discriminating institutions to cease and desist. Your position was designed to work with community organizations in order to carry out these commitments. Although Chase should have hired you to assist them to correct a long over due wrongful acts on their part, but instead hired you to continue their racist discriminatory past and present practices, you like Bush should know when you are being misused, no matter how literate or illiterate you maybe. You are aware that you a Negro replaced an African American who was attempting to enforce the CRA as intended. You and those who have violated this important regulation deserve to be tried and convicted under the “RICO” act for your present and past transgressions. The sooner the bank terminates you and your kind to include the CEO, the sooner the hurricane victims will get relief from CRA. Had you assisted African Americans as Mr. Thornton was attempting, many of the poor deprived in the Ninth Ward of New Orleans and elsewhere may have been able to purchase an automobile and saved their lives and others. If you had enforced the provisions of CRA, many Blacks would not have had to depend on this racist administration, allowing death and destruction in such an inhumane manner. You should apply for a job to head up FEMA; I bet you could do a better job than Ron Brown in extinguishing Blacks from this earth.

Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Bring Black Troops home,

To serve in the US to protect the homeland and our human rights, being violated by the Bush Regime. I recently spoke to an African American Marine Officer, who was disturbed about how Black Marines are being treated prior and during Bush’s illegal occupation of Irag. He related to me that if it wasn’t for the low ranking Black Marines who were being discriminated against, and he felt they needed his help, he himself would resign. For this and other reasons Blacks serving in the armed services should not become solders of fortune, but instead should be assigned to protect the human rights of African Americans, and all people regardless of color or faith. This country should also realize why Blacks are not obligated to shed blood for this country. They will not be able to share in the spoils and benefits if any are derived from this invasion, and others. They nor their love ones in their life time will receive equal opportunities in this country. For Blacks to receive the discipline basically the military have to offer, and minorities are so much in need, I would suggest that they recruit Blacks, keep them in safe positions state side and not allow them a weapon, because they may use it against those they perceive to be their enemy.

OUT BUSH, the coward and his “OIL JUNKIES”

OUT BUSH, the coward and his “OIL JUNKIES”
Bush is the leader of the “radical Christians”, oil junkies supported by radical “right wing consecutives”, who are leading America to damnation. This group has chosen to fight “radical Muslims” who are not solders of fortune, but who have principles and beliefs that they are willing to die for. God do not like ugly, neither do I, nor should you. In order for the world to “move-on” we must “out bush”.

Before Katrina / How We Treat Our Dogs vs Blacks

October 1, 2005

If you are Black and live in America and pro-Black in action and nature, many in America will be against you for such boldness.
If you are White, no matter where you are from in the world, your status or position, the majority of Americans are with you.
If you are Black no matter your status in this society, you are and always will be a Black who is American and will not ever achieve the status of being an American who happens to be Black.
A perfect example would be to observe how the world looks at Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas, a distinguished Negro in White America’s view. After all he has done for white folks they still treat him as they believe him to be a N__________ and might so deserve.
Colin Powell resented being called Black and rightfully should be against such a betrayal. Secretary Powell though coming from royalty was crowned by the Queen of England often expressed his displeasure in being referred to as African American, but yet treated as another Negro. Powell is a perfect example of no matter what one might do for White folks; they are not going to be for you but against you, even if you lie for them in order to assist the Bush administration in eliminating the people of color throughout the world.
Being pro Black and not anti anybody, I have no hate or animosity against the majority of White people. The same regarding Muslims or Jews or any denomination or sect. I do resent those who are pro White, pro Jewish and anti Muslim and all people of color.
America need to take a look at this administration and the racist right wing it support and throw the bums out in order to make the whole world a better place to live and exist.
Meanwhile we should ask the NAACP and Amnesty International to form a “Humane Society for Black People” in order that people of color may at least receive the treatment White people provide for their pets. Bush, if properly explained, would understand considering how he treats his dogs better than the Black population in this country and the world. Bush if not a racist, he certainly supports racism, one being as bad as the other.
Walter L. Ellis, a concerned Black man