Sunday, June 11, 2006

Mr. President, This time please leave Blacks behind

When we attack Iran – use conservatives and their love ones. This time please continue to leave “blacks behind”. Those who will benefit from Iraq’s and Iran’s oil should join the military fighting force in order to protect their interest. Blacks and other people of color should remain free of this fight, unless they can see some future benefits for themselves. Many Black’s served in Afghanistan and Iraq, returned to the good old USA recently and is yet denied equal opportunities in the work place. They become Bush’s mercenary soldiers of fortune. Most times the best job offer is one paying minimum wages. No Black soldier should risk life or limb for the world’s oil reserves. Upon returning after serving they will come back to conditions worse than when they left, with the conservatives eliminating educational funds, and any benefits that will benefit Blacks. This administration’s main goal is to reverse all benefits gained by the civil rights legislation and replace it with the type of affirmative action that will leave no white behind. If this “son of a bush” is to continue as an oil junkie he had better prepare his daughters and love ones for battle. Blacks are fools to follow this commander in chief that is by far the worse Leader of the Free World.
Blacks are left behind to be incarcerated. Blacks are left behind in poverty. Blacks are left behind in advancement throughout our society. Blacks are left behind in education why not leave them behind instead of sending them to war! The right wing radicals and bush’s conservative’s will only provide freedom and justice for most white Caucasians. Once the Black soldier refuses to serve in an illegal combat zone, this occupation of Iraq will soon come to an end. Once the Black soldier refuses to serve in Iran, it is doubtful that the right wing radicals will put their love ones in harms way to confiscate the world’s oil reserves. Once Chavez and others join forces we will began to note a change in attitudes toward people of color. While bush and his cronies are disrespecting leaders in South America and the Caribbean and other countries with people of color, Blacks should make inroads with these countries. It is time for Blacks to stand up for their freedom and liberty, before fighting and dying for Halliburton and Bush’s oil junkies. I ask that you continue your past practices and procedures and please leave all Black soldiers “behind” in this and future wars. Besides, Blacks by birth are Muslim and Muslims should not kill other Muslims especially for oil.


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