Saturday, October 28, 2006

Iraq’s civil war can be compared to America’s civil war. The tribal divisions between the Sunni’s, SHIITES, and KURDS are similar to the NATIVE AMERICANS, WHITES, and AFRICAN AMERICANS.
The Sunni’s in some ways can be compared to the America’s SLAVES. The difference is the wide spread oppression and in-humanity perpetrated on the SLAVES was so effective that the average Black today portrays a “Slave Mentality”. The Sunnis who were not oppressed to this extent since birth with a pride in themselves and their Sect are willing to die for their beliefs.
The SHIITES and KURDS have similar beliefs as the SUNNIS, but can better be compared to WHITES here in America.
The SHIITES as the Confederacy and now the Right Wing Conservatives believe that AMERICA is theirs, and all its resources. These Conservatives believe that God is only on their side, and if you don’t believe as they do you are hell bound. These Radicals (Conservatives and SHIITES) believe that because they are White or of a different Religion, a special place was provided on earth for them. They believe that they and the JEWS should for an eternity rule the earth. Their radical beliefs are the beginning of destroying the world as we know it today. August 29, 2006


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