Saturday, April 19, 2008



My questions to any and all reasonable citizens of this country are:
How can you stand by and be aware of the plight that Blacks in this country face and allow Bush in particular to put our troops in harms way. A large percentage of these troops are on the front line apparently fighting for freedom that they themselves have been denied and probably will never achieve in their lifetime. See:
Freedom for what: To be the last hired, and the first fired? To receive a degree and be regimented to manager of the #1 McDonald’s in your community? To seek an education and desire to be a professional to improve society as many desires, but instead have to serve in war zones such as Afghanistan and Iraq, exposing life and limb for a country that will more than likely treat you as the present ex-slaves are treated. To be treated as servitudes to the master race. What do you, white America, expect of these patriots, who are being fed to the fodder and for what? Most Americans consider themselves Christians. Very few Americans are righteous, if so they would not support the aims and purpose of this administration.
I ask only that we all speak out, tell it as it should be told, save our troops, and make America what it should be.

The Benefits of “White Supremacy & Racism”

Mr. President August 12, 2003
I have written to you on two (2) previous occasions regarding why you and your administration should have the right to send my son or any soldier in harm’s way under present conditions and circumstances. In your news conference of July 30, 2003, you refused, failed or were unable to explain how you decided to go to war in Iraq with the faulty intelligence at hand, and furthermore have not explained why any of us should believe that your decision to invade Iraq was nothing more than a naked grab of that nation’s oil resources.
Furthermore, you tell the nation that affirmative action is not beneficial and should be opposed, particularly in higher education. You stated this as the reason for opposing the admissions program at the University of Michigan and the University Of Michigan School Of Law. Yet you don’t seem to have a problem with affirmative action when it results in African Americans and Latinos being disproportionately placed in harms way in support of your adventure in Iraq.
Our domestic policy in the wake of the tragic events of September 11, 2001 has introduced more terror into the lives of many simply because they worship a different god or because they are from a less favored part of the world. Civil rights are being assaulted and liberties diminished in the name of “anti-terror”. I remember, not so very long ago, when George Herbert Walker Bush called the economic policies you now espouse “voodoo economics.” Our foreign policy is simply a mirror of our domestic policy. We have advanced policies that punish the innocent and prop up the guilty in ways that reduce our claims “in support of democracy” the rantings of a hypocrite. We cannot continue to play the role of the emperor who has no clothes. The whole world is watching and we should be ashamed.
My son is not much different than your daughters. He wishes to live in a country that is admired and respected by all, not just a few governmental insiders who relish our role as global bully, determining, unilaterally, who is out of line and subject to our discipline. We daily do more to recruit for Ben Laden and his ilk than they could ever do for themselves. Now you want to send my child and those of tens of thousands of others into the morass you have created. So many of them will become nothing more than fodder for the continued advance of the hegemony of corporate cronies and consummate insiders. This should not continue. “This cannot stand!” Please exempt my son from this travesty of blood on our hands and our souls.

Why Bush’s “Reverse Robin hood” policy is failing in Iraq Bring Black Troops home.
To serve in the US to protect the homeland and our human rights, being violated by the Bush Regime. I recently spoke to an African American Marine Officer, who was disturbed about how Black Marines are being treated prior and during Bush’s illegal occupation of Iraq. He related to me that if it wasn’t for the low ranking Black Marines who were being discriminated against, and he felt they needed his help, he himself would resign. For this and other reasons Blacks serving in the armed services should not become solders of fortune, but instead should be assigned to protect the human rights of African Americans, and all people regardless of color or faith. This country should also realize why Blacks are not obligated to shed blood for this country. They will not be able to share in the spoils and benefits if any are derived from this invasion, and others. Neither they nor their love ones in their lifetime will receive equal opportunities in this country. For Blacks to receive the discipline basically the military have to offer, and minorities are so much in need, I would suggest that they recruit Blacks, keep them in safe positions state side and not allow them a weapon, because they may use it against those they perceive to be their enemy.
Just say no! Ask what is in it for you or your family. Ask how your family or love ones benefits if we win or lose in Iraq? Ask can you or your love ones gain fair employment, managerial positions or ownership in Halliburton and other industries that are beneficiaries of this illegal occupation? Ask why African Americans are dying, while the American Jewish population is only obligated to protect Israel, who discriminates against BLACKS and MUSLIMS. Then make a truthful statement to your commanding officer and the press as to how you are probably discriminated against by your superiors. I would suggest you then offer them your weapon, after realizing whom your enemy maybe. Upon your return to America, ask bush how his appointing Alito a racist to the Supreme Court will improve Blacks freedom and opportunities in this country. Bush’s Justice Department enforces regulations when Caucasians are the victims, and refuse to do so when the victims are Black. See: Most Republicans are racist, which don’t mean that all racist are Republicans. Alito is a racist and a Republican, which should mean he should not be a judge. America needs judges and a Justice System who are just and fair to All.

Democracy should begin at Home, and than spread abroad!!!

Democracy should begin at Home, and than spread abroad!!!
American lives and all who serve in IRAQ are in jeopardy for fraudulent reasons. They used lies to sell this war to the public so that super-rich corporations could get even richer by securing multi-billion dollar contracts in Iraq even while our soldiers were engaged in active combat. A disproportionate number of our soldiers are minorities. They and their families will never benefit from the profits of war. This administration continues to doll out contracts to special interests, 99% of the spoils will go to the upper 1% in corporate America at the expense of the disadvantaged and taxpayer. Prior to attempting to liberate Iraq, the administration need to look at its own discriminatory policies enacted in the United States. Perhaps when this country resolves its racial problems, they may than address other countries discriminatory practices and the lack of democracy. Our troops need to come to this country and safeguard human rights for minorities. See: