Saturday, October 28, 2006

Before bush Iraqis’, Foreigners, and some others felt relatively safe most places in Iraq. Since bush his administration, news reporters, the United Nation Peace Keepers, nor the United States Marines feel safe in Iraq. Solution: Impeach bush, try Cheney for his criminal acts, bring the troops home, and Iraq and the world will be better off without bush

A worthless cause this administration has created in Iraq
This president denies affirmative treatment of minorities at the same time asking them to risk their lives to protect conservative’s special interests, and an unbalanced support of ISRAEL. The conservative’s goals are to control Iraq’s natural resources. The false statements and lies put out by this administration and Congress should be investigated regarding invading Iraq now, not later. Action should be taken before more innocent lives are lost both Americans and Iraqis. Bush should be held responsible for his criminal acts against a sovereign country. Bush should be treated as any other criminal if found guilty.
This administration has gone too far, too long “with” the support of Congress for their illegal acts.
Congress must act; the United Nations must act and act now before this president continue to lead this country down a path of certain destruction.
It is shameful and embarrassing that any soldier should have to risk life or limb for such a worthless cause that this administration has created in Iraq.

What will it take for this administration to discontinue the risk of life and limb of our precious young men and women? It is obvious that we are fighting a losing battle. The Iraqi people object to our occupation of their country. The Muslim population, objects to the US and England, occupying their countries. The majority of Black soldiers resent risking their lives for freedom which is denied in America. A country where Blacks suffer the highest percentage of unemployment, other than representing 34% of our fighting force, while yet suffer discrimination in the military and work force. A country where 20 % of the population is Black; and 60 % of the prison population is Black. A country where this uncompassionate president condemns other regimes for civil rights violations, while he himself allows our citizens to be unjustly imprisoned and put to death in a system that is unjust to minorities

US will not invade ANY COUNTRY!! , that don’t have OIL..
Nor will they provide foreign aide, military assistance in AFRICA where the majority of the population is BLACK. Bush the so-called Leader of the “FREE WORLD”…IS…..ANTI-BLACK…ANTI-MUSLIM and has all the symptoms of being a RACIST!!!, this background information on his family may better explain bush’s views and practices.

Iraq’s civil war can be compared to America’s civil war. The tribal divisions between the Sunni’s, SHIITES, and KURDS are similar to the NATIVE AMERICANS, WHITES, and AFRICAN AMERICANS.
The religious divisions that have existed for centuries in IRAQ certainly will not be resolved by the military might of America. The US Mercenary Army stationed in ISRAEL with all its military might will continue to fail in its illegal occupations, as the US illegal occupations are bound to fail in IRAQ.
America’s Civil War is still raging. NATIVE AMERICANS, many being mistreated on Reservations, and others who fled to MEXICO, are now attempting to return to the Motherland, and are called ILLEGAL ALIENS. Presently we have what previously was called The CONFEDERACY, being replaced by The Right Wing CONSERVATIVES, with an agenda to oppress AFRICAN AMERICANS, MUSLIMS and all People of Color.
Until and unless we began a process to create democracy in AMERICA, we will continue to feed our brave troops to the fodder in Bush’s illegal occupation of IRAQ., August 28, 2006

America’s Civil War is still raging. America led by the present administration will intensify rather than resolve the civil war that has been ongoing since Babylon. The sooner the US withdraws the military from IRAQ, the sooner the civil war in IRAQ can be addressed by the IRAQIS.
The sooner Bush is forced out of office and this administration is replaced, the sooner a resolution may began to end IRAQ’s Civil War.
Bush and this administration must cease waging a war in the name of democracy, destroying a country that leaders have given more humane treatment to people of color than this administration has given to AFRICAN AMERICANS in America.
CHARITY should begin at home prior to an attempt to spread it abroad.
FREEDOM should begin at home prior to an attempt to spread it abroad.
DEMOCRACY should begin at home prior to an attempt to spread it abroad.

A comparison of Iraq’s Civil War and the civil problems that challenge America are similar:
The Shiites and Kurds would like to create reserves in a desolate area of Iraq for the Sunnis, similar to the treatment of Native Americans. Oil revenue and other resources will be denied the Sunnis as fertile land and other resources were denied the Indians.
Oil revenue derived from the gulf coast is being denied to the citizens of the Gulf Coast creating the poverty that has existed in the past and presently exists for the population of New Orleans. Many of those being deprived are African Americans and minorities similar to the Sunnis.
In order for the civil problems in this country to be addressed, we need leadership that will extend liberty and justice for all, and not a privileged few. America needs a President who can speak in a manner that all can understand and respect, or at least the majority can understand and agree. America needs a leader who is compassionate toward Blacks and Muslims as well as Caucasians. These things Bush can never be, and all the reasons he should never have been selected, and should be rejected.

A comparison of Iraq’s Civil War and the civil problems that challenge America are similar:
America has a president who feels free and comfortable visiting Mississippi which is predominantly Caucasian, and very uneasy as he should when he visit New Orleans a city that is predominantly African American. This feeling of uneasiness is apparently due to Bush’s treatment of African Americans, and similar to the treatment this administration plans to treat the Sunnis in IRAQ. As the president of Russia recently stated, no country should desire Bush style of democracy.
The US and the world need a leader who will seek liberty, fairness and justice for all, and not a select few.

Iraq’s civil war can be compared to America’s civil war. The tribal divisions between the Sunni’s, SHIITES, and KURDS are similar to the NATIVE AMERICANS, WHITES, and AFRICAN AMERICANS.
The Sunnis with this administrations assistance are being forced out of many towns in IRAQ with fear to return. This administration created and continues to create conditions in New Orleans that have forced African Americans out, with doubtful opportunities to return.
If this administration is allowed to continue its discriminatory practices of providing benefits to Caucasians, while denying similar benefits to African Americans, it will become very difficult in the future to recruit African Americans in the military. Far too many are forced to support Bush’s illegal occupation of IRAQ.
African Americans, and too many of our troops are being maimed and dying in IRAQ in a civil war, while American Jews are allowed to have the advantage of dual citizenship. Many who feel an obligation to serve in Israel’s Military, and no obligation to serve in the US MILITARY. This is shameful, especially when it is apparent that one reason we invaded IRAQ was to protect ISRAEL.
The beneficiaries of this invasion of IRAQ should suffer the consequences of the INVADERS. AFRICA AMERICANS, THE POOR and others who will never benefit from the booty of this invasion should not suffer the consequences of Bush’s War.
Innocent IRAQIS, all African Americans, and too many of our troops are being maimed and dying in IRAQ in a civil war, created by an illegal occupation. An occupation created by an administration consisting of DRAFT DODGERS, a President? (Bush) who apparently went AWOL and refused to serve.
Innocent people are dying, supported by a Congress who many have refused to serve in our military, and refuse to re-institute the draft, fearing their love ones will suffer the consequences of their and Bush’s criminal acts.

In a previous post it was mentioned that the Federal Government should share oil revenue with the Local Government derived from the Gulf Coast. Today in his address to the citizens of New Orleans, Bush agreed to share such revenue. The US military is furnishing both financial and manpower to the citizens of IRAQ. This aid is made in order to replace the infrastructure destroyed by the illegal invasion of IRAQ.
One would think that Bush’s intentional neglect, adding to the infrastructure damage to New Orleans would equally qualify those in New Orleans equal assistance, to include the military. African Americans deserve at least the financial and manpower assistance given IRAQ, ISRAEL and other foreign entities.
Our neglect of African countries, no matter the extent of human rights violations, starvation etc. indicates the compassion of this administration when Blacks are concerned.
All well meaning people of the world should insist that this administration be replaced due to its continuous discriminatory, inhumane treatment of African Americans, Native Americans and other PEOPLE of COLOR.

Iraq’s civil war can be compared to America’s civil war. The tribal divisions between the Sunni’s, SHIITES, and KURDS are similar to the NATIVE AMERICANS, WHITES, and AFRICAN AMERICANS.
The Sunni’s in some ways can be compared to the America’s SLAVES. The difference is the wide spread oppression and in-humanity perpetrated on the SLAVES was so effective that the average Black today portrays a “Slave Mentality”. The Sunnis who were not oppressed to this extent since birth with a pride in themselves and their Sect are willing to die for their beliefs.
The SHIITES and KURDS have similar beliefs as the SUNNIS, but can better be compared to WHITES here in America.
The SHIITES as the Confederacy and now the Right Wing Conservatives believe that AMERICA is theirs, and all its resources. These Conservatives believe that God is only on their side, and if you don’t believe as they do you are hell bound. These Radicals (Conservatives and SHIITES) believe that because they are White or of a different Religion, a special place was provided on earth for them. They believe that they and the JEWS should for an eternity rule the earth. Their radical beliefs are the beginning of destroying the world as we know it today. August 29, 2006

MUSLIMS resent America's style of democracy…. and should.
What the HEZBOLLAH have to realize is that they don’t have to worry about the US invading and occupying LEBANON. The US military lack minorities to feed to the fodder, with African Americans leaving the military in droves, due to the illegal occupation of IRAQ. American JEWS refuse to serve in the US Military, so you don’t have to worry about them. Since LEBANON lack large deposits of oil you can be assured that these Conservatives Cowards will never risk life and limb of the Reserves and National Guard consisting of Caucasians and their loves ones to invade a country without oil reserves. I suggest that the HEZBOLLAH tell the US led TERRORIST to tend to their affairs, while HEZBOLLAH protect LEBANON in order to keep principles and morals lacking in America.
Deploy Israel’s Army who are “Solders of Fortune” for the US.BRING TROOPS HOME NOW! Deploy Israel’s Army who are “Solders of Fortune” for the US.
Who Should Serve in IRAQ?
Instead of Israel having an Army, American JEWS should make up the bulk of America’s Force. Blacks should not risk life and limb to support a “JEWISH STATE”, when the JEWS have denied African Americans a STATE and REPARATION. Blacks are dying for Halliburton and Bush’s oil junkies and causes. If Bush’s war is to continue any further, than this is how it should be manned by Americans. Those troops, who do not believe in our purpose for being in Iraq and believe they should not risk life and limb for this illegal aggression, should be taken out of harms way immediately. Conservatives must sacrifice their sons and daughters who will mainly receive the spoils of Bush’s War. When we attack Iran – use conservatives and American Jews. Leave Blacks behind.

Bush’s illegal occupation of Iraq
I conclude that we are at a crossroads where the sins of America will continue to ring out throughout the world. It is apparent that the past and present conditions of people of color will have a grave impact on the image of what others think of America. Having met and talked to many Arabic people in my travels, they sometime sympathize with our plight. Some believe that we should be able to succeed financially as they do, and don’t understand our system where the white man is master and Blacks are servants. The past and present system that exists for Blacks, Native Americans and most people of color in the United States is despicable. I feel deep sorrow for the troops especially the Special Forces due to their being duped into risking their lives possibly killing innocent human beings for Bush’s illegal occupation of Iraq. I feel sorrow for the innocent soldiers such as African Americans who enlisted for some of the same reasons that many disadvantaged individuals enlist and that is to make a decent living, getting an education in a country where there is no such thing as freedom and justice for all. I feel sorrow for soldiers who were lied to by
Bush and the Department of Defense and were told that if they completed a tour in Afghanistan and survived, they would not have to serve in Iraq. This White House did not only lie to them, but to all America. This administration’s mistakes are causing too many innocent lives. This administration should be taken before the UN as war criminals.
First and immediately we must ask Bush to resign before he is allowed to further risk the life of any more human beings. Because we allowed this regime to continue, America is on the road to damnation.

Thursday, October 19, 2006

The following article appeared on this blog
Israel spying on the American government is wrong. Israeli lobbyists manipulating pre-war intelligence(Iraq)is not healthy for America as a nation.Israel spends decades kidnapping and killing thousands of innocent Palestinians, saying they are after Hamas terrorists (oops, sorry for the innocents).Israel only thinks about Israel, not America. If an American citizen regardless of religious affiliation backs such a terrorist nation by spying on America or financially supports them, then that is treason.Three solders are kidnapped by Hamas and Hezbollah and the Israeli government decides to create an all out war against the people of Palestine and Lebanon.What we are now seeing is the re-creation of the Warsaw Ghetto, except now the Muslims are the victims and the Israelis are the new Nazis.That makes a Nazi is not the nationality, religion or uniform, it is behavior.Israel and the Christian Zionists have decided WWIII is a gift to them from the bible from God.We are not an Israeli Colony or puppet, and should not allow their bad neighborhood relationships influence our decisions or actions.Americans are a peace loving people that believe in family, innovation, free thinking, freedom and liberty. This is my America. Not the America manipulated by some foreign country with a blood-thirsty vendetta for 60+ years. We didn't let the British continue to rule our nation and we should not allow the Israeli's to do so either.Get Israel out of American Foreign policy. We are a sovereign Nation, not an Israeli Colony! Phil, unemployed (August 09, 2006; CO)
Which was copied off I find today has become a grave problem for the writer. I was advised that he was refused employment due to this article appearing on The article was removed as requested in order to not create any further harm to a fellow American.
I will remove any illegal articles and or documents from this sight when I am politley asked, or forced to do so by this Racist Regime.
When these thugs supply me with Rights as an individual under the “Freedom of Information Act”, I will than further discuss violations I have committed if any. These crooks (this administration) is attempting to shut down all desent prior to the mid term elections, with hopes they may retain the majority and “One World Order” programs, where Caucasians will rule the world with the leadership of this ‘son of a bush’, Radical Christians, and Un-compassionate Conservatives, supported by the media who also appear to be Anti-Black and Minorties.

The Axis of Evil…..Bush, Blair, and Israel !!!!!!
These three are considered such due to their refusal to relinquish their quest for one world order. Any country, organization or group consisting of people of color is generally treated as enemies of this administration and the right wing radical conservatives led by Bush. This empire led administration intends to assure any and all Caucasian countries that the US’s intent is to continue its quest for the world oil reserves and continue to pursue its racist practices by whatever means possible. It intends to appoint racist justices create unfair employment opportunities and illegally occupy a sovereign country with the ultimate intent to control under “one world order”.
Before bush, Iraqis’, Foreigners, and some others felt relatively safe in most places in Iraq. Since bush his administration, news reporters, the United Nation Peace Keepers, nor the United States Marines feel safe in Iraq. Solution: Impeach bush, try Cheney for his criminal acts, bring the troops home, and Iraq and the world will be better off without bush.

Bush’s illegal occupation of Iraq
I conclude that we are at a crossroads where the sins of America will continue to ring out throughout the world. It is apparent that the past and present conditions of people of color will have a grave impact on the image of what others think of America. Having met and talked to many Arabic people in my travels, they sometime sympathize with our plight. Some believe that we should be able to succeed financially as they do, and don’t understand our system where the white man is master and Blacks are servants. The past and present system that exists for Blacks, Native Americans and most people of color in the United States is despicable. I feel deep sorrow for the troops especially the Special Forces due to their being duped into risking their lives possibly killing innocent human beings for Bush’s illegal occupation of Iraq. I feel sorrow for the innocent soldiers such as African Americans who enlisted for some of the same reasons that many disadvantaged individuals enlist and that is to make a decent living, getting an education in a country where there is no such thing as freedom and justice for all. I feel sorrow for soldiers who were lied to by Bush and the Department of Defense and were told that if they completed a tour in Afghanistan and survived, they would not have to serve in Iraq. This White House did not only lie to them, but to all America. This administration’s mistakes are causing too many innocent lives. This administration should be taken before the UN as war criminals.
First and immediately we must ask Bush to resign before he is allowed to further risk the life of any more human beings. Because we allowed this regime to continue, America is on the road to damnation.

It is CAUCASIANS as this ‘son of a bush’ who need to be Investigated!!!!!
One whose family was involved in the SLAVE TRADE, see:, One whose wife killed an innocent by reckless driving, and stole from this Government by attempting to smuggle goods into the US without paying duty fees. Now they want to put Wesley Snipes in jail for taking what is rightfully due all Descendants of Slaves.
One whose Father, George Bush Sr., who jumped from his plane, leaving his crew, and became President and called a Hero, rather than a Coward.
One whose Mother who appeared to be a racist when she stated “the KATRINA Victims in Texas were better off in the stadium than home”, or something to that effect.
One whose Daughters appear to be dysfunctional, and should be serving in IRAQ, rather than African Americans who will never benefit from the spoils of ‘bush’s war’.
One who refused to serve this Country honorably, yet send our Soldiers into a known Holy War in order to confiscate the oil reserves for his and this Regimes quest for “One World Order”, taking from the Poor (Blacks in particular), and giving to the Rich, (Caucasians in particular), in a Reverse Robin Hood fashion.
One who continued a racist Department of Justice by not hiring African American, Muslim, and other Minorities following the Gay Hoover policy of treating Minorities as second class citizens that continues throughout this administration.
One who calls himself the “Education President” and it is doubtful if he can pronounce or spell ‘education’.
One who should not have been elected for the first term, and since not elected is now serving an illegal second term.
One who lied to Congress and the world to illegally invade a sovereign country doing Cheney’s and these other crooks bidding, causing the lives of Innocent Iraqis, and American Troops, most who will never benefit from this illegal invasion, built on lies and deceit.
One who doesn’t have the morals, decency, compassion, and certainly not the esteem to be President and leader of the Free World.
One the World would be better off if this “son of a bush” was no longer called President.

Would you volunteer to serve in Iraq?
I myself served during the early sixties. I would not serve in this illegal occupation, what say you. There are too many volunteers that suffer from this catastrophe and will not reap any positive benefits, no matter the results of Iraq.
I would suggest that these volunteers be deployed from Iraq, replaced with the beneficiaries of this illegal occupation, to include their love ones. Bush refused to serve in the sixties, why should you or I risk our lives to protect his special interests?

Weapons of Mass Destruction? / Katrina … what’s next? (LEBANON)
I believe bush to be an unethical liar who never should had been put in the position he is so unqualified. He is an embarrassment to most people in the US, and the World. He should be impeached. He should never ask a Black to risk his or her life to offer democracy to Iraq's that Blacks will never achieve as long as his regime rules this country. He should be tried for war crimes as he is advocating for Sadam Hussein. I would ask Bush to do the world a favor and leave office immediately. When our Troops continue their pursuit of “WMD’s”, they will discover that the principle “weapons of mass destruction” are Bush, Cheney and Rumsfeld.

This comment is offensive, and I am shocked that would post it.
- Ava Rose, Social Worker (August 19, 2006; Venice, CA)
Don’t let Mr Ellis get to you. Please notice that he has absolutely no concern for your opinion. He mocks you by inserting his post into his answer and demands that you accept it. You are absolutely right in your post. - Joe Williams, Consultant (August 19, 2006; San Antonio, TX)
American JEWS should serve in the US Army. RUMSFELD should bring OUR TROOPS HOME, REPLACE WITH JEWS!!! Prior to further support of ISRAEL, a state (US controlled) who discriminates against Blacks and Muslims. We should insist that the American JEWS serve in the US Army to protect their selfish interest. They used lies to sell this war to the public so that JEWS and super-rich corporations could get even richer by securing multi-billion dollar contracts in Iraq even while our soldiers were engaged in active combat. A disproportionate number of our soldiers are minorities. They and their families will never benefit from the profits of war. If this administration continues to doll out contracts to special interests, 99% of the spoils will go to the upper 1% in corporate America at the expense of the American taxpayer. Prior to attempting to liberate Iraq and invade IRAN, the administration need to look at its own discriminatory policies enacted in the United States. All Americans and the world should seek to impeach Bush for his flagrant disregard for human life in his quest for oil. This administration has put lives of all who serve in jeopardy for fraudulent reasons

My questions to any and all reasonable citizens of this country are:
How can you stand by and be aware of the plight that Blacks in this country face and allow Bush in particular to put our troops in harms way. A large percentage of these troops are on the front line apparently fighting for freedom that they themselves have been denied and probably will never achieve in their lifetime. See:
Freedom for what: To be the last hired, and the first fired? To receive a degree and be regimented to manager of the #1 McDonald’s in your community? To seek an education and desire to be a professional to improve society as many desires, but instead have to serve in war zones such as Afghanistan and Iraq, exposing life and limb for a country that will more than likely treat you as the present ex-slaves are treated. To be treated as servitudes to the master race. What do you, white America, expect of these patriots, who are being fed to the fodder and for what? Most Americans consider themselves Christians. Very few Americans are righteous, if so they would not support the aims and purpose of this administration.
I ask only that we all speak out, tell it as it should be told, save our troops, and make America what it should be.

(an article from,
“I'm getting mighty sick of hearing people (even in this forum) referring to the CONSERVATIVES amongst us. Just where are these so-called conservatives? All I see is a bunch of RELIGIOUS EXTREMISTS who are as driven and INSANE about their 'Christian' agenda as any Islamic terrorist in kind. These zealots will do anything and follow any tyrant in order to turn this country into a theocracy as undemocratic as any government in the Middle East. They are so blinded by their goals that they don't even see that they are DESTROYING OUR DEMOCRACY at every juncture (most not knowing what democracy means). That's been the problem with Christianity all along -- these people are HYPOCRITES and don't even hear that when they're denigrating the rest of the world, the words they're using can almost always be used to describe themselves”.
“RICO” ACT violations of the Bush Regime
Recently charges were made that the Catholic Church should be charged or prosecuted under the “RICO” act. In my opinion so should the Bush Regime. We need Amnesty International to file charges against this administration, for committing terrorist acts against Iraq, killing innocent civilians, causing untold physical, mental and financial loss to a sovereign nation. This was done with a plan to replace a repressive regime with another repressive regime, with no benefits to the Iraq people or the world. For his crimes Bush should resign, and than be impeached, tried by an international body, locked up and treated as any.

Hispanics, whose ancestors were Native Americans have to sneak back into America.
Cubans who appear to be Caucasian are welcome to America, especially if they support Conservative Republicans.
Haitians, Blacks, Cubans and Hispanics have to ‘sneak into America’.
The majority of the terrorist ‘snuck’ in from Canada, yet the Radical Conservative Christians insist that the Mexican boarder be contained in order to keep former Native Americans to enter this country to better their lively hood.
America is the land of the free (if you are White)?

Bush the so-called Leader of the “FREE WORLD”…IS…..
ANTI-BLACK…ANTI-MUSLIM and has all the symptoms of being a RACIST!!!, this background information on his family may better explain bush’s views and practices.