Friday, January 27, 2006

We need to keep the Patriot Act until we can impeach the “son of a bush”

If we are to rid this country of terrorist, traitors, and unsavory characters that exist presently in this country, than we must keep this act as stated until the Justice Department can investigate all these characters, to include (Bush, Cheney, and Rove) for exposing a CIA Officer, detain them in Asia ( a part of the African Continent) hold them until an International Court can convene, treat them as any other criminal and implement all the provisions of the PATRIOT ACT before any further harm can be caused to this country and the World. The sooner we take above action, than the sooner we will be able to regain the freedom and liberty our Troops are fighting and dying for in Iraq. This Justice Department should not let our Brave Troops die in vain, and this Justice Department owes our Troops. Our Citizens, and the World freedom and justice for All. After the threat is past, we should get rid of this ACT. Meanwhile we need to filibuster Alito and impeach Bush.


Just say no! Ask what is in it for you or your family. Ask how will your family or love ones benefit if we win or lose in Iraq? Ask can you or your love ones gain fair employment, managerial positions or ownership in Halliburton and other industries who are beneficiaries of this illegal occupation? Then make a truthful statement to your commanding officer and the press as to how you are probably discriminated against by your superiors. I would suggest you then offer them your weapon, after realizing who your enemy maybe. Upon your return to America, ask bush how his appointing Alito a racist to the Supreme Court will improve Blacks freedom and opportunities in this country.

FILIBUSTER ALITO / IMPEACH bush / bring Black troops home

To serve in the US to protect the homeland and our human rights, being violated by the Bush Regime. I recently spoke to an African American Marine Officer, who was disturbed about how Black Marines are being treated prior and during Bush’s illegal occupation of Irag. He related to me that if it wasn’t for the low ranking Black Marines who were being discriminated against, and he felt they needed his help, he himself would resign. For this and other reasons Blacks serving in the armed services should not become solders of fortune, but instead should be assigned to protect the human rights of African Americans, and all people regardless of color or faith. This country should also realize why Blacks are not obligated to shed blood for this country. They will not be able to share in the spoils and benefits if any are derived from this invasion, and others. They nor their love ones in their life time will receive equal opportunities in this country. For Blacks to receive the discipline basically the military have to offer, and minorities are so much in need, I would suggest that they recruit Blacks, keep them in safe positions state side and not allow them a weapon, because they may use it against those they perceive to be their enemy.

FILIBUSTER ALITO / IMPEACH this 'son of a bush'

It is time for this president to answer to the American people and the world for lying to the American people in order to invade another country under false pretense. It is time for we, the people, to demand that this administration place a resolution before the U.N. to seek assistance from all countries to participate in resolving the problems created by this administration in adding security benefiting the Iraqi people under UN control and not of the occupying powers of this administration which is bound to fail in the short and long run. Furthermore, it is time to call for the impeachment of George W. Bush for intentionally lying to the American people, by going to war for immoral reasons and purposes. Now is the time to implement impeachment procedures, before more of our troops are placed in harms way for reasons George Bush has failed to explain. He has failed to justify why our soldiers should be maimed or killed. It appears that this administration’s main purpose is controlling the natural resources of Iraq

Wednesday, January 25, 2006


Alito if tried in a reasonable court would be considered a criminal, guilty of supporting hate crimes after admitting supporting a known racist organization ‘CAP’. Now he is going to be awarded a life time appointment on the Supreme Court to promote these views. This criminally oriented administration under this “son of a bush” insists on appointing individuals whose racist views are similar to theirs. We will never achieve freedom and justice for ‘All” unless and until we impeach and stop the injustice created by these un-compassionate evil ones. We need to stop the terrorist acts wherever they exist, whether Afghanistan, Iraq or on Bush’s watch. America need to Move-On, move Bush-Out and allow the world to begin to realize that not all Americans are racist and radicals.

Why America Appointed this 'son of a bush'?

Most Republicans are racist, which don’t mean that all racist are Republicans. Alito is a racist and a Republican which should mean he should not be a judge. America need judges who are just and fair to All.

The Fate of the Black Man in America. With “outbush” things may improve.

That fate is to be a victim of discrimination, unjustly imprisoned, and finally “terminated”. Blacks born in America will all receive this fate, if they survive Iraq and Bush’s War. Now he nominates racist Alito to promote a life of discrimination for African Americans. Arrest Cheney, impeach this ‘son of a bush’ and make the world a better place in which we all may live in peace and harmony.

This 'son of a bush' should be impeached before appointing another racist

Recently charges were made that the Catholic Church should be charged or prosecuted under the “RICO” act. In my opinion so should the Bush Regime. We need Amnesty International to file charges against this administration, for committing terrorist acts against Iraq, killing innocent civilians, causing untold physical, mental and financial loss to a sovereign nation. This was done with a plan to replace a repressive regime with another repressive regime, with no benefits to the Iraq people or the world. For his crimes Bush should resign, and than be impeached, tried by an international body, locked up and treated as any other terrorist under the “Patriot Act”.

Why Bush’s “Reverse Robinhood” policy is failing in Iraq

It is strange that most consercutives are beginning to anger at the problems this administration is creating for this country, when there are lesser evils than those committed in Bush’s first appointment. They benefited from no white child being left behind. They benefited from the “Reverse Robin hood” tax cut. They praised the occupation of a sovereign country Iraq. Possibly are they angry at Bush because he screwed up, and it appears they are not going to rob Iraq and its people of the most valuable commodity oil? I hope these robber barons fare better in the after life.

If Bush’s war is to continue any further, than this is how it should be manned by Americans. First of all those troops who do not believe in our purpose for being in Iraq and believe they should not risk life and limb for this illegal aggression, should be taken out of harms way immediately. There should be no problem in replacing them with “true blooded Americans”, Caucasian consercutives who believe this country is their, and all its resources. They must sacrifice their sons and daughters who will mainly receive the spoils of Bush’s War. We should allow the poor, deprived who are now suffering, to return to this racist society and at least live in poverty but yet have a “possible?” chance at the American dream. This may be possible if they can possibly survive the racism, discrimination supported by the news media, the Bush administration, industry, churches and the majority of this society. It is un-Christian (and certainly un-Christ like) for this administration to allow this illegal act of aggression to begin, must less proceed. Bush should be impeached, his daughters and the sons and daughters of Congress and Senators, to include all those who supported the U.S. invading a sovereign country to provide their love ones for Halliburton and the leading “oil junkies” to un-necessarily invade Iraq at the risk of our brave troops. We need to force Bush to resign, and charge Cheney for treason and other high crimes. Cheney should receive greater punishment because he is intelligent enough to know better. Congressman Murtha certainly speaks on my behalf.

Bush is against “Human Rights” violations in China, but what about minorities in America?

While the Governor of Texas, Bush allowed at least one African American to be executed for a crime he did not commit. Recently a Hispanic has suffered a similar fate. Due to Bush’s remarks at the beginning of the war in Afghanistan, and the negative remarks he and his supporters were making against Islam and Muslims in general, make it apparent this administration’s war efforts were based more on violating the “Human Rights” of Muslims, and its hunger for oifinding the so called terrorist. While protecting white “White Collar” criminals, guilty of treason etc. and imprisoning, convicting, and executing Blacks and Mexicans, giving these citizens sub-standard legal representation with the mentality and compassion that is shameful, and despicable. Let’s work together and see justice served for all Americans, to include Hispanic and Blacks. Let’s try Bush and his regime under the Patriot Act, allow them to spend their time in an undisclosed prison, and remain there until at least this administration can be replaced, with compassionate representation for “ALL”. After the human rights violations is investigated, and resolved, this and any administration need to look at the violations this country hourly and daily perpetrate on minorities before they demand that China or any other nation correct their “Human Rights” violations.

Bush should include Blacks in 'no child left behind'

An article in USA Today indicated that Blacks were sub-standard in education. This article touched on blacks’ improving since 1992. Blacks skills overall will not improve until segregation ends in this country. When I began school in the early ‘40s, and being black, we were given books that the white kids had used, misused and besides outdated. We were taught by teachers to not to use ain’t because ain’t ain’t right. Historic Black Universities and Colleges (HBUC)’s have students graduating saying they are dumber now than when they enrolled. This is due to a system where many of these HBUC’s have Regent Boards who are predominately white who set standards derogatory to black students. They allow science students to get a degree in Biology with only 32 units, knowing that the minimum requirement is 60 plus to get into medical school. These and other racist procedures are cared out throughout our educational system geared to leave no white child behind. Black honor students in high school are counseled to go to junior college, in order to leave slots open for sub-standard white youths. We diminish the civil rights legislation and replace it with ‘Affirmative action’ in order to give the little rights obtained under the civil rights legislation to white’s. Affirmative Action mandates that fewer blacks are allowed to enroll in our major Universities, and more whites’ are allowed to enroll in HBUC medical and nursing schools, leaving blacks further behind as planned. If a black and their parents (my grandfather a Slave), are denied an education as my father, with a system as when I graduated from high school un-equal and un-fair, how can one expect my offspring to compete when little opportunities are available to an entire group in our society, economically, socially, or educationally. I conclude by saying something is wrong with this system and it just “ain’t” right. Thing may improve if.....

RICO Charges

Mr. Ellis mentioned in a posting here that..."Recently charges were made that the Catholic Church should be charged or prosecuted under the “RICO” act. In my opinion so should the Bush Regime."....
I agree 100%. In fact, to the best of my knowledge, this has already happened. A New Hamshire woman, who is also a 9/11 widow, has been running an anti-administration campaign for years know. Part of that campaign was charges filed under the RICO act against Bush, Cheney and others in the administration. In fact, there have been quite a few legal actions taken against the Bush administration. The problem is they are bogged down in court. One of the problems that is going on is the use of the legal system by the Bush administration to further their cause. Using tools like "classified information", "National Security" or the very effective "gag order"; critics, whistle blowers and the opposition have been silenced.
Is anyone out there familiar with the "Able Danger" data mining program, it's whistleblower and what the Pentagon knew at the time? You have not heard much about that recently have you?
We need more agressive legal action here. In addition, someone strong enough to represent that aggressiveness. I'm thinking someone along the lines of William Kunster. Unfortunately, Bill is dead, but we need his kind of will to fight this kind of battle.
National security is definitely a big issue here. The problem has been (in terms of the 2 party system), is that the Democrats are looking at the wrong side of the issue. The Republicans are using the issue (and very effectively); while the Democrats (under fear of appearing "unpatriotic") are not able to "expose" the issue for what it really is. Crimes against humanity, killing of US citizens, a dismantling of the US labor system as we know it, electronic surveilance of U.S. citizens, and other grim events are part of these people's agenda. One of the consequences of this is that if we are not able to turn this around, things like electronic surveilance will be common and widespread. The custom will become part of the culture of americana. Example: Soon private companies and corporate structures will implement these tactics under the pretext that if the government can do it, than they can also. If you think the novel "1984" was scary, that is nothing compared to what's coming down the road.

Friday, January 20, 2006

The apparent goals of this “son of a bush”

Why would a world leader want to appoint a known racist to the Supreme Court? Why would Bush allow African Americans to die in his wars, knowing he is attempting to do everything he can to diminish the little freedom they have gained prior to this racist administration?
Alito joined “CAP” a racist organization, applied for a position with Reagan a racist. . Now he is joining with an administration that refuses to appoint anyone to any important position if they are not a racist. An administration that is supported by Radical Conservatives who admit they are racist, and call Liberals worst than a racist.
This “son of a bush” yet ask African Americans and other minorities to serve and die for his sense of democracy for White People, and his feeble attempt to fulfill his father’s radical dream of “one world order” whereby the White Man will soon rule the world and control all its resources.
America needs judges who are fair, unbiased and intelligent. America don’t need so called Liberal and certainty not Radical Conservative Judges. America’s past and present racial problems stem from the present judicial system that reeks of racist Judges, Prosecutors, FBI, CIA, State and Federal Justices Departments that reek of discrimination and injustice for minorities.
People of color can no longer support this “son of a bush” and this administration. Congress and the world should stop the inhumane treatment toward people of color to include Muslims for this administrations quest for “one world order”. The world will be better without Sadam Hussein, this administration and this “son of a bush”.
Because Bush continues to appoint racist in his administration all African Americans should immediately refuse to fight or die for this country as long as this “son of a bush” is Commander-in-Chief.
Law enforcement officers throughout the country should refuse to cite or arrest African Americans for crimes other than those causing bodily harm. Such protest should continue until Congress can create a system that is just for ALL, to include people of color.

Friday, January 13, 2006

Apparently another “Mission (being) Accomplished”

In an interview on CNN 1/12/06 Senator Sessions was criticizing Senator Kennedy for his implication that Alito was a racist because he belonged to CAP, a known racist organization at Princeton University. The Honorable Sessions went on to complain about Kennedy’s dishonorable behavior in making such accusations. Sessions went on to say that calling a conservative a racist would be equal to conservatives calling Democratic appointees liberals. Sessions went on to say that conservatives have higher moral standards and wouldn’t stoop that low. One would surmise that in Session’s world a liberal is worst than a racist. It is a wonder when the world hear such statements from our statesmen and realizing we are controlled by the radical right wing of the Republican party, fighting for the world oil reserves and one world order, using African Americans, who themselves are treated as slaves, to fight, so that a racist can still be considered a gentleman if he is white. The CNN announcer apparently wasn’t disturbed about Sessions remark. Each and every Bush appointment is selected for the sole purpose of keeping America Christian, Anglo Saxon, with no place for people of color. The majority of the so called liberal press supports this mass discrimination that is in greater supply than the weapons of mass destruction that Saddam Hussien possessed. The day Bush was selected president by this high court, was the first day of the demise of America. America will never see improvement, because God doesn’t like ugly. This court, administration, and its supporters are not only ugly; they are infested with thieves, and liars who are racist. I ask why any reasonable person believes that an African American should risk life or limb to serve these “son of a bushes”. Bring all our Black troops home.

The Wife of a Compassionate Conservative

This first lady? Criminal Background: vehicular manslaughter, avoided paying duty taxes, etc., should be visiting correction facilities seeking amnesty for minorities who have committed crimes less serious then she is guilty of through her youth and adult life. Listening to her speech she certainly is no educator, which is also obvious in observing her husband, I would imagine when we impeach Bush, it will also end her reign. “The Smoking Gun .com blog” should retrieve Laura’s mug shot(s) and ask her to apologize to the American public and the world. All these years she has been portraying herself as a compassionate librarian and is as deceitful as the deceits of Frey’s “A Million Little Pieces”.

Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Why is this president allowed to pick selected audiences that don't include Blacks and other minorities to make his political speeches? Is he the president of white America or all Americans. Apparently this is the reason he can appoint Supreme Court justices that represent only white Americans. Reagan was a racist, Bush is a racist and the administration lied about Iraq. Therefore, we should impeach "this son of a bush".

A concerned Black man

ONe world order and why this "son of a bush" should resign

George Herbert Bush’s plan for the Caucasian people is to rule the world. To achieve these goals, control of oil in particular, would be a necessity. Investing in Kuwait and Saudi Arabia by Bush and his constituents became an important ingredient in instituting that control. Billions of dollars in tax payers’ monies were invested in Kuwait years prior to the invasion of Iraq with the express purpose of invading Iraq.
Due to the extreme racism that exists and has previously existed in the CIA and other intelligence agencies, Bush and company have and had difficulty in gaining influence in Black Africa. They were able to gain some influence in Africa in order to control their natural resources by using Blacks against Blacks. Large contributions were given to OIC international in order that this organization’s employees could act as intelligent agents to ascertain that Black leaders were kept in their place. Now these poor souls ,African American (so called agents), were paid little more than minimum wages to risk life and limb to protect Bush and company while the 99% Caucasian CIA well paid, would benefit from such slave labor.
George Herbert Bush considered his efforts highly moral, knowing once successful he and his regime would achieve a significant goal in achieving “one world order”. This morality is derived by Bush Sr., in the same manner what he and other consider him to be a hero, though he bailed out of his airplane during World War II, leaving his crew and he and others consider such act heroism. As a Black man, I consider him a coward. George Herbert Bush later was elected president of the United States, due to his supposing high moral values and in addition being a so called hero. Conclusion, George Herbert Bush is a coward and never had any values that would indicate he should have been elected president and leader of the free world. An investigation of the Bush family would have shown his negative character. It is apparent that proper vetting could not be achieved when those doing the vetting as our (your) FBI and CIA who Herbert Hoover and Bush once controlled are the most racist intelligence agencies in the world. These agencies have never and will never consider racial parity or any type of human rights an ingredient of their consideration.
Their focus is to continue the practice of Hoover and his ilk. This is essential if “one world order” is to be achieved. The Bush philosophy and the philosophy of those to make this process possible are to keep Blacks in their place. That place is to make positive statements that will produce negative results. For instance it is apparent that the initiative “leave no child behind” meant “leave no white child behind”. Affirmative Action which the Bush regimes support for instance, addresses the achievements of Colin Powell whose purpose in life for Blacks is to build a monument to Black soldiers, while lying to protect Bush’s oil interest, putting our soldiers, many Black, in harms way. This is a weak minded individual who stated there are few golf courses he cannot play, but most club houses he is refused entry. This is a weak minded “Uncle Tom” who commanded a base “Fort Benning, GA” and chose to send his family to Atlanta, GA due to the racism that existed and yet exist in Columbus, GA. It is understandable that the Reagan’s and Bushes would consider such a hero in order to pursue their goals in “one world order”. Condi Rice will do a better job of promoting the Bushes regimes aims and goals of achieving “one world order”. She will protect the Jews at the expense of the Muslims. She will protect the administration’s stance on Affirmative Action for white people. She will do everything in her power to enhance Bushes’ agenda and in the end will become commissioner of Baseball, giving all the Bush families baseball franchises. When this happens the Bushes will cut the wages these uppity professional players have achieved attempting to reach financial parity with white America. These contracts with Condi in control of baseball will accomplish the same goals as Bush the warrior is implementing in New Orleans to create financial imparity, limiting the wages with Blacks in particular so that Halliburton can assist Bush and Company to achieve their goals toward “one world order”, with its main goal to take control of the world’s oil reserves and resources. Bush is an idiot, but he realizes that in order to achieve his dad’s goals of “one world order” he must not hire people of high moral values, especially with morals higher than his own. He must put in place in his administration those on the moral level as Thomas and Scalia to include John Roberts with a crew such as Ashcroft, a known racist as Attorney General, a robber baron who negotiated with Iran when heading up Halliburton as VP, with a Congress bought and sold by his regime who supports only white America, with a Defense Secretary who would gladly join forces to participate and formulate an unjust war, too stupid to realize that white soldiers would die as well as Blacks in a war all about oil. “Rummy” thought that he could send his “star war” crew which included mostly Caucasians in jets, helicopters, smart bombs, etc., with foot soldiers disproportionately Black, go into Iraq and overthrow a government with no idea of the end results. “Rummy” didn’t realize that he would have to use the National Guard and reserves that had the same plan as Bush himself and most never intended to shed blood for this country although they received the majority of benefits. “Rummy” must now realize that his gross mistakes will be a considerable set back for “one world order” with its intent to suppress Blacks, enhance Whites and to increase the living standards of the majority while suppressing parity among the minority population. It pains me to see any one killed or maimed and especially when it is in vain. The amazing thing about Bush, your president, is that first he could get elected by basically saying that he believed in equal rights for white people and no one challenged him, including the media who apparently supported and still supports his views. Many said he was honest and it was their reasons for voting for him. I believed he was honest but immoral and that was my reason for not supporting him then and now. See;
It is comforting that John Roberts, the appointed Chief Justice, supports Affirmative Action. Within the context of that belief I would hope that he supports financial and social parity for all our citizens, to include African Americans. It is hopeful that he don’t support Bush’s belief in affirmative action for white females and Caucasians, but only for Blacks to affirmatively die for this country. Bush’s affirmative action is based on these individuals serving their country in low ranks of the military, without benefits of higher education; lower the wage scale as for Halliburton in New Orleans to achieve parity for large corporations, banks and his supporters in Congress and elsewhere. To ascertain that the accused racist senator Trent Lott from Mississippi is given preferential treatment in rebuilding his mansion (his second or third home) prior to the building of homes of the victims of Katrina as in New Orleans, you have to give him credit for being truthful, if not honorable in the manner that he expresses his morals and beliefs, just as he expressed himself In one of his first press conferences, in Alabama and Mississippi at the beginning of the Katrina disaster. I would like for John Roberts who is likely to be confirmed as Chief Justice to promise not to overturn Roe v Wade. With parents the likes of Martha and George Herbert Bush, it is important that Roe v Wade remain in tact. Had these two knowing of the offspring they would produce, had the foresight of how this particular offspring would turn out , they themselves are morally wrong for not doing what is right for the world and they should have abided by the provisions of Roe v Wade. I ask that John Roberts take a look at the conditions of African Americans in America. Consider the unfairness, both socially and financially, how these citizens suffer, while Bush’s regime is so interested in creating a so called democracy in Iraq. How can any American, Blacks in particular, die and be maimed in order that this regime can achieve its goal of “one world order” again using slave labor and racial inequality as its main ingredients.
Mr. Roberts, the fate of our society may very well rest in you future decisions, and as a Muslim, I pray that your morals far surpass that of those who appointed you to this important position. As to Bush and family it is my wish that you Mr. Appointed President would for the good of the country you say you love, would resign, and take your racist mother and your cowardly father and take a boat by which your forefathers came and return to Europe and espouse your beliefs. Europe deserves you and your kind, America does not. I would rather for you and your administration, to be exiled to Iran, Iraq or Saudi Arabia those countries you and your regime support, and live happily thereafter. As a descendant of one who was born in slavery and a grandfather who was a slave, I have been told on many occasions in conversations with law enforcement and others that if I did not like this country I should consider going to Africa. My reply to them and to Bush and his regime (including Roberts) is that if you would provide me with acceptable reparation promised, I would consider and gladly leave this racist society, but I would not allow you to tell me where to go.
I will close by stating that though I’m suggesting where you should go, I would pray that you leave immediately, before you are able to appoint another idiot, the likes of your Homeland Security Advisor that again must have been placed there to carry out your father’s goals of “one world order”, to harm, kill, imprison and deprave African Americans so that these individuals cannot participate in any type of parity, socially or economically, but will give credence to your father’s “one world order”.
Bush, you and your administration have shown yourself to be “pro White and anti Black”. You have openly shown this in your actions and inactions in New Orleans.
I as an African American has always and will always be pro-Black, but not anti anyone. I feel that even in your position as a leader of the free world, you and your regime should have the right to be pro White, but especially the position you hold requires that you not be anti Black as you and this administration present itself. Those in Iraq should realize your administration’s position when it comes to people of color.

How to bring our troops home

We will only be able to bring our troops home with minimum loss of life by asking and authorizing Minister Farrakan, Rev. Jessie Jackson and former President Jimmy Carter to act as ambassadors and negotiate a cease fire and bring our troops home from this senseless war.
If Bush and his regime have any love for America and the world he will heed this advice.
With ambassadors as Minister Farrakan, Rev. Jackson, and former President Jimmy Carter one speaks and the other understand the customs and language of the Muslim people.
It is criminal that Congress allowed and continues to allow this administration to continue to kill and maim in their quest for “One World Order” in order that the right wing of this country in conspiracy with Haliburton will control the world. Congress should force Bush to appoint such ambassadors and hope they will serve while Bush is forced from office and tried for his war crimes and crimes against humanity in America affecting the entire universe.

Why this "son of a bush" should be impeached

It is time for this president to answer to the American people and the world for lying to the American people in order to invade another country under false pretence. It is time for we, the people, to demand that this administration place a resolution before the U.N. to seek assistance from all countries to participate in resolving the problems created by this administration in adding security benefiting the Iraqi people under UN control and not of the occupying powers of this administration which is bound to fail in the short and long run. Furthermore, it is time to call for the impeachment of George W. Bush for intentionally lying to the American people, by going to war for immoral reasons and purposes. Now is the time to implement impeachment procedures, before more of our troops are placed in harms way for reasons George Bush has failed to explain. He has failed to justify why our soldiers should be maimed or killed. It appears that this administration’s main purpose is controlling the natural resources of Iraq.

Impeach Geroge W. Bush.......................
because he is the worst "son of a bush" to ever enter the White House

Why We Should Impeach Bush

I am reposting what I consider my most important post since I first discovered this forum five years ago. It’s not my most clever or the most entertaining one, but in this time of peril, it is the most important. It is patterned after the original Declaration of Independence. It received two positive votes and a negative one when I first posted it yesterday. To the two who agreed my appreciation, to the one who did not, my hope that some day we will agree. Here it is for a final time:
The New Declaration of Independence
When in the course of human events, it becomes necessary for a people to dissolve their political system which ceases to function for their benefit; they must declare to all their citizens and the rest of the world the reasons for such action.
In our country we hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men and women and people of all races, nationalities and religions are created equal, and that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights. Among those rights are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. To secure these rights, we have instituted a Representative government which derives its just powers from the consent of the governed.
We submit that, as our founding fathers said in the past, whenever our form of government becomes destructive of these ends, it is our right and duty to alter or abolish it, and to institute a new government, laying its foundation on such principles, and organizing its powers in such form, to accomplish the desired ends.
As the founders of this nation cautioned, governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; They also said that all experience has shown, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed.
When a long train of abuses and usurpations, designed to reduce our citizens under absolute despotism become evident. That’s when it is our right and duty, to throw off those who attempt to subjugate us, and to institute a new government with improved safeguards to best serve all our citizens.
Such is now the necessity which constrains us to alter our present system of government. The history of this government is a history of repeated injuries, usurpations, and corruption all having as a direct objective the establishment of an absolute tyranny over our people. We submit these facts to prove our case:
Our President repeatedly demonstrated disregard for the laws of our country as defined by our U.S. Constitution, the document which forms the basis of our form of government and legal system, the very document which defines us as a great free nation. We have petitioned our President for redress in the most humble and sometimes not so humble terms: But, he refuses to listen, instead his answers have been denial of action, meaningless speeches and repeated injury to our intelligence. Our President is thus marked by every act which may define a tyrant, and therefore unfit to be the ruler of a free People.
We have warned our Senators and Representatives of attempts by lobbyists to extend unwarrantable corporate power over us. We reminded them that this country was established by people seeking freedom from oppression by the powerful. We appealed to their sense of justice and honor, and we have conjured to disavow these usurpations. Instead, they have been deaf to the voice of justice and chose the low road of self interest.
Therefore, WE THE PEOPLE OF THESE FIFTY UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, solemnly publish and declare, that our people by right ought to be, FREE; that our Constitution must be protected and honored; that we are absolved from all allegiance to the present corrupt executive branch of government; that all agreements of representation between the people and their corrupt representatives in Congress, are and ought to be totally dissolved.
As FREE AND INDEPENDENT PEOPLE, we have full power to choose new leaders who will cherish our Constitutional laws and freedoms provided us by the Bill of Rights, and pledge to protect our Democratic way of life from those wish to destroy it from within and outside our borders.
We support this declaration, with a firm reliance on the protection of the divine Providence, and mutually pledge to each other our lives, our fortunes, and our sacred honor.
- Ted Neros, Liberal (January 11, 2006; Visalia, CA)

Don't let this "son of a bush" appoint another racist

This administration’s actions are harmful to my son who serves with the 82nd Airborne in Iraq, harmful to all who serve, many being minorities who will never benefit from the spoils intended if successful. If this administration continues to doll out such benefits to its special interest, which are 99% Caucasian, such spoils will go to the upper l% of the rich.
Congress, the American People, and the world should insist that a resolution be negotiated immediately in the UN, allowing other nations to assist, and use Muslims to assist in resolving Muslim problems. This administration need to look at the discriminatory actions it implements and enacts on Blacks and others in this country prior to offering freedom to Iraqis.
A partial solution would be to ask the UN to take charge of Iraq immediately. After doing so they should take charge of the Blacks in the US Army, have them come to the homeland and protect Blacks Human Rights in this country from this Administration, Ashcroft, and a justice system that is so unjust.

The Supreme Court and What It Should Represent

If we are going to have a democracy, we should not be appointing conservative nor liberal judges to any of our courts. Our efforts should be to appoint judges who will protect the liberties and right of all in this country regardless of race, creed or color.