We need to keep the Patriot Act until we can impeach the “son of a bush”
It is time for this president to answer to the American people and the world for lying to the American people in order to invade another country under false pretense. It is time for we, the people, to demand that this administration place a resolution before the U.N. to seek assistance from all countries to participate in resolving the problems created by this administration in adding security benefiting the Iraqi people under UN control and not of the occupying powers of this administration which is bound to fail in the short and long run. Furthermore, it is time to call for the impeachment of George W. Bush for intentionally lying to the American people, by going to war for immoral reasons and purposes. Now is the time to implement impeachment procedures, before more of our troops are placed in harms way for reasons George Bush has failed to explain. He has failed to justify why our soldiers should be maimed or killed. It appears that this administration’s main purpose is controlling the natural resources of Iraq
An article in USA Today indicated that Blacks were sub-standard in education. This article touched on blacks’ improving since 1992. Blacks skills overall will not improve until segregation ends in this country. When I began school in the early ‘40s, and being black, we were given books that the white kids had used, misused and besides outdated. We were taught by teachers to not to use ain’t because ain’t ain’t right. Historic Black Universities and Colleges (HBUC)’s have students graduating saying they are dumber now than when they enrolled. This is due to a system where many of these HBUC’s have Regent Boards who are predominately white who set standards derogatory to black students. They allow science students to get a degree in Biology with only 32 units, knowing that the minimum requirement is 60 plus to get into medical school. These and other racist procedures are cared out throughout our educational system geared to leave no white child behind. Black honor students in high school are counseled to go to junior college, in order to leave slots open for sub-standard white youths. We diminish the civil rights legislation and replace it with ‘Affirmative action’ in order to give the little rights obtained under the civil rights legislation to white’s. Affirmative Action mandates that fewer blacks are allowed to enroll in our major Universities, and more whites’ are allowed to enroll in HBUC medical and nursing schools, leaving blacks further behind as planned. If a black and their parents (my grandfather a Slave), are denied an education as my father, with a system as when I graduated from high school un-equal and un-fair, how can one expect my offspring to compete when little opportunities are available to an entire group in our society, economically, socially, or educationally. I conclude by saying something is wrong with this system and it just “ain’t” right. Thing may improve if.....
Mr. Ellis mentioned in a posting here that..."Recently charges were made that the Catholic Church should be charged or prosecuted under the “RICO” act. In my opinion so should the Bush Regime."....
Why would a world leader want to appoint a known racist to the Supreme Court? Why would Bush allow African Americans to die in his wars, knowing he is attempting to do everything he can to diminish the little freedom they have gained prior to this racist administration?
In an interview on CNN 1/12/06 Senator Sessions was criticizing Senator Kennedy for his implication that Alito was a racist because he belonged to CAP, a known racist organization at Princeton University. The Honorable Sessions went on to complain about Kennedy’s dishonorable behavior in making such accusations. Sessions went on to say that calling a conservative a racist would be equal to conservatives calling Democratic appointees liberals. Sessions went on to say that conservatives have higher moral standards and wouldn’t stoop that low. One would surmise that in Session’s world a liberal is worst than a racist. It is a wonder when the world hear such statements from our statesmen and realizing we are controlled by the radical right wing of the Republican party, fighting for the world oil reserves and one world order, using African Americans, who themselves are treated as slaves, to fight, so that a racist can still be considered a gentleman if he is white. The CNN announcer apparently wasn’t disturbed about Sessions remark. Each and every Bush appointment is selected for the sole purpose of keeping America Christian, Anglo Saxon, with no place for people of color. The majority of the so called liberal press supports this mass discrimination that is in greater supply than the weapons of mass destruction that Saddam Hussien possessed. The day Bush was selected president by this high court, was the first day of the demise of America. America will never see improvement, because God doesn’t like ugly. This court, administration, and its supporters are not only ugly; they are infested with thieves, and liars who are racist. I ask why any reasonable person believes that an African American should risk life or limb to serve these “son of a bushes”. Bring all our Black troops home.
This first lady? Criminal Background: vehicular manslaughter, avoided paying duty taxes, etc., should be visiting correction facilities seeking amnesty for minorities who have committed crimes less serious then she is guilty of through her youth and adult life. Listening to her speech she certainly is no educator, which is also obvious in observing her husband, I would imagine when we impeach Bush, it will also end her reign. “The Smoking Gun .com blog” should retrieve Laura’s mug shot(s) and ask her to apologize to the American public and the world. All these years she has been portraying herself as a compassionate librarian and is as deceitful as the deceits of Frey’s “A Million Little Pieces”.
Why is this president allowed to pick selected audiences that don't include Blacks and other minorities to make his political speeches? Is he the president of white America or all Americans. Apparently this is the reason he can appoint Supreme Court justices that represent only white Americans. Reagan was a racist, Bush is a racist and the administration lied about Iraq. Therefore, we should impeach "this son of a bush".
George Herbert Bush’s plan for the Caucasian people is to rule the world. To achieve these goals, control of oil in particular, would be a necessity. Investing in Kuwait and Saudi Arabia by Bush and his constituents became an important ingredient in instituting that control. Billions of dollars in tax payers’ monies were invested in Kuwait years prior to the invasion of Iraq with the express purpose of invading Iraq.
We will only be able to bring our troops home with minimum loss of life by asking and authorizing Minister Farrakan, Rev. Jessie Jackson and former President Jimmy Carter to act as ambassadors and negotiate a cease fire and bring our troops home from this senseless war.
It is time for this president to answer to the American people and the world for lying to the American people in order to invade another country under false pretence. It is time for we, the people, to demand that this administration place a resolution before the U.N. to seek assistance from all countries to participate in resolving the problems created by this administration in adding security benefiting the Iraqi people under UN control and not of the occupying powers of this administration which is bound to fail in the short and long run. Furthermore, it is time to call for the impeachment of George W. Bush for intentionally lying to the American people, by going to war for immoral reasons and purposes. Now is the time to implement impeachment procedures, before more of our troops are placed in harms way for reasons George Bush has failed to explain. He has failed to justify why our soldiers should be maimed or killed. It appears that this administration’s main purpose is controlling the natural resources of Iraq.
Impeach Geroge W. Bush.......................
I am reposting what I consider my most important post since I first discovered this forum five years ago. It’s not my most clever or the most entertaining one, but in this time of peril, it is the most important. It is patterned after the original Declaration of Independence. It received two positive votes and a negative one when I first posted it yesterday. To the two who agreed my appreciation, to the one who did not, my hope that some day we will agree. Here it is for a final time:
This administration’s actions are harmful to my son who serves with the 82nd Airborne in Iraq, harmful to all who serve, many being minorities who will never benefit from the spoils intended if successful. If this administration continues to doll out such benefits to its special interest, which are 99% Caucasian, such spoils will go to the upper l% of the rich.
If we are going to have a democracy, we should not be appointing conservative nor liberal judges to any of our courts. Our efforts should be to appoint judges who will protect the liberties and right of all in this country regardless of race, creed or color.